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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/Other Editions/Letters to my Little Smile/letters from Page 110 to 120.htm
Letters To My Little smile
My love and blessings for you and for them.
July 17, 1936
You said that there is something closed in me which is not opening to you and that that is why even when I
want to feel your love in my heart (which you say is already there) I don't feel
it. What is closed ? My heart ? or something else ? I don't understand all this.
I want it to open to you and I want to feel
your love in my heart always.
But if it is really closed, how to open it ?
What should I do to open it ?
For really I want it to open to you and I want
be happy for ever.
Your little child
My dear little smile,
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/Other Editions/Letters to my Little Smile/letters from Page 36 to 72.htm
Letters To My Little smile
My dear maman,
I spent the morning hours (drawing with Tara) on the gown which she is going to
embroider; and the afternoon hours I spent on the sari.
In this sari with red roses my maman looks like " a fairy in a rose garden'.
Your little smile
Here is a lovely comparison, worthy of the sari which is really very beautiful.
March 26, 1933
Here is the promised news: Today I have become the owner of the house in which
you live.
In two months work will begin and the first thing will be to break down the wall
separating your house from the adjacent ground which will then be made into a
beautiful garde
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/Other Editions/Letters to my Little Smile/letters from Page 121 to 135.htm
Portraits of Chandulal by the Mother (1931)
To Chandulal, the ever-smiling child, ( September 17, 1931)
Sweet Mother, grant that we may simply be, now and
forever, thy little children.
The capacity to wait steadily for the Realisation to
By his way of thinking, feeling, acting, each one
emanates vibrations which constitute his own atmosphere
and quite naturally attract vibrations of similar nature
and quality.
So long as you are capable of giving somebody a
beating you open the door to the possibility of being
given a beating yourself.
Sin be
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/Other Editions/Letters to my Little Smile/Introduction.htm
Here are two series of valuable correspondence. The
first is between the Mother and Vasudha, one of the earliest members of the Sri
Aurobindo Ashram. Vasudha came to Pondicherry as a girl of fourteen on 19
February 1928, about two months after my own arrival. She accompanied her
brother Chandulal whose correspondence with the Mother forms the second series.
I remember both brother and sister as they were
in those baby-years of the Ashram as well as their lives as sadhaks
in later times. Both stood happily in the sunshine of the Mother's love — and
their work brought a special attention to their souls from that light of lights.
The Mother used to ca
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/Other Editions/Letters to my Little Smile/precontent.htm
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/Other Editions/Letters to my Little Smile/letters from Page 136 to 167.htm
May we rise above the ordinary forms of
manifestations, so that Thou canst find the
necessary instruments for thy new manifestation. May we be always one with Thy
Force, a Force which the earth does not yet know and to reveal which is the
mission Thou hast given us.
0 the sweetness of Thy calm certitude, the power
of Thy Peace 1
This makes a beautiful programme... it will make a
still better realisation.
August 12, 1932
It is with the concentration of our will and the
intensity of our aspiration that we can hasten
the day of victory.
August 13, 1932
As to my belief in the efficacy of prayer, I
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/Other Editions/Letters to my Little Smile/letters from Page 73 to 110.htm
Letters To My Little smile
My dear maman,
The frames of our cots have been replaced. This evening Chandulal told me that
you. had written to him a note this morning not to forget to fix the frames. I
had already forgotten and when Chandulal told me that you had reminded him 1 was
Your child
It was not necessary for you to remember since I had not forgotten.
November 2, 1933
My dear maman,
This morning at 10.30 I went to the market with P. I bought some gold thread (
for the apron ), needles
for the sewing machine and a crochet-needle.
I have started the apron, it will be very beautiful,
almost like the embroidery
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/Other Editions/Letters to my Little Smile/letters from Page 1 to 35.htm
The Mother
( October 11, 1954)
Letters To My Little smile
Portraits of Vasudha by the Mother (1931)
Your portrait when you smile, with your head on my
My dear little smile,
You should not lose patience, nor courage; things
will turn out all right. The state in which you were while embroidering
"Silence"1 (flowers) cannot return as it was, for in the world things are never
exactly reproduced; everything changes and moves forward — but the state of
mental peace you have experienced will be nothing in comparison with the one —
much deeper and more complete — that you will experience.
You must keep intact y
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