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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/A Greater Psychology/The Psychic Being.htm
The Psychic Being
The inner being is composed of the inner mental, inner vital, inner physical, —
but that is not the psychic being. The psychic is the inmost being and quite
distinct from these. The word 'psychic' is indeed used in English to indicate
anything that is other or deeper than the external mind, life and body, anything
occult or supraphysical, but that is a use which brings confusion and error and
we entirely discard it when we speak or write about yoga. In ordinary parlance
we may sometimes use the word 'psychic' in the looser popular sense or in
poetry, which is not bound to intellectual accuracy, we may speak of the soul
sometimes in
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/A Greater Psychology/The Inner Being;the Subliminal(self).htm
The Inner Being; the Subliminal (self)
The Subliminal Distinguished from the Subconscient
...subliminal is a general term used for all parts of the being which are not on
the waking surface. Subconscient is very often used in the same sense by
European psychologists because they do not know the difference. But when I use
the word [subconscient], I mean always what is below
the ordinary physical
consciousness, not what is behind it. The inner mental, vital, physical, the
psychic are not subconscious in this sense, but they can be spoken of as
Letters on Yoga, p. 354
The real subconscious is a n
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/A Greater Psychology/The Nature and Methodology of Yoga Psychology.htm
Part Two
Essays on Sri Aurobindo's
Psychological Thought
All truths, even those which seem to be in conflict, have their validity, but
they need a reconciliation in some largest Truth which takes them into itself.
Sri Aurobindo
The Nature and Methodology of Yoga Psychology
The following account of Sri Aurobindo's first major spiritual experience
provides a good starting-point for explicating the nature of yoga psychology:
...to reach Nirvana was the first radical result of my own Yoga. It threw me
suddenly into a condition above and without thought, unstained by an
-031_Sri Aurobindo on Human Development- a Transpersonal Perspective.htm
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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/A Greater Psychology/Sri Aurobindo on Human Development- a Transpersonal Perspective.htm
Sri Aurobindo on Human Development:
a Transpersonal Perspective
A study based on a survey of definitions of Transpersonal Psychology published
in the literature between 1968 and 1991 identified five themes which occur most
frequently in the forty definitions yielded by the survey.1 The
authors of the study (Denise H. Lajoie &
S. I. Shapiro) state the themes as follows:
1.States of consciousness.
2.Highest or ultimate potential.
3.Beyond ego or personal self.
A few of the forty definitions are given below (some only in part) to illust
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/A Greater Psychology/The Psychology of Faith.htm
The Psychology of Faith
Religion has opened itself to denial by its claim to determine the truth by
divine authority, by inspiration, by a sacrosanct and infallible sovereignty
given to it from on high; it has sought to impose itself on human thought,
feeling, conduct without discussion or question. This is an excessive and
premature claim, although imposed in a way on the religious idea by the
imperative and absolute character of the inspirations and illuminations which
are its warrant and justification and by the necessity of faith as an occult
light and power from the soul amidst the mind's ignorance, doubts, weakness,
incertitudes. Faith i
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/A Greater Psychology/Purusha and Prakriti.htm
Purusha and Prakriti
and Nature
...we have to begin with a dualism of the thing and its shadow, Purusha and
Prakriti, commonly called spirit and matter. Properly speaking, the distinction
is illusory, since there is nothing which is exclusively spirit or exclusively
matter, nor can the Universe be strictly parcelled out between these; from the
point of view of Reality spirit and matter are not different but the same. We
may say, if we like, that the entire Universe is matter and spirit does not
exist; we may say, if we like that the entire Universe is spirit and matter does
not exist. In either case we are merely multiplying words wi
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/A Greater Psychology/Introduction by Arabinda Basu.htm
I am glad of my association with this very important and remarkably scholarly book by Dr. A.S. Dalai, a valued friend and esteemed colleague. A Greater Psychology is a gathering together under one cover of all the salient aspects of Sri Aurobindo's psychological thought, thus providing an excellent introduction for psychology students and scholars as well as for the interested general reader.
The time for such a book has come and it is appearing at the right moment. For there is a growing interest in Indian yoga and spirituality in the Western world. Though much of this interest is not of the right kind it cannot be gainsaid that there a
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/A Greater Psychology/The Subconscient.htm
The Subconscient
The subconscious in us is the extreme border of our secret inner existence where
it meets the Inconscient, it is a degree of our being in which the Inconscient
struggles into a half-consciousness;... Or, from another viewpoint, this nether
part of us may be described as the antechamber of the Inconscient.
The Life Divine, pp. 422-23
...we mean by the subconscient that quite submerged part of our being in which
there is no wakingly conscious and coherent thought, will or feeling or
organized reaction, but which yet receives obscurely the impressions of all
things and stores them up in itself and from it too all sorts of sti
-028_ Sri Aurobindo on the Structure and Organisation of the Being.htm
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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/A Greater Psychology/ Sri Aurobindo on the Structure and Organisation of the Being.htm
-028_ Sri Aurobindo on the Structure and Organisation of the Being.htm
Sri Aurobindo on the Structure and
Organisation of the Being
Integral Map for Self-Discovery
are not only what we know of ourselves but an immense more which we
do not know; our momentary personality is only a bubble on the ocean of
our existence.1
—Sri Aurobindo
Our mind and ego are like the crown and dome of a temple jutting out
from the waves while the great body of the building is submerged under
the surface of the waters.2
—Sri Aurobindo
Normally, one feels oneself to be a unitary entity, a single being. Someone who
is to some extent consc
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/A Greater Psychology/Editor^s Preface.htm
-004_Editor^s Preface.htm
Editor's Preface
Sri Aurobindo has been described by Ken Wilber as "India's greatest modern philosopher-sage" and also as "the greatest of all Vedantic philosophers". The aim of this book is to highlight another aspect of Sri Aurobindo, not that of a philosopher but of a mystic, for whom the ultimate Reality — popularly called God or Spirit — is not an abstract or philosophical concept but a concrete experience, "more concrete than anything sensed by ear or eye or touch in the world of Matter"(p. 190). The aim of the book is to present Sri Aurobindo as an Enlightened One whose view of the human being is based not on speculative theory nor on statistical inference but o