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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/The Next Step.htm
Next Step
condition of the poorer classes in this country is a subject which has till now
been too much neglected, but can be neglected no longer if the blessing of God
is to remain with our movement. The increasing poverty of the masses has been
the subject of innumerable pamphlets, speeches and newspaper articles, but we
are apt to think our duty done when we have proved that the poverty problem is
there; we leave the solution to the future and forget that by the time the
solution comes, the masses will have sunk into a condition of decay from which
it will take the nation many decades to recover. We have been accustomed to deal
only with the economical side of
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/About Unity.htm
About Unity
esteemed contemporary, the Bengalee,
has recently been reading us eloquent sermons on the uses and advantages of
unity. We confess we cannot follow our contemporary's argument. We gave
utterance to the very obvious and we thought, undeniable sentiment that Unity is
a means and not an end in itself. But the Bengalee asserts, and it has
now got the strong authority of Mr. Myron Phelps to back it, that unity is an
end in itself and not a means, but it seems to us that neither our contemporary
nor his authority have anything but their ipse dixit to prove their
assertion. We have great respect for Mr. Myron Phelps who is evidently a sincere
well-wisher of o
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/Unity-An Open Letter.htm
Unity *
THE sons of our mother Bharat who
disclaim their sonhood, to the children of languor
and selfishness, to the wooers of safety and ease, to the fathers of despair
and death -- greeting.
To those who impugning the holiness
of their Mother refuse to lift her out of danger lest they defile their own
spotless hands, to those who call on her to purify herself before they will
save her from the imminent and already descending sword of Death, -- greeting.
Lastly to those
who love and perhaps have striven for her but having now grown themselves faint
and hopeless bid others to despair and cease, -- to
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/The Situation in East Bengal.htm
The Situation in
East Bengal
commenting on the proceedings of the Berhampur Conference, we expressed our
opinion that the leaders had been guilty of the most serious deficiency in
statesmanship and courage in failing to understand and meet the situation
created by the occurrences in Tipperah. Leadership in this country has hitherto
gone with the fluent tongue, the sonorous voice, skill in dialectics and acute
adroitness in legal draftsmanship. The leader has not been called upon to
understand the great and urgent national needs or to meet the calls of a
dangerous crisis. In the opposition-cum- cooperation theory these were functions
of the alien Governmen
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/The Nagpur Imbroglio.htm
The Nagpur Imbroglio
difficult to get authentic and undisputed
news of the Nagpur imbroglio, but if report is to be believed, there is a better
chance than before of a satisfactory working compromise. It is in every way
desirable that the present difficulties should be smoothed over if that can be
done without any sacrifice to essential principle, and for any such compromise
it is essential for both sides to recognise that while they may and should fight
stubbornly for their principles both outside and inside the Congress, yet the
National Assembly itself is not the monopoly of either. A great deal of clamour
has been raised by the Moderates of Nagpur
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/The Foundation of Nationality.htm
The Foundations of Nationality
MR. N. N. Ghose of the Indian Nation has some name in this
country as an educated and even a learned man. He himself does not conceal his
opinion that he is almost if not quite the only well-educated man in India and
is perpetually asking the acknowledged exponents of public opinion on the
Nationalist side what educational qualifications they possess which would
justify them in advising or instructing their countrymen in politics. At one time it
is the conductors of Bande Mataram who are put to the question; at
another it is so able a political thinker and orator as Srijut Bepin Chandra Pal
whose speeches and writings
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/The Old Year.htm
The Old Year
are periods in the history of the world when the unseen Power that guides its
destinies seems to be filled with a consuming passion for change and a strong
impatience of the old. The Great Mother, the Adya Shakti,
has resolved to take the nations into Her hand and shape them anew. These are
periods of rapid destruction and energetic creation, filled with the sound of
cannon and the trampling of armies, the crash of great downfalls, and the turmoil of swift and violent revolutions; the world is thrown into the smelting pot
and comes out in a new shape and with new features. They are periods when the
wisdom of the wise is confounded and the prudence of
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/Work and Speech.htm
Work and speech
often hear that the time for speeches has gone by and action, silent, strenuous,
sacrificing action is all that is necessary at the present moment. Denunciation
of speeches has almost passed into a fashion and to rescue at least a certain
class of speeches from undeserved contempt is a duty we owe to the speakers and
the country they are serving no less by their speech than by other kinds of
Those who happen to be in any kind of touch with the people will agree
with us when we say that there is no consensus of opinion even amongst the
educated section as to the wisdom of pursuing a great and bold ideal or our
capacity of making the lea
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/The Comilla Incident.htm
The Comilla Incident
THE Comilla affair remains, after everybody has said his say, obscured by the usual
tangle of contradictions. The Hindu version presents a number of
— specific, detailed and categorical
of attacks on Hindus, making up in the mass
a serious picture of a mofussil town given over for days to an outbreak of
brutal lawlessness on the part of one section of the Mahomedan community, a
Magistrate quiescent and sympathetically tolerant of the rioters, and the final
resort by the Hindu community to drastic measures of self-defence on the
continued refusal of British authority to do its duty as the guardian of law and
order. A Mahomedan repo
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/SABCL/Bande Mataram_Volume-01/Reasons of Secession.htm
Reasons of Secession
now placed all the facts of the
Midnapur Conference before the public and the reasons which made a Nationalist
secession inevitable are sufficiently obvious. The Loyalist legend that the
Nationalists came prepared to break up the Conference by force, but were either
baffled, say some authorities, by the "mingled tact and firmness" of
Mr. K. B. Dutt, or overawed, say others, by the presence of the President's
bureaucratic friends and allies, and in their rage and disappointment seceded
and held a separate meeting, is too contemptible a lie to be treated seriously.
"Why should they secede? What was the necessity of a second
Conference?" ask