
Acronyms used in the website

SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Jharna Ghosh/English/Diary/Srimati Roshan Ghosh and her husband Dr. Hiranmay Ghosh.htm
Srimati Roshan Ghosh and Her Husband Dr. Hiranmay Ghosh   In the field of art, science, literature, there are periods when the history gets studded with star performers. Be it literature, painting, music or dance. In India twentieth century was one such. In all the above mentioned fields there were super personalities and this continued till the seventies of the last century. When we were young the world of classical dance was full of great artists. Rukmini Devi, Uday Shankar and their contemporaries pulled out the Indian dance from its obscene status and gave to it its due respectability by showing how great this particular performing art was. The yo
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Jharna Ghosh/English/Diary/Harvesting.htm
Harvesting   In the early fifties when I came to Pondicherry only a handful of local citizens were sympathetic towards the Ashram. On the other hand there were many who had a hostile attitude and they often tried to make some mischief or the other. Gentlemen like M. Rassendran, Dr. Purno, M. Carnaut, Mme. Subrata, some govt. officers and some others participated in all Ashram activities and functions. Some were even group members. We considered them as our own people. In that period the biggest obstacle was a political party and their leader in particular. That individual tried every possible way to hinder the smooth working of the Ashram departments having paid workers (I was told by