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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Shyam Sunder Jhunjhunwala/English/Down Memory Lane/Udavi, Auroshikha, Nata.htm
Udavi, Auroshikha, Nata
Nata was the founder of the incense making unit 'Auroshikha' at the Edayanchavacfi village, Auroville. Auroshika became a great financial success and grew up as a big financial support to Auroville. Hundreds of villagers got employed in this enterprise.
Nata and Maggi started a school there and also a medical aid centre. Udavi (Help), is the name for these activities, appreciated by the rural folk around. In the first days of Auroville a borewell for drinking water was Mother's gift to the village Edayanchavadi.
There were some pressures on Nata regarding the end use of the profits of Auroshikha. One day he told me that he had
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Shyam Sunder Jhunjhunwala/English/Down Memory Lane/Deaths in the Family.htm
Deaths in the Family
My father did not join us when we closed our Calcutta establishment and moved to Pondicherry finally in Decenber 1964, as he wanted to take an independent decision for himself in due course. He joined us at Pondicherry some months later. After years of a very active life as an industrialist, freedom fighter and Member of Parliament, he had a quiet life at the Ashram with some sadhak friends around and was enjoying the Ashram atmosphere, getting free from the past associations.
After a time he hurt his leg and had a spell of sickness which ended with his expiry on 13.10.1966 at 12.22 a.m. On 27th September he had completed 79 years.
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Shyam Sunder Jhunjhunwala/English/Down Memory Lane/Criminal Cases.htm
Criminal Cases
In December, 1976 my residence was raided by the police. Those were the days of the Emergency and no reason had to be given by the political higher-ups for arranging raids. The police raid lasted the whole day till late in the evening. Several other premises and offices were also raided as per the list finalised at Delhi by C.P.N. Singh, a politician and Kireet Joshi, an Ashramite turned bureaucrat. The Lt. Governor of Pondicherry became the Chairman of the Auroville Enquiry Committee which appointed a high ranking IAS Officer to go into the accounts and other seized documents. After a thorough enquiry, the officer concerned made his detailed report, and
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Shyam Sunder Jhunjhunwala/English/Down Memory Lane/The Magnet Draws.htm
The Magnet Draws
In the pre-1971 period my visits to Mother did not relate to any work. There was little to speak and that was done through correspondence, since published under the title En Route
(On the Path). Yet there are certain things which it will be interesting to say and which I can remember.
I begin from the time when I was not going to Mother.
On 27.4.64 I wrote to Mother,
How can I express my gratitude to the Divine?
She answered,
Grow in consciousness and in consecration. On 28.8.64, I wrote,
How to grow in consciousness? Is aspiration the way?
Mother answered orally,
Yes, evidently, and a steady effort.
On 1
During my November 1949 visit to the Ashram, I stayed at Golconde. One day there was a bit of stir in the fixed routine of the house. Monsieur Andre Morisset was coming on a visit from France and a room on the top floor in the eastern wing was being made ready for him. In fact, at Golconde there is nothing much like making a room ready, for the whole house is always kept in a tip-top condition. The stir, in reality, was due to the whispering that Monsieur Andre was the Mother's son and that it would be his first visit since the Mother settled down at Pondicherry in 1920. They were going to meet after a gap of 29 years, we calculated, and for me it was doubly interesting t
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Shyam Sunder Jhunjhunwala/English/Down Memory Lane/Indra Sen.htm
Indra Sen
Dr. Indra Sen, en erudite disciple of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, used to attend study circles, seminars and conferences including the sessions of the Indian Science Congress and All-India Philosophic Associations. He had carved out a name for himself in the intellectual circles as an able exponent of Sri Aurobindo's philosophy and Yoga. Earlier, already an M.A., LLB, he had got his doctorate from the University of Freiburg in Germany and taught Psychology and Philosophy at the Hindu College in Delhi. My elder sister's husband Shri Vindeshwari Prasad Gupta, a resident of Delhi, also a devotee of Sri Aurobindo, was a good friend of his. Indra Sen had contacts with
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Shyam Sunder Jhunjhunwala/English/Down Memory Lane/Auroville Architect-Roger Anger.htm
Auroville Architect—Roger Anger
I heard of Roger Anger the day Mother spoke to Navajata about him in connection with Auroville. That was when the Auroville idea was just getting known. An offer was received from him in his firm's name for the architectural services to be rendered by him to Auroville.
"I am giving you a costly architect," Mother said to Navajata when she gave him the paper of offer, and asked him, "Are you willing?" With his characteristic enthusiasm Navajata had expressed his readiness and given me the offer for comments. It was the usual commercial type of offer and needed a lot of finance. When I told Navajata that he was incurri
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Shyam Sunder Jhunjhunwala/English/Down Memory Lane/Rishabhchand.htm
Just a few days after my arrival at Pondicherry, when my host came to know about my literary taste, he took me to Rishabhchand, who was a relative of his and one of the early Ashramites. Rishabhchand hailed from a Jain family settled at Calcutta, the ancestors having lived in the interior of Bengal. The family had grown in silk business; they were the owners of the famous Eastern Silk House. Rishabhchand himself was involved in the family trade before joining the Sri Aurobindo Ashram.
Well-versed in the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, a man of refined taste and culture, engaged in sadhana, unassuming, he took kindly to me when I was introduced to h
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Shyam Sunder Jhunjhunwala/English/Down Memory Lane/Mother Steers Auroville.htm
From day one when Mother gave me the Auroville work it started in right earnest. The very next morning she asked me about what I had done the day before.
Precious are the memories of the days that followed upto the end.
The overall impression is indelible, though difficult to express.
From 23.2.72 I maintained daily notes of the work transacted with Mother. I had almost forgotten them till I now discovered them lying safe with me. And a few notes for 1971 also came into my hands. That was the year for which daily notes, if kept, would have made a big bulk.
I now share these papers the way they were written.
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Shyam Sunder Jhunjhunwala/English/Down Memory Lane/In Civil Courts.htm
In Civil Courts
Apart from the criminal prosecution, I was also subjected to proceedings in civil courts.
First I speak of some suits filed by Sri Aurobindo Society
against me and my daughter Manju for rendition of accounts. When Counouma, the
Managing Trustee of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, came to know of the harassment caused
to Manju by bringing a Commissioner to our house on the basis of exparte Court orders, he sent me a long letter in which he expressed his resentment against it, but the Society paid no heed to it.
Later, as a result of the intervention of Nathmal Himatsingka, a respected well-wisher from Calcutta, Navajata agreed to withdraw these suits