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Human Relations
I would suggest that in your relations with others, - which seem always to
have been full of disharmony, - when incidents occur, it would be much
better for you not to take the standpoint that you are all in the right
and they are all in the wrong. It would be wiser to be fair and just in
reflection, seeing where you have gone astray, and even laying stress on
your own fault and not on theirs. This would probably lead to more harmony
in your relations with others; at any rate, it would be more conducive to
your inner progre
Human Relations
is always better to keep a quiet mind and to abstain from rushing to conclusions
before you have the necessary information.
April 1932
The Mother
(Ref: Collected Works of the Mother, Vol
14, P: 291-294)
Unless your vision is constantly the vision of the Divine in all things, you have not only no right but no capacity to judge the state which others are in. And to pronounce a judgment on someone without having this vision spontaneously, effortlessly,
Human Relations
The inner loneliness can only be cured by the inner experience of union with the Divine; no human association can fill the void. In the same way, for the
spiritual life the harmony with others must be founded not on mental and vital affinities, but on the divine consciousness and the union with the Divine. When one feels the Divine and feels others in the Divine, then the real harmony comes. Meanwhile what there can be is the goodwill and unity founded on the feeling of a common divine goal and the sense of being all children of the Mother.... Real harmony
can come only from a psych
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Devashish Patnaik/English/Human Relations/Opinions of Others.htm
Human Relations
of Others
are quite right in not allowing the moods and fancies of people to effect you.
You must soar above all that in the constant feeling of the Divine's Presence,
Love and Protection.
(Ref: Collected Works of the Mother, Vol
14, P: 299-302)
let anything from outside approach and disturb you. What people think, do or say
is of little importance. The only thing that counts is your relation with the
April 19
Human Relations
help others is the best way of helping oneself. For, if you are sincere, you
will soon discover that all their difficulties and all their failures are the
sure signs of the same corresponding deficiency in you. Indeed, they prove that
something in you is not perfect enough to be all-powerful.
Collected Works of the Mother, Vol 14, P: 295)
material organisation, whatever its degree of preparation, is capable of
bringing a
Human Relations
Do not dwell much
on the defects of others. It is not helpful. Keep always quiet and peace
in the attitude.
Sri Aurobindo
(Ref: Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, Vol 23, P:826)
That is quite right.
Only those who sympathise can help - surely also one should be able to see
the faults of others without hatred. Hatred injures both parties, it helps
Sri Aurobindo
(Ref: Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, Vol 23, P:826)
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Devashish Patnaik/English/Human Relations/Human Relation in Yoga.htm
Human Relations
Personal relation is not a part of the yoga. When one has the union with the Divine, then only can there be a true spiritual relation with others.
The inner being turned to the Divine naturally draws away from old vital relations and outer movements and contacts till it can bring a new consciousness into the external being.
It is as the love of the Divine grows that the other things cease to trouble the mind.
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