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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Education at Crossroads/An Experiment in Education for Tomorrow.htm
An Experiment in Education for Tomorrow
An unprecedented kind of experiment in education was
launched by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, when in 1943, a school
came to be established at Sri Aurobindo Ashram at Pondicherry
with merely 20 students on its rolls; soon it began to grow, and in
1951, when the number of students had increased, and studies in
Higher Education had to be organised, it was expanded into Sri
Aurobindo International University Centre. Eminent educationists
of the country welcomed the formation of this University Centre,
and the foremost educationist of the country, Dr. Shyama Prasad
Mukherji, specially came to Pondicherr
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Education at Crossroads/Value-Oriented Education 1.htm
Value-Oriented Education
Values, secularism and spirituality
At the outset, it seems necessary to deal with the concept of
secularism, since we may observe that this concept is ridden with
ambiguities in our Indian situation; and it is thus left to every one
to interpret it in any way one thinks best. There is a view of secularism, which consists of equality before law irrespective of caste,
religion or race. But this view often tends to become tainted in
actual situations where there are unreasonable demands coming
from religious groups, which insist on special provisions which
tend to mitigate the idea of equality before law. There is al
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Education at Crossroads/Peace through Learning and Education.htm
Peace through Learning and Education
Peace is often interpreted to mean absence of war. This is not
entirely illegitimate; but on a close scrutiny we find it to be inadequate. Absence of war does not rule out prevalence of tensions
and even of cold wars. And where tensions exist, hot war can at
any time become a concrete actuality. We must, therefore, go to
the root of the matter and define peace in positive terms.
Fundamentally, peace is a collective phenomenon, and it connotes
a collective state of harmony, which can provide a stable base for
activities of growth, development, friendliness, comradeship and
It is true
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Education at Crossroads/Coming of the 21 st Century.htm
Coming of the 21 st Century:
Implications for New Orientations for Education
An important fact that we need to underline is that humanity
is undergoing an unprecedented crisis today, and we cannot hazard to look into the coming of the 21st century without taking
serious note of this crisis, and how it has developed through the
course of the 20th century.
The 20th century has been an unquiet age of
gigantic ferment, chaos of ideas and inventions, clash of enormous forces,
creation, catastrophe and dissolution amid the formidable agony and tension of
the body and soul of humankind. During this period, the age of reason reached
its highest p
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Education at Crossroads/Lifelong Learning Project .htm
Lifelong Learning Project
The aim would be to make available appropriate opportunities
for lifelong learning to increasing number of people without
regard to restrictions of previous 'education or training, sex, age,
handicapped condition, social or ethnic background, or economic
Lifelong learning is the process by which individuals continue
to develop their knowledge, skills, interests and cultural attainments throughout their life times.
Lifelong learning is a "motherhood" issue, and it overarches
all aspects and all levels of learning, formal, non-formal and
Justification of lifelong learning project is to be v
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Education at Crossroads/Towards a New System of Education.htm
Towards a New System of Education
India has had in modern times five greatest educationists.
Significantly, all of them were stirred by the teacher-pupil relationship that flourished in the ancient Indian system of education, and all of them renewed for us the ideal and practice of education that the
gurukulas or the ashrams nourished in the days of Vasishtha and Vishwamitra,
of Aruni and Yajnavalkya.
Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati visualised clusters of teachers
spread over the entire breadth and length of the country nestled
in groves of woods and trees where pupils could be trained in the
ancient knowledge contained in the Veda as also i
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Education at Crossroads/Society Morals and Ideals.htm
Society, Morals and Ideals
We are not alone in the world; that is the rub for the egoist; that is the comfort and solace to the collectivist; that is the problem for the moralist; and that is the enigma that inspires the idealist; Human nature is complex and it is at once egoistic, collectivistic, moralistic and idealistic. It is easy to dwell upon one of
the elements of this complexity, and emphasise it against the others; but the emphasis on one or the other does not abolish the
complexity and unless we find a true equation and reconciliation
of the elements of the complexity, we cannot realise any true harmony and peace. And in the meantime, we shall hav
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Education at Crossroads/Value-Oriented Education 2.htm
Value Oriented Education II
We are passing through a critical stage of a battle between the best possibilities and the worst possibilities. At a time when
forces of unity and harmony can triumph and science and technology can be used to abolish poverty and deprivation, precisely
at that time, the forces of violence and gravitational pulls of
impulses of the lower human nature are pressing forward on a
global scale. Rationality, in which humanity has placed great trust for arriving
at fulfilment of its ideals of true knowledge and comprehensive knowledge, appears to be overtaken by the forces of
Unreason. It has, therefore, become imperative to explore
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Education at Crossroads/Education at Crossroads.htm
Education at Crossroads
Education is at crossroads.
The road on which education has been running at present has
reached dead ends from several points of view. Underdeveloped
and developing countries like ours have awakened vastly to the
value of education; but the road is unable to bear the burdens of increasing
role of education. Requirements of economic development oblige governments to frame and pursue objectives that
tend to impose heavy burdens on people, who, in turn, project expectations in regard to education which cannot be fulfilled by
the present system of education. Sociology, in the whole world, is
undergoing radical changes, since th