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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Purani, A. B./English/Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo_First Series/On Medicine.htm
Medicine _I
A telegram from a mentally deranged
Sadhaka became the topic of this evening. The Sadhaka in question wanted to
die. The suggestion of death, it was thought, was due to some hereditary poison
in the blood. These kinds of poisons often attack the brain.
Sri Aurobindo
: It is these people who also get a sense of "sin" and the
tendency to repent and humble themselves before others. Also they have very big
ideas about themselves. They think they are very important in the universal
scheme. (A pause)
This yoga, to be done well, requires perfect balance. Therefore, those
who have merely a general call for yoga should not go in for it ; bec
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Purani, A. B./English/Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo_First Series/Introduction.htm
First Series
Recorded by
: A. B.
To the Reader
The reader is
requested to note that Sri Aurobindo is not responsible for these records as he
had no opportunity to see them. So, it is not as if Sri Aurobindo said exactly
these things but that I remember him to have said them. All I can say is that I
have tired to be as faithful in recording them as I was humanly capable. That
does not minimize my personal responsibility which I fully accept.
Names of participants in the evening talks:-
From 1923 – 1926
1. Barindra Kumar Ghose
2. Nolini Kanto Gupta
3. Bijoy
Kumar Nag
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Purani, A. B./English/Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo_First Series/My Meeting with The Master.htm
My First Meeting in 1918
I went out from Pondicherry in
1947 when India was on the eve of securing her partitioned freedom. On my
return-journey in the month of July 1947, I became conscious of the fact that
it was my return to a place where I had passed nearly twenty-five years at a
stretch. The memory of my first visit in 1918 awoke in me all the old
impressions vividly. I saw then that even at that early period Sri Aurobindo
had been for me the embodiment of the Supreme Consciousness. I began to search
mentally for the exact time-moment when I had come to know him. Travelling far
into the past I
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Purani, A. B./English/Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo_First Series/On Beauty.htm
Disciple : What is it that creates physical beauty?
Sri Aurobindo : There is a certain vital glow which is really not beauty –
when it is overpowering and full of personal magnetism it is dangerous.
Disciple : Can heredity account for beauty?
Sri Aurobindo : Not much. Too much of vital glow and charm may be due
even to the hostile forces and it may be dangerous.
Disciple : Does beauty belong to the vital world?
Sri Aurobindo : The true vital world is a world full of beauty and
Disciple : Is not beauty a part of perfection?
Sri Aurobindo : Yes, it is; but beauty and perfection do not always
go tog
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Purani, A. B./English/Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo_First Series/On Poetry.htm
The talk turned on the subject of
Indians writing English poetry. Sri Aurobindo
remarked that when he was conducting the Arya he received heaps of poems.
Sri Aurobindo asked
about Hindi literature,
inquiring whether it carried the modern spirit in its works.
Disciple : It
contains the element of nationalism, that is the new strain; as for the rest
there is not much that can be called modern. The form at present is mainly
Sri Aurobindo : But the lyric is quite old in
Disciple : What about X’s English poetry.
Sri Aurobindo : Has he written anything new
recently except his inexhaustible dramas that are no dramas?
Disciple : Y
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Purani, A. B./English/Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo_First Series/On Books.htm
A Note:
After 1910 when Sri Aurobindo was engrossed
in Sadhana he read very few books. But he was in contact with the world through
papers and magazines. Besides, the disciples that were living in the Ashram from
1923 used to read books and they brought some of the ideas and opinions from
the books to Sri Aurobindo's
notice in the evening talks. Here it may be necessary only to state that the
initiative in these talks was very often taken by the disciples and that these
talks are not complete reviews of the books mentioned. They will be found
interesting as revealing a particular side of Sri Aurobindo's personality, – one in which he
was speaking
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Purani, A. B./English/Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo_First Series/On Art.htm
We were showing an art journal published from Andhra. On seeing some of
the reproductions Sri Aurobindo made the following remarks :
Aurobindo : The further you go back in time greater the grandeur you
meet in the conception. The nearer you come to our time the more the art
becomes great in detail. Even up to the time of the Delvada
Temples something of the old culture was living. One must bring the tide back.
Disciple : But why is it gone?
Sri Aurobindo : That is the law. You can’t have the
creative spirit always at the height.
Disciple : What we require is the reawakening of the
Spirit, it is not necessary to have the same or similar form or
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