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Q: How can humanity become one?
By becoming conscious of its origin.
Q: What is the way of making the conciousness of human unity grow in man ?
Spiritual education, that is to say an education which gives more
importance to the growth of the spirit than to any religious or moral
teaching or to the material so-called knowledge.
Sri Aurobindo's Interview with Dilipkumar Roy
Dilip: I have come to know... to ascertain rather... if I can be initiated... I mean I want to practice your yoga to start with, if possible.
Sri Aurobindo: You must tell me clearly what it is exactly that you seek, and why you want to do my yoga.
Dilip: Suppose I suggested — or rather suffer me to ask if you could help me in attaining or shall we say discovering, the object of life?.
Sri Aurobindo: That is not an easy question to answer, for I know of no one desideratum which is cherished equally by all, any more than I know of an object of life equally treasured by all. The object
A Conversation with the Mother
Mother: Is it January?
Yes, Mother — it is January.
Read what is written here
(Every month I used to take to Mother a large calendar on which flowers were
painted and on which She used to write a prayer)
"In this year of Sri Aurobindo's centenary, let us strive to be worthy of Him... " And then?
"...by following His teaching faithfully in order to prepare the advent of the
superman. Happy New Year.
" What flower is this? (pointing to the painted flower)
" Superhumanity ".
Udar Pinto's Visit to Savitri Bhavan
How will Sri Aurobindo and the Mother come back?
I asked the Mother one day, "Mother, how will Sri Aurobindo come back? Will he be born?" Because I can't imagine Sri Aurobindo coming as a baby, I told Mother. She said, "No Udar, he will not be born, he will not come as a baby. He will come ready-made, projected into the world." Ready-made: that is, a complete being, that will remain like that: it will not grow older, it will remain constantly the same being. And in Savitri come these lines, in the canto called "The House of the Spirit and the New Creation":
these new worlds projected he becme
A portion
Best Object and Idea for Meditation
Words of Sri Aurobindo
Q: What should be the object or ideas for meditation ?
Whatever is most consonant with your nature and highest aspirations. But if you ask me for an absolute answer, then I must say that Brahman is always the best object for meditation or contemplation and the idea on which the mind should fix is that of God in all, all in God and all as God. It does not matter essentially whether it is the Impersonal or the Personal God, or subjectively, the One Self. But this is the idea I have found the best, because it is the highest and embraces all other truths, whether
Best Object and Idea for Meditation
Words of Sri Aurobindo
Q: What should be the object or ideas for meditation ?
Whatever is most consonant with your nature and highest aspirations. But if you ask me for an absolute answer, then I must say that Brahman is always the best object for meditation or contemplation and the idea on which the mind should fix is that of God in all, all in God and all as God. It does not matter essentially whether it is the Impersonal or the Personal God, or subjectively, the One Self. But this is the idea I have found the best, because it is the highest and embraces all other truths, whether
Petals of Divine's Love
(Some Answers from the Mother)
Dear Mother,
Lead me to thy own home in Truth... I offer thee my will of progressive submission and increasing adoration.
The way is opened, my dear child, and I am waiting for you with my arms wide to receive and enfold you affectionately.
With my love and blessings.
22 October 1938
Life of my life, I also want to come to you; for, in your arms alone will I have peace and joy and Ananda and the true truth end fulfilment of my life and being. But still... the way is not clear to me. And how shall I be ever able to climb to you
Is Sri Aurobindo's Teaching a New Religion?
Words of the Mother
Q: Many people say that the teaching of Sri Aurobindo is a new religion. Would you say that it is a religion?
People who say that are fools who don't even know what they are talking about. You only have to read all that Sri Aurobindo has written to know that it is impossible to base religion on his works, because he presents each problem, each question in all its aspects, showing the truth contained in each way of seeing things, and he explains that in order to attain the Truth you must realise a synthesis which goes beyond all mental notions and emerge into a transcendence beyond th
My dear Mother,
Unless the body consciousness opens and receives the Divine Light, Peace and Consciousness, nothing of permanence is achieved. The body is the base, and upon that base the Divine has to work and construct a building. However much the vital and the mental are open and receptive, nothing can be said to be permanent if the body is not stable.
I AM glad that you had the experience of the necessity for the body to open and to receive the divine Light and Will, as the mind and the heart does. This will do much for the increase of the resistance to illness and the capacity of keeping good heal
VOL. XLIV, NO 1. .JULY 1928
India Will Speak Through Your Voice
(Nobel Laureate, India)
At the very first sight I could realise that he (Sri Aurobindo) had been seeking for the soul and had gained it, and through this long process of realisation had accumulated within him a silent power of inspiration. His face was radiant with an inner light and his serene presence made it evident to me that his soul was not crippled and cramped to the measure of some tyrannical doctrine, which takes delight in inflicting wounds upon life ...
1 felt that the utterance of the ancient Hindu Rish