
Acronyms used in the website

SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Archaka/English/Images Of The Future/Images of the future.htm
There was a time, before Time, when thought did not exist. A time will come, after Time, when thought will no longer be. Before, there was silence. There will be Silence after. There was ignorance before. And the universe did not exist. There will be knowledge after. And the universe will no longer be. Before, no form perceived the universe. One form, after, will extend beyond the universe. For what we call the universe is but a manifested form of what we call God. It corresponds to thought. What does not think cannot perceive it, but perceives something else and obeys other laws. What no longer thinks will no longer perceive it, but will see something else and be governed
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Archaka/English/Images Of The Future/Introduction.htm
Introduction Archaka (Invoker of Light) and Alexandre Kalda were the names of this remarkable author born on 27th December 1943. His first novel published at the age of 16 by Grasset, the prestigious French publisher and then a whole series accepted by the principal publishing houses of France (several by Albin Michel) and hailed by the critics. He arrived at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in India in 1975 where he was based and spent most of his life until he left his body at the age of 53 on 7th February 1996. In the introduction to his "Le Dieu de Dieu" he gives us some glimpses into his life: "I belong to the generation of genocides: the one which came to birth during th
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Archaka/English/Images Of The Future/precontent.htm
ARCHAKA IMAGES OF THE FUTURE Sri Mira Trust DU MÊME AUTEUR ouvrages publiés en Inde LE JARDIN DU MONDE, poésie (épuisé) NI LA TERRE NI LE SOLEIL EN BOUGENT, péisie (épuisé) JE ME SOUVIENS DU CIEL, théâtre (épuisé) LES TEMPS PRÉ-ÉTERNELS, essai LE SACRILÉGE, roman BÉNÉDICTION DEL'ABÎME, essai LE TEMPLE DE L'APOCALYPSE, essai LA GALAXIE HUMAINE, essai (à paraître) First French Edition: 1992 English Translation: 1999 First French Edition: 1992 English Translation: 1999 © Sri Mira Trust Prin