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SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /Messages/Darshan Messages/1958_04_24.htm
24 APRIL 1958 There are two complementary aspects of the liberating action of the Divine Grace upon earth among men. These two aspects are equally indispensable, but are not equally appreciated. The sovereign immutable peace that liberates from anxiety, tension and suffering. The dynamic all-powerful progress that liberates from fetters, bondages and inertia. The peace is universally appreciated and recognised as divine, but the progress is welcomed only by those whose aspiration is intense and courageous. THE MOTHER   Previous                            Home                           Next  
Resource name: /Messages/Darshan Messages/2008_08_15.htm
15th August 2008   To give oneself is the secret of Sadhana, not to demand and acquire a thing. The more one gives oneself, the more the power to receive will grow. Sri Aurobindo  
Resource name: /Messages/Darshan Messages/1969_11_24.htm
24 NOVEMBER 1969   Every truth, however true in itself, yet, taken apart from others which at once limit and complete it, becomes a snare to bind the intellect and a misleading dogma; for in reality each is one thread of a complex weft and no thread must be taken apart from the weft. SRI AUROBINDO   Previous                             Home  
Resource name: /Messages/Darshan Messages/2014_12_05.htm
Resource name: /Messages/Darshan Messages/1947_08_15.htm
15 AUGUST 1947 INVOCATION O our Mother, O Soul of India, Mother who hast never forsaken thy children even in the days of darkest depression, even when they turned away from thy voice, served other masters and denied thee, now when they have arisen and the light is on thy face in this dawn of thy liberation, in this great hour we salute thee. Guide us so that the horizon of freedom opening before us may be also a horizon of true greatness and of thy true life in the community of the nations.  Guide us so that we may be always on the side of great ideals and show to men thy true visage, as a leader in the ways of
Resource name: /Messages/Darshan Messages/1966_11_24.htm
24 NOVEMBER 1966   There are these three powers: (1) The Cosmic Law, of Karma or what else; (2) the Divine Compassion acting on as many as it can reach through the nets of the Law and giving them their chance; (3) the Divine Grace which acts more incalculably but also more irresistibly than the others. SRI AUROBINDO   Previous                                   Home  
Resource name: /Messages/Darshan Messages/1999_04_24.htm
24th April 1999       24 April 1999     Remember that the Mother is always with You. Address Her as follows and She will pull you out of all difficulties. "O Mother, Thou art the light of my intelligence, the purity of my soul the quiet strength of my vital, the endurance of my body, I rely on Thee alone and want to be entirely Thine, Make me surmount all obstacles on thy way."   A prayer given by the Mother for the use of a sadhak   Souvenez-vous que la Mère est toujours avec vous. Adressez-vous à Elle en ces termes et Elle vous tirera de toutes vos difficultés : "Ô Mère, Tu es la lumièr
Resource name: /Messages/Darshan Messages/2013_04_24.htm
24th April 2013   Lord, God of Beauty and Harmony Grant that we may become instruments worthy of manifesting thy supreme beauty in the world. This is our prayer and our aspiration. The Mother          
Resource name: /Messages/Darshan Messages/2016_12_05.htm
Resource name: /Messages/Darshan Messages/1965_08_15.htm
15 AUGUST 1965   Some day surely The world too shall be saved from death by love.                                                                                                                             SRI AUROBINDO   Previous                                 Home                                  Next