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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/Evolution and the Earthly Destiny/The Spirit of Tapasya.htm
The Spirit of Tapasya
TAPASYA (Asceticism) is usually understood to mean the
capacity to undergo physical discomfort and suffering. We
are familiar with various types of Tapasya: sitting in summer
with blazing fire all around and the fiery noonday sun over-
head (Panchagnivrata), exposing one's bare limbs to the cold
biting blasts among the eternal snows, lying down on a bed of
sharp nails, betaking oneself to sack-cloth and ashes, fasting
even to the point of death: there is no end to the variety of
ways and means which man's ingenuity has invented to torture
himself. Somehow the feeling has grown among spiritual,
religious and even moral aspirants as well that the body
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/Evolution and the Earthly Destiny/The March of Civilisation .htm
The March of Civilisation
WE are familiar with the phrase "Augustan Age": it is in
reference to a particular period in a nation's history when its
creative power is at its highest both in respect of quantity
and quality, especially in the domain of art and literature,
for it is here that the soul of a people finds expression most
easily and spontaneously. Indeed, if we look at the panorama
that the course of human evolution unfolds, we see epochs of
high light in various countries spread out as towering beacons
or soaring peaks bathed in sunlight dominating the flat plains
or darksome valleys of the usual normal periods. Take the
Augustan Age itself which has given
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/Evolution and the Earthly Destiny/The Immortal Person.htm
The Immortal Person
THE whole purpose of man's life upon earth, it may be said,
is to make an individuality of himself and to grow in that
individuality and organise it perfectly.
An ordinary man is a most disorganised entity and possesses
no individual character. His mind is a conglomeration of
thoughts and ideas which do not particularly belong to him,
but to everybody, being elements of the world-mind in general.
His vital being too is a medley of desires, impulses, energies
that are not personal in any sense, but pass through him or
take a long or short-term asylum in him from the universal
vital force. The body, being a defini
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/Evolution and the Earthly Destiny/Savitri .htm
SAVITRI, the poem, the word of Sri Aurobindo is the
cosmic Answer to the cosmic Question. And Savitri, the person, the Godhead, the
Divine Woman is the Divine's response to the human aspiration.
he world is a great
question mark. It is a riddle, eternal and ever-recurring. Man has faced the
riddle and sought to arrive at a solution since he has been given a mind to seek
and interrogate.
What is this universe? From
where has it come? Whither is it going ? What is the purpose of it all ? Why is
man here ? What is the object of his existence?
Such is the mode of human
aspiration. And Ashwapati in his quest begins to exp
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/Evolution and the Earthly Destiny/Mind and the Mental World.htm
Mind and the Mental World
THE world of the mind is a vast field, even vaster it seems than
the physical world. The physical world extends, science tells us,
to millions of light-years. We may say practically, it is an
infinite extension and mind is a thing which surrounds, envelops
this measureless extension. Mind surpasses the physical on
another count, that is to say, in respect of speed. A material
body at its best travels at the speed of light, that is to say, in a
second it goes about 200,000 miles (a little less). But thought
does not meet any obstruction in respect of distance; whatever
the distance, it reaches its goal immediately, it does not take
account of
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/Evolution and the Earthly Destiny/The Divine Man.htm
The Divine Man
THE core of Sri Aurobindo's teaching, the central pivot on
which his Yoga arid his work rest is the mystery of the Divine
Descent—Spirit descending into Matter and becoming Matter,
God coming down upon earth and becoming human, and as a
necessary and inevitable consequence, Matter rising and being
transformed into Spirit and man becoming God and Godlike.
This is a truth, a fact of creation—giving the whole clue to
the riddle of this world—that has not been envisaged at all in
the past, or otherwise overlooked and not given the value and
importance that it has. Poets and seers, sages and saints along
with common men from the very birth of humanity have
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/Evolution and the Earthly Destiny/precontent.htm
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/Evolution and the Earthly Destiny/Education as the Growth of Consciousness.htm
Education as the Growth of Consciousness
ALL knowledge is within you. Information you get from outside,
but the understanding of it ? It is from within. The information
from outside gives you dead matter. What puts life into it,
light into it is your own inner light.
All education, all culture means drawing this inner light
to the front. Indeed the word 'education' literally means, 'to
bring out.' Plato also pointed to the same truth when he said
that education is remembrance. You remember what is imbedded or secreted within, you bring to the light, the light of
your physical mind, what you have within, what you already
possess in your being and
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/Evolution and the Earthly Destiny/The Poetry in the Making.htm
The Poetry in the Making
Is the artist—the supreme artist, when he is a genius, that is to
say—conscious in his creation or is he unconscious ? Two
quite opposite views have been taken of the problem by the
best of intelligences. On the one hand, it is said that genius is
genius precisely because it acts unconsciously, and on the other
it is asserted with equal emphasis that genius is the capacity
of taking infinite pains, which means it is absolutely a self-conscious activity.
We take a third view of the matter and say that genius is
neither unconscious or conscious but superconscious. And when
one is superconscious, one can be in appearance either conscious
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nolini Kanta Gupta/English/Evolution and the Earthly Destiny/Rabindranath Tagore.htm
Rabindranath Tagore:
A Great Poet, A Great Man
TAGORE is a great poet: he will be remembered as one of the
greatest world-poets. But humanity owes him another—perhaps a greater—debt of gratitude: his name has a higher
value, a more significant potency for the future.
In an age when Reason was considered as the highest light
given to man, Tagore pointed to the Vision of the mystics as
always the still greater light; when man was elated with un-
dreamt-of worldly success; puffed up with incomparable
material possessions and powers, Tagore's voice rang clear
and emphatic in tune with the cry of the ancients: "What
shall I do with all this mass of things, if I am not mad