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Glossary of Philosophical and Psychological Terms
The definitions of the terms below are based upon the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
ADHAR. Support, receptacle; the mental-vital-physical system as a vessel in which the consciousness is contained.
ADITI. The Divine Mother; the divine consciousness; the indivisible consciousness, force and Ananda of the Supreme.
AGNI. Fire; the godhead of fire; the fire of aspiration, purification, Tapasya, transformation.
AJNA CHAKRA. The centre of consciousness between the eyebrows which governs the dynamic mind, will, vision, mental formation.
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/Other Editions/The Spiritual Significance of Flowers - Part 2/precontent.htm
The Spiritual Significance of Flowers
The Mother
The Spiritual Significance of Flowers
Part 2 Indexes, Glossaries and Descriptions
Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Pondicherry, India
First edition 2000
© Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust 2000
Published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department
Pondicherry, India
Printed in Singapore at Ho Printing
ISBN 81-7058-609-7
Thou hast put into these flowers a magical power:
they seem to spea
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/Other Editions/The Spiritual Significance of Flowers - Part 2/Glossary of Botanical Terms.htm
Glossary of Botanical Terms
The botanical terms below are those that occur in the Descriptions of the Flowers.
ADVENTITIOUS. Of organs or tissues developing in an abnormal position, e.g. roots developing
from stems.
ANNUAL. A plant that completes its entire life cycle in one year.
ANTHER. The pollen bearing organ of a flower.
AQUATICS. Plants that grow naturally in water (usually fresh water), either rooted in soil
or free-floating.
AURA. A ringlike area of colour that surrounds the centre of a flower.
AXIL. The angle that a leaf or flower makes with the stem or branch that bears it.
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/Other Editions/The Spiritual Significance of Flowers - Part 2/Index of Botanical Names.htm
Index of Botanical Names
The numbers below refer to the numbers of the flowers as they are arranged in Part 1.
Abelmoschus esculentus 702
Abutilon indicum 37
Abutilon Xhybridum 36, 38
Acacia auriculiformis 247
Acacia farnesiana 453
Acacia leucophloea 454
Acalypha 221
Acalypha godseffiana 225
Acalypha hispida 224
Acalypha wilkesiana 223
Acalypha wilkesiana 'Godseffiana' 222
Acanthus ilicifolius 418
Acanthus montanus 773
Acer 120
Achimenes grandiflora 745
Acidanthera bicolor, see 731
Aegle marmelos 139
Aerva tomentosa 122
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/Other Editions/The Spiritual Significance of Flowers - Part 2/The Symbolism of Colours.htm
The Symbolism of Colours
The significances of the colours below are based upon the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
The significances given here are general indications only, for the meaning of a colour may vary, as Sri Aurobindo noted, "with the field, the combinations, the character and shades of the colour, the play of forces". Moreover, a colour may have several meanings, since there is more than one order of things that colours indicate. "There is an order of significances", Sri Aurobindo observed, "in which they indicate various psychological dynamisms, e.g., faith, love, protection, etc. There is another order of significances in which they i
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/Other Editions/The Spiritual Significance of Flowers - Part 2/Index of Common Names.htm
Index of Common Names
The numbers below refer to the numbers of the flowers as they are arranged in Part 1.
Acerola 536
Achiote 47
Achira 78-80
African daisy 423
African iris 514
African marigold 398-400, 402
African tulip tree 795
African violet 737-38
Air plant 861
Alexandrian laurel 805
Almond 521
Almond tree 521
Alpine violet 858
Althaea 595, 603
Amaryllis 483-91
Amazon lily 476
Angel's trumpet 195
Angel wings 821
Angled luffa 691
Anikab 633
Annatto 47
Annual phlox 254-63
Apple guava 211
-002_Index of the Mother^s Significances
Index of the Mother's Significances
The numbers below refer to the numbers of the flowers as they are arranged in Part
Abolition of the ego 203
Absence of desire 201
Absolute truthfulness 421
Abundance 854
Abundance of beauty 513
Abundant expression 434
Accomplishment 245
Aditi—the Divine Consciousness 1
Adoration 138
Aesthetic power 609
Affection for the Divine 91
Agni 567
The aim of existence is realised 60
Air 881
Air of Auroville 55
Alchemy 479
Ananda 565
Ananda in the centres 632
Ananda in the physic
Note on the Texts and Photographs
Background information on the texts and photographs is given below, along with references to the texts of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
Photographs of Flowers
Most of the 630 flower-photographs in this book were taken in the gardens and courtyards of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry and in the nurseries, gardens, fields and forests of Auroville. Some photographs, especially those of flowers that grow well only in cooler climates, were photographed in Bangalore and Ootacamund, India, and in Germany.
In some of the photographs, the colour of the flower differs in hue or intensity from the
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/Other Editions/The Spiritual Significance of Flowers - Part 2/Publisher^s Note.htm
-001_Publisher^s Note
Publisher's Note
This reference volume contains indexes, glossaries, descriptions of the flowers and other information.
There are three indexes giving the location of the flowers in Part 1: an Index of the Mother's Significances, an Index of Botanical Names and an Index of Common Names. The user should note that in all these indexes the reference numbers are those of the flowers as they are arranged in Part 1, not the page numbers of the book.
Two glossaries explain technical terms used in the book. A Glossary of Botanical Terms defines words that occur in the Descriptions of the Flowers. A Glossary of Philosophical and Psychological Terms prov
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/Other Editions/The Spiritual Significance of Flowers - Part 2/Descriptions of the Flowers.htm
Descriptions of the Flowers
The numbers below are the numbers of the flowers as they are
arranged in Part 1.
Chapter 1
Aditi and Avatar
1 Aditi - the Divine Consciousness
Pure, immaculate, gloriously powerful.
Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. 'Alba'
Sacred lotus, East Indian lotus
Very large fragrant
chalice-shaped white flower with several rows of loosely arranged cupped
translucent petals surrounding a unique centre of numerous golden stamens that
encircle a raised yellow disc; borne singly on sturdy stems high above the
water. A vigorous aquatic rhizomatous plant with large, concave orbicular leaves
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