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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Flowers and Gardens/Mothers Garden in Georgia/Introduction.htm
Mother's Garden in Georgia
Mother's Garden in
Georgia, in the southern part of the U.S., is north of the capital, Atlanta, a
drive of about an hour and a half.
The area is at the foothills of the three thousand mile Appalachian mountain
range. Spring is long, summer is
hot and humid reminding one of Pondicherry, autumn is beautiful and winter,
though once every few years a light snowfall descends, is usually mild until freezing
temperatures in mid January. In
late February the first daffodils (Power
of Beauty) appear in masses of 10,000-20,000. Soon after the strikingly beautiful hybrids
of the ÔCup and Saucer' magnolias (Magnolia soulangeana) and the sta
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Flowers and Gardens/Mothers Garden in Georgia/April 10, 2012 - Lilacs and Fragrances.htm
Mother’s Garden in Georgia - April 10, 2012
Lilacs and Fragrances
For the past week, wherever I walk in Mother’s Garden the
fragrance of lilacs, even in the slightest breeze, trills the soul. Though
this is a climate said to be too warm for lilacs they flourish in Mother’s
Garden and in pocket microclimates in this area. Perhaps the influence of
the lake has something to do with certain cultivars blooming for us
regularly. I don’t really know but I do know that their perfume is
enchanting and one never tires of it.
We do have a he
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Flowers and Gardens/Mothers Garden in Georgia/April 1, 2012 - Spring.htm
Mother’s Garden - April 1, 2012
Flowers are the moment’s representation of things
that are in themselves eternal.
Sri Aurobindo
Not only beauty but destruction as well this week in
Mother’s Garden. A worker failed to watch the fire in the burn pit and a
strong wind came up and blew sparks onto the leaves and the woods caught
fire. Huge rhododendrons fifteen years old were destroyed at the border of
the garden. For the past weeks we have all been praying for the fires at
Ol ari Nyiro the 100,000
-01_March 21, 2012 - Abundance of Beauty - Azaleas and
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March 21, 2012
Abundance of Beauty
Azaleas and Rhododendron
Jet lag is over, five months of mail sorted out, taxes sent
in, suitcases unpacked and now – into Mother’s Garden. This is the
earliest onset of Spring I can remember. Temperatures have been in the low
80's (28C) for days and everything is breaking dormancy.
Bird song fills the air from early morning. The deep red
Cardinals fly into the bushes bordering the road to build their homes in
the haven of Mother’s Garden. Twice n
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Flowers and Gardens/Plumerias - Psycological Perfection/Article on Narad and Mary Helen.htm
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Flowers and Gardens/Plumerias - Psycological Perfection/Plumeria World - September 2014.htm
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Flowers and Gardens/The Spiritual Significance of Flowers/On Flowers and Their Messages.htm
On Flowers
and Their Messages
Flowers have been the mediums for messages since
time immemorial. In the Victorian era they were used as love notes
to convey the deepest feelings between lover and beloved. Yet long
before this usage flowers were offered to the gods as vehicles of
prayer and devotion. They have also been for ages the most
beautiful and heartfelt way of expressing grief and reverence for
the dead as well as treasured offerings on the occasions of
births, w
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Flowers and Gardens/The Spiritual Significance of Flowers/A Note of Thanks.htm
A Note of Thanks
First and foremost, the gratitude of all the
world and especially disciples and devotees of Sri Aurobindo and
The Mother should be offered to Tara Jauhar for her careful and
diligent preservation of Mother’s commentaries on the messages
of flowers. When I visited Tara at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram,
Delhi branch, she showed me a cupboard filled with books she had
prepared to hold the commentaries Mother gave when we were
preparing the first major revision of the fl
Flowering Vines
The Brilliant Bougainvilleas
There are many types of vines and they come in all sizes
from those that attach their roots to walls, to those that twine around
objects to others that climb to great heights to spill over arches and
fences and even those that trail along the ground. Mother has named many
beautiful vining plants and there are still many more whose significances
are yet to be discovered. Unlocking the genetic codes of many species has
led to breakthroughs in colour, size and beauty, especial