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Mon Dec 01 01:14:45 EST 2014
Progress in Auroville September 1979 No.1 Matrimandir Office The office space in the group of temporary workshop and storeroom building near the Matrimandir has housed a variety of occupants and functions over the years. However, as none of its past is particularly interesting or has much connection with what is happening there now, perhaps it’s best to go on to the present. Beginning several months ago, workers at Matrimandir felt the need for a weekly meeting in order to co ordinate the work, discuss problems relative to the work as a whole, introduce new ideas, etc. Around the same t
Mon Dec 01 01:16:27 EST 2014
November ’79
Sri Aurobindo’s Action Center
Auroville Association
P.O. Box 1977
Boulder, CO 80306 “The opposition between spirituality and material life, the division between the two, has no sense for me, as in truth life and the spirit are one and it is in and by the physical work that the highest spirit must be manifest.” The Mother
Mon Dec 01 01:17:02 EST 2014
Progress Feb No. 4 Since the previous issue on Greenwork a number of opinions have been expressed within Auroville concerning the inclusion of three communities: Pitchandikulam, Utilite and Auro-Orchard. These opinions were communicated both privately and in a Pour Tous general meeting and reflected different, often opposing point of view. It was finally agreed that the matter should be referred to the twelve member Cooperative. Here it was decided that these three communities should, for the present, be excluded from Progress and other publications and that an explanation of the position of these communities vis-a-vis the collective
Mon Dec 01 01:15:37 EST 2014
“Progress is the very heart of the significance of human life, for it means our evolution into greater and richer being; and these ages by insisting on it, by forcing us to recognize it as our aim and our necessity, by making impossible hereafter the attempt to subsist in the dullness or the gross beatitude of a stationary self-content, have done a priceless service to the earth-life and cleared the ways of heaven. Outward progress was the greater part of its aim and the inward is the more essential, but the inward too is not complete if the outward is left out of account. Even if the insistence of our progress fall for a time too excl
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