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Some Thoughts on Pruning
After you complete a work of pruning it should look as if you had
never been there.
I have had during my life the great blessing of working intimately with
trees, pruning them in tropical, sub-tropical and temperate
climates. It has always been a sacred work, a collaboration with
the spirit of the species to understand its nature and the expression of
beauty it manifests and to work with it to enhance its beauty and help
in realizing its aspiration.
The work of pruning can be physically demanding and req
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Flowers and Gardens/Photographing Flowers - A letter to a Disciple.htm
Dear Friend,
I received your photographs and can feel the
sincerity with which you are approaching this work for the
Mother. Your aspiration is exemplary. Another flower book is now
in the press. It is a updated and expanded version of the first
book, Flowers and Their Messages, and the cover
is in color, but again, it is without color photos inside. This
is why the Field Guide will be so valuable to those aspiring to
learn the significance of flowers.
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Flowers and Gardens/Remembrance of Sri Aurobindo.htm
Remembrance of Sri Aurobindo
Lobelia 'Cambridge Blue'
This is the correct color of the Lobelia named by Mother and grown in the
Matrimandir Gardens Nursery. I brought Her flowers in a plastic bag on my
motorcycle, entered the Ashram where Tara was waiting, and would stand
below Her room and hear Her exclaim on their beauty. This significance is
one of the most beautiful to me and is forever held in my heart.
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Flowers and Gardens/Beginning of the Supramental Realisation.htm
Beginning of the
Supramental Realisation
Butea monosperma
(B. frondosa)
In the early years of Auroville,
specifically the early 1970’s one could see Butea trees lining the
village tanks. Today they are not so plentiful but nonetheless
offer a magnificent glowing picture against the background of water and
The Mother has given us its message, “Beginning of the Supramental
Realisation” and she has given us the most wonderful comment: “With its
charming beauty it is the herald of victory.
Indeed this tree in full bloom is a breathtaking sight. It
certainly justifies its common name, “Flame of the Forest”. In
India it is known as Palash
A New Flower book of Flowers and Their Messages given by The Mother.htm
View All Highlighted Matches
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Flowers and Gardens/A New Flower book of Flowers and Their Messages given by The Mother.htm
A New Flower book of
Flowers and Their Messages
Given by the Mother
October 2012
Dear Ashramites, Devotees and Disciples all over the world,
About three years ago I received a strong intuition that gave me a clear
vision as to how to create a new flower book that would be so easy to
use that anyone would be able to identify any flower Mother named
without difficulty.
The book will be titled “A Field Guide to Flowers and Their
Messages” and would include a
photograph of the flower in full colour with a measurement to show its
actual size. Flowers would be grouped in sections by colour and the
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Flowers and Gardens/Mothers Garden in Georgia/May 2012 - Cherry Trees and Flower Significances.htm
Mother’s Garden – May 2012
Cherry Trees and Flower Significances
Other than the first major revision of the nearly 900
significances Mother gave to flowers and the subsequent two-volume edition
with colour photographs, there has not been much written on the messages
that flowers give to the world. It is well documented that some people
have the ability to see fairies at work in the garden and in fact in all
of Nature. What we need now are people to develop the inner communication
with flowers to be able to give their essential message or ‘spiritual
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Flowers and Gardens/Mothers Garden in Georgia/Mid May 2012 - Beauty in Art - The Regal Peony.htm
Mother’s Garden in Georgia – Mid May 2012
Beauty in Art – The Regal Peony
The peony, beloved of flowers in the orient as well as in
temperate climates is prized for the beauty of its form the fragrance and
abundance from early spring until the onset of hot weather. As there are
innumerable types of peonies, a subject too vast to cover in an article,
we will focus only on those peonies grown in Mother’s Garden.
Mother has given the peony the significance “Beauty in
Art” and here is Her comment.
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Flowers and Gardens/Mothers Garden in Georgia/Early Spring - Magnolias, Daffodils and More.htm
Mother’s Garden in Georgia – Early Spring
The Power of Beauty
Magnolias, Daffodils and More
Before we look at these magnificent harbingers of
spring let us contemplate what Mother has written about discovering the
significances of flowers. We reproduce below Her comment in Her hand.
Lorsqu'on est en rapport conscient avec son propre être
psychique on s'aperçoit qu'il y a un psychique impersonnel derrière
toute la création et alors à traverrs lui on peut entrer en rapport avec
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Flowers and Gardens/Mothers Garden in Georgia/April 24, 2012 - Hellebores and Iris.htm
Mother’s Garden in Georgia – April 24, 2012
In Honour of the Mother’s final arrival in
Pondicherry, April 24, 1920
Hellebores and Iris
The Lenten Rose (Helleborus) are about to scatter their
seeds in shady areas throughout Mother’s Garden. They have become a
special delight for me as they are in bloom throughout the winter and
still blooming when I return from the Ashram in March. The flowers are
modest, usually nodding, and subtle in their colour range. New colours
appear frequently as the plants, much like my beloved
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Flowers and Gardens/Mothers Garden in Georgia/June 2012 - Collective Harmony - Hydrangea.htm
Mother’s Garden in Georgia – June 2012
Collective Harmony
One of the stunning displays of early summer is the
flowering of hydrangeas. To these Mother has given the name “Collective
Harmony”, and Her comment is powerful, revealing and of great
significance in these turbulent days.
“Collective harmony is the work undertaken by the
Divine Consciousness; it alone has the power to realise it.”
There are four major types of hydrangea and they vary from
immense shrubs to compact miniatures.