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'When I first came to the Ashram in 1942,' Dada
told us one day, 'I didn't know anything about hathayoga. I used to believe that
those who practised hathayoga were capable of performing all kinds of strange,
unbelievable acts.
Ambu-bhai used to practice hathayoga at that time
in the Ashram.
I would look at him wonder-struck and think:
Goodness, he must be capable of such incredible
So one day finding him alone, I asked him:
"Ambu-bhai, can you fly?"'
Ishit has come again. Dada was about to get up and
retire but seeing him he sat down again.
'So, Ishit, you want to hear a story? Today is his
day for story-telling.'
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Pranab Bhattacharya/English/By The Way_Part-III/P-121 to 142.htm
It was the period of the monsoon and Darjeeling is not so
pleasant then. It remains always overcast and foggy with
continuous rain. One cannot go out anywhere or see anything.
Nevertheless, he accepted his daughter's offer and went to Darjeeling. In the evening he was wandering about when he
suddenly noticed that the diamond from his ring had fallen
off somewhere. It was an expensive diamond and it was now
lost! The gentleman went on looking worriedly here and
there. All of a sudden he noticed on one side of the path
under a tree the diamond lying on a rivulet of rainwater. It
was glistening in the dark. He thanked his fortune as he
picked up the diamond thinking: "I have been very
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Pranab Bhattacharya/English/By The Way_Part-III/P-143 to 189.htm
Sri Aurobindo's Integral Education:
Physical and Vital Education
(A Talk on All India Radio (Pondicherry) on 23.7.71)
"The truth we seek is made of four major aspects: Love,
Knowledge, Power and Beauty. These four attributes of the
Truth will spontaneously express themselves in our being.
The psychic will be the vehicle of true and pure love, the
mind that of infallible power and strength and the body
will be the expression of a perfect beauty and a perfect
Man has various parts of being and a system of education,
to be truly effective, must cover all the aspects of his existence.
Thus, the four basic elements of his being: the physical, the
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Pranab Bhattacharya/English/By The Way_Part-III/P-100 to 120.htm
A sadhak came into the office while Dada was talking. He
bowed to Dada.
Dada smiled and welcomed him:
'Namaskar. Are you fine?'
He hesitated and did not say anything.
So, Dada told him:
'Whatever it be, you are happy, aren't you? That is enough.'
Dada gave someone a badge and explained to him its
'The two birds in flight are coming down together onto the
earth. The two birds are twin aspects of the Divine: the static
and the dynamic, you could call it Purusha and Prakriti.
The two birds are golden in colour, that is they are descending carrying the supramental light. There is the Mother's
symbol in red on the birds' breast, a symbol of-the M
Tejbabu has come from Orissa. He has come to meet Dada.
This is his first meeting with Dada after the devastating
cyclone in Orissa. Dada had naturally made enquiries about
his well-being earlier.
Gangaram-da remarked:
'We must have tried calling you at least ten times on that
day to have your news.'
Tejbabu laughed.
'I was quite safe. There were, however, some problems with
food, a little rice, a negligible quantity of some vegetable and
dal (lentils). I would look at the dal and vegetable, dip my finger
in them to pick up a little and eat the plain rice with water.'
Dada handed over to Tejbabu a comment that he had
written on 18th November in English about the c
Part -
Note from the Publisher
Dada (Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya) is present in his
office every morning from 8.30 to 11.45. During this time boys, girls and
grownups from the Ashram comet see him. He also receives visitors. They all have
something to ask him and Dada answers their questions. The visitor goes back
happy. All those who are present in his office also enjoy his replies as well as
the stories and humorous anecdotes he recounts. Time is happily spent.
Amalesh Bhattacharya, who has transcribed these
conversations, sits in a corner and quietly notes everything down. The present
selection of these jottings is the thir
Dada was saying, 'Our children are taken by bus for
picnics. They love to go to Gingee and sing happily all the way in the bus. Then
they climb the hills there. No matter how often they go to Gingee, they never
tire of the place. That is how the songs "Gingee Hills" and "A Picnic Song" have
been composed. Like with other songs, the tune came first and then came the
Here are the two songs:
Gingee hills are calling us,
For a picnic trip.
Bus, car, motor-cycle,
or take a jeep.
Climbing is a fun,
Take it on the run.
Up, up, up we go,
To see the rising sun.
We are free to-day,
Cheerful and g
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