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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/A Greater Psychology/Sri Aurobindo on the Self as Experienced in Yoga.htm
Sri Aurobindo on the Self as Experienced in Yoga
The self contains the universe.1
— Sri Aurobindo
But this knowledge is valueless for Yoga if it is only an
intellectual and metaphysical notion void of life and barren of
consequence; a mental realisation alone cannot be sufficient for the
seeker. For what Yoga searches after is not truth of thought alone or
truth of mind alone, but the dynamic truth of a living and revealing
spiritual experience.2
—Sri Aurobindo
"Whatever I may be thinking of, I am always at the same time more or less aware
of myself, of my personal existence."3 In these words
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/A Greater Psychology/The Manifold Being.htm
The Manifold Being
Self-knowledge is impossible unless we go behind our surface existence, which is
a mere result of selective outer experiences, an imperfect sounding-board or a
hasty, incompetent and fragmentary translation of a little out of the much that
we are, — unless we go behind this and send down our plummet into the
subconscient and open ourself to the superconscient so as to know their relation
to our surface being. For between these three things our existence moves and
finds in them its totality.
The Life Divine, p.223
...he [man] is aware only of a small part of his own being: his surface
mentality, his surface life, his
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/A Greater Psychology/Anthology Sources.htm
The passages in the anthology have been drawn from the following volumes of Sri
Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library series published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram,
Pondicherry (1970-75).
12 :
13 :
14 :
16 :
17 :
18 :
19 :
20 :
21 :
22 :
23 :
24 :
25 :
27 :
The Upanishads
Essays on the Gita
Foundations of Indian Culture
Supramental Manifestation and Other Writings
Hour of God and Other Writings
Life Divine-Book One and Book Two Part One
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/A Greater Psychology/The Scientific Study of Consciousness.htm
The Scientific Study of Consciousness
Three Prerequisites for Consciousness Research
Having examined and explained Matter by physical methods... — it is not
really explained, but let that pass, — having failed to carry that way of
knowledge into other fields beyond a narrow limit, we must then at least
consent to scrutinise life and mind by methods appropriate to them....
Adhering still to the essential rigorous method of science, though not to
its purely physical instrumentation, scrutinising, experimenting, holding
nothing for established which cannot be scrupulously and universally
verified, we shall s
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/A Greater Psychology/Self, Ego and Individuality.htm
Self, Ego and Individuality
...this little mind, vital and body which we call ourselves is only a surface
movement and not our "self" at all. It is an external bit of personality put
forward for one brief life, for the play of the Ignorance. It is equipped with
an ignorant mind stumbling about in search of fragments of truth, an ignorant
vital rushing about in search of fragments of pleasure, an obscure and mostly
subconscious physical receiving the impacts of things and suffering rather than
possessing a resultant pain or pleasure. All that is accepted until the mind
gets disgusted and starts looking about for the real Truth of itself and
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/A Greater Psychology/Consciousness the Reality.htm
Part One
An Anthology of
Sri Aurobindo's Writings
The integral knowledge admits the valid truths of all views of existence, valid
in their own field, but it seeks to get rid of their limitations and negations
and to harmonise and reconcile these partial truths in a larger truth which
fulfils all the many sides of our being in the one omnipresent Existence.
Sri Aurobindo
It is not by "thinking out" the entire reality, but by a change of consciousness
that one can pass from the ignorance to the Knowledge — the Knowledge by which
we become what we know. To pass from the external to a direct and intimate inner
consciousness; t
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/A Greater Psychology/The Gunas of Prakriti.htm
The Gunas of Prakriti
Three Modes of Nature
The idea of the three essential modes of Nature is a creation of the ancient
Indian thinkers and its truth is not at once obvious, because it was the result
of long psychological experiment and profound internal experience. Therefore
without a long inner experience, without intimate self-observation and intuitive
perception of the Nature-forces it is difficult to grasp accurately or firmly
utilise.... These modes are termed in the Indian books qualities, gunas, and are
given the names sattva, rajas, tamas. Sattwa is the force of equilibrium
and translates in quality as good and harmony and
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/A Greater Psychology/Self, Ego and Individuality.htm
Self, Ego and Individuality
Aurobindo's Integral View
When we have passed beyond individualising, then we shall be real Persons.
Ego was the helper; Ego is the bar.1
—Sri Aurobindo
Self, Ego and Individuality in Ordinary Consciousness
A fundamental characteristic of our ordinary or "normal" state of consciousness
is the sense of I-ness, of being an individual who has an independent existence,
who is distinct and separate from other individuals and things in the universe.
In its basic connotation, the term "ego" (derived from the Latin word for "I")
is applied to this core of our being as we experie
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Dalal, Dr. A. S./English/A Greater Psychology/The Outer (Surface) Being.htm
-010_The Outer (Surface) Being.htm
The Outer (Surface) Being
The outer consciousness is that which usually expresses itself in ordinary life.
It is the external mental, vital, physical. It is not connected very much with
the inner being except in a few — until one connects them together in the course
of the sadhana.
Letters on Yoga, p. 311
The outer being is a means of expression only, not one's self. One must not
identify with it, for what it expresses is a personality formed by the old
ignorant nature. If not identified one can change it so as to express the true
inner personality of the Light.
Letters on Yoga, p. 311
They [the outer mind, vital and b
by Ken Wilber
Sri Aurobindo Ghose was India's greatest modern philosopher-sage, flowing out of a country that is one of the most astonishing and profound geographical sources of spiritual awareness on the planet. But Aurobindo's genius was not merely that he captured the profundity of India's extraordinary spiritual heritage. He was the first great philosopher-sage to deeply grasp the nature and meaning of the modern idea of evolution. And thus, in Aurobindo, we have the first grand statement of an evolutionary spirituality that is an integration of the best of ancient wisdom and the brightest of modern knowledge. It wasn't that other great thinkers had not seen