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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Madhusudan Reddy, Dr. V./English/Integral Yoga Psychology/The Knowledge and the Ignorance.htm
6. The Knowledge and the Ignorance
The seven principles of existence are essentially one, for they all are the statuses of one Spirit, powers of one Power, and inseparable in action. "They are the seven colours of the light of the divine consciousness, the rays of the Infinite."24 But the world we live in is the very opposite of divinity. It is based on Inconscience and Ignorance, falsehood and division. The Inconscience appears to be the beginning and the end of the earth-phenomenon. For the superficial analyst and the surface-observer, reconciliation between the Superconscient and the Inconscient seems impossible. The antinomy, the dichotomy is apparently
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Madhusudan Reddy, Dr. V./English/Integral Yoga Psychology/The Perpetual Discovery.htm
Integral Yoga Psychology
Integral Yoga Psychology
1. Psychology: The Perpetual Discovery
While physical and life-sciences have made rapid advances and known Nature to some extent, psychology— the science of human thought — has not made similar progress. It has yet to know the many hidden possibilities of our mind. Modern Western psychology basically suffers from the materialistic error of making the study of the mind dependent upon our knowledge of the body. It suffers, too, from "a sceptical error which prevents any bold and clear-eyed investigation of the hidden profundities of our subjective existence; the e
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Madhusudan Reddy, Dr. V./English/Integral Yoga Psychology/Preface.htm
With any new area of study, it is necessary to define the relationship of that area to existing schools of thought. This is a crucial question in psychology today. Within the last three decades psychology has seen a radical development. Following the psychoanalytic and behavioristic traditions there emerged a 'third force' and a 'fourth force' known as humanistic and transpersonal psychologies. In addition, there are in the field the phenomenological and existential schools. Alongside these recent "forces" in the Western psychological tradition, there has been the development of another psychological approach based on the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo. This may be called the Integral