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Enrichment of Contents of Learning
Enrichment of contents presents to teachers a severe test of
their understanding of the curriculum and the corresponding syllabus and also of their mastery over the subject matter, textual
and reference material as also the relationship that the subject
matter holds with related subjects. Many other skills also come
under the test, and to attain excellence in the exercise of these
skills would demand from the teachers not only sincere devotion
but also painstaking labour. Teachers of the schools are well
known for their use of latest modern techniques for curriculum
The subject can be viewed in regard to fou
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Education at Crossroads/Publisher^s Note.htm
-02_Publisher^s Note.htm
Publisher's Note
The papers collected in this book were presented during the
recent years at conferences, seminars and workshops held in different parts of the country. Educational research involved in
preparing these papers was greatly inspired and supported by the
research teams of the Mother's Institute of Research.
Some of the important ideas, which would be found here unavoidably
repeated, relate to the crisis through which humanity is passing today. It is this crisis which leads us to knock the portals of
education which may lead us to some of the elements of a lasting
It is hoped that at this important juncture when educational
thought in Indi
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Education at Crossroads/Conception of Education.htm
Conception of Education in Ancient
Indian Tradition and Culture and its
Contemporary Relevance
Introductory Questions
At the outset, let us ask the question as to why we need to
explore the concept of education in the ancient Indian tradition,
and why we want to ascertain the relevance of that concept to the
present time. Justification for this exploration could arise if we
ask a further question as to whether our present system of education is relevant to our own times, and if we are prepared to under
take a critique of the present system.
Do we Need to Change the Present System of Education?
There is a view that the presen