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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kittu Reddy, Prof./English/Books/A Vision of United India/The Second World War.htm
Chapter 8
The Second World War
Then, there came the Second World War. The Congress party had to take a decision as to whether it should support the Allies, remain neutral, or oppose them. The Congress party dithered for some time but finally decided to first remain uninvolved and finally, to even oppose the British. This step proved to be disastrous for India. From the occult point of view, it was a very serious mistake that resulted in opening the doors to hostile forces.
The Mother said in May 1941: "The world situation is critical today. India's fate too hangs in the balance. There was a time when India was absolutely secure; there was no danger o
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kittu Reddy, Prof./English/Books/A Vision of United India/India under the British.htm
Chapter 4
India under the British
The British came to India originally as traders through the East India Company during the rule of Jehangir in the 16th century. The chief aim of the British at that time was to make an impact on the Dutch hold on the spice trade and to establish a lasting outpost. But the company soon established its military and political dominance in India. By 1834, the East India Company was no more a trading company; it became the official ruler of India. Eventually, the company assumed complete domination of India and encroached on each and every aspect of her life. The company was very successful till the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857. The mutiny ended a
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kittu Reddy, Prof./English/Books/A Vision of United India/A Brief History of the unification of Vietnam.htm
Chapter 4
A Brief History of the unification of Vietnam
Vietnam was reunified on Apr. 30, 1975, with democratic South Vietnam absorbed by communist North Vietnam by force. The reunification is a typical example where one people divided by ideological confrontation of democracy on one side, and communism on the other, was unified by force under socialist revolutionary strategies and tactics. In Chinese, Vietnam means going over to the South. This indicates that people in Vietnam were driven away to the South by outside powers in the North. The name of the country attests to its historical hardship of having been subject to numerous foreign invasions. Historic
Address by Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah At Lahore Session of Muslim League March, 1940
Ladies and Gentlemen:
We are meeting today in our session after fifteen months. The last session of the All-India Muslim League took place at Patna in December 1938. Since then many developments have taken place. I shall first shortly tell you what the All-India Muslim League had to face after the Patna session of 1938. You remember that one of the tasks, which was imposed on us and which is far from completed yet, was to organise Muslim Leagues all over India. We have made enormous progress during the last fifteen months in this direction. I am glad
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kittu Reddy, Prof./English/Books/A Vision of United India/The advent of Gandhi.htm
Chapter 6
advent of Gandhi
In the next phase, it was Gandhi who dominated the scene. From the time that Gandhi entered politics, the Congress was only an expression and mouthpiece of the ideas and principles of Gandhi.
This period is of great importance in the history of India as it gave a new direction to Indian politics; whether this direction was the right one is debatable and the battle regarding this is still going on. What is needed now is clarity of vision and understanding that will help in putting the right values in the right perspective of the Indian background and thus prepare for the future evolution of India. But before we come to that sta
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kittu Reddy, Prof./English/Books/A Vision of United India/Brief history of the unification of Germany.htm
Chapter 3
history of the unification of Germany
After the Second World War, the German nation was broken up into two
parts, East Germany and West Germany. The eastern part was under the
Communist influence of the Soviet Union and the western part was
under the influence of the Western world. But despite these
ideological differences and the Cold War, the internal oneness that
was the foundation of the German nation always remained and finally
proved stronger. The Berlin Wall was pulled down and the German
nation once again became united.
Upon its surrender to the allied forces on May 8, 1945, the U.S., Britain,
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kittu Reddy, Prof./English/Books/A Vision of United India/Military Rule in Pakistan Recurrent Military Rule.htm
Chapter 4
Military Rule in Pakistan
Recurrent Military Rule
The task of presiding over the destruction of his country was left to Yahya. Interestingly, at Pakistan's birth in 1947, General Yahya Khan, then a Major, had commented that the day of independence "should be a day of mourning. As a united country, India and Pakistan could have been a strong and powerful nation". But in 1969, it was a different Yayha Khan; now, he justified the military takeover. He declared, "strikes and violence have become a daily routine and the country has been driven to the edge of an abyss. The nation has to be pulled back to safety and normal conditions
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kittu Reddy, Prof./English/Books/A Vision of United India/Summary and Conclusion.htm
Chapter 13
Summary and Conclusion
Before we close, let us make a recapitulation of the points discussed in the book.
First, India has been culturally and spiritually a nation from the most ancient times; the Vedic Rishis made it one their fundamental tasks to create this spiritual unity. However, despite the cultural and spiritual unity, political unity was not attained for a sufficiently durable time despite many heroic attempts. We have analyzed the reasons for this failure and come to the following conclusions. The chief reason of the failure was the excess of the centralizing tendency, which came inevitably with the formation of empires. It subconsc
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kittu Reddy, Prof./English/Books/A Vision of United India/Introduction.htm
Book 2
The Solution
Chapter 1
In this part of the book, we shall try to suggest some lines along which a solution to the problem of Indian political unity may be brought about. It has to be clearly understood that when we speak of the political unity of India, we mean the unity of the whole subcontinent and not just the unity of India and Pakistan. The question whether the unity will take the form of a federation or a confederation depends on circumstances and is not of paramount importance. But the creation of this unity is of great importance not only for India, but also for the whole world. In fact, one might go so
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kittu Reddy, Prof./English/Books/A Vision of United India/The British policy of divide and rule.htm
Chapter 5
The British policy of divide and rule
Let us see how the British viewed the situation after 1857.
The British realized that if the Hindus and Muslims came together as they did in the Sepoy Mutiny, it would be difficult for them to continue to rule India. There was a reversal of British policy.
The policy of divide and rule was initiated. The first step in this process was the propping up of Sayyid Ahmad Khan. Sayyid Ahmad Khan, who in his early life was a liberal, had a broad-minded approach to communal relations. He even remarked: "Hindus and Muslims are the two eyes of India. Injure the one and you injure the other". But soon he change