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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Essays on the Gita_1950 Edn/Equality and Knowledge.htm
YOGA AND knowledge are, in this early part of the Gita's teaching,
the two wings of the soul's ascent. By Yoga is meant union through
divine works done without desire, with equality of soul to all things
and all men, as a sacrifice to the Supreme, while knowledge is that on
which this desirelessness, this equality, this power of sacrifice is founded.
The two wings indeed assist each other's flight; acting together, yet with a subtle alternation of mutual aid, like the two eyes
in a man which see together because they see alternately, they increase one another mutually by interchange of substance. As the
works grow more
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Essays on the Gita_1950 Edn/Sankhya yoga and Vedanta.htm
THE WHOLE object of the first six chapters of the Gita is to synthetise
in a large frame of Vedantic truth the two methods, ordinarily supposed to be diverse and even opposite, of the Sankhyas and the Yogins.
The Sankhya is taken as the starting-point and the basis; but it is
from the beginning and with a progressively increasing emphasis
permeated with the ideas and methods of Yoga and remoulded in its
spirit. The practical difference, as it seems to have presented itself to the
religious minds of that day, lay first in this that Sankhya proceeded by knowledge and through the Yoga of the intelligence, while
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Essays on the Gita_1950 Edn/The Process of Avatarhood.htm
SEE that the mystery of the divine Incarnation in man, the
assumption by the Godhead of the human type and the human nature, is in the view of the Gita only the other side of the eternal mystery of
human birth itself which is always in its essence, though not in its
phenomenal appearance, even such a miraculous assumption. The eternal and universal self of every human being is God; even his
personal self is a part of the Godhead, mamaivāmśa.,—not a fraction
or fragment, surely, since we cannot think of God as broken up into
little pieces, but a partial consciousness of the one Consciousness,
a partial power of
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Essays on the Gita_1950 Edn/Deva and Asura.htm
THE PRACTICAL difficulty of the change from the ignorant and
shackled normal nature of man to the dynamic freedom of a divine
and spiritual being will be apparent if we ask ourselves, more narrowly, how the transition can be effected from the fettered embarrassed functioning of the three qualities to the infinite action of
the liberated man who is no longer subject to the gunas. The transition is indispensable; for it is clearly laid down that he must be above
or else without the three gunas, trigunātīta, nistraigunya. On the
other hand it is no less clearly, no less emphatically laid down that in
every natural existence here o
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Essays on the Gita_1950 Edn/Our Demand and need from the Gita.htm
WORLD abounds with scriptures sacred and profane, with
revelations and half-revelations, with religions and philosophies, sects and
schools and systems. To these the many minds of a half-ripe knowledge or no
knowledge at all attach themselves with exclusiveness and passion and will have
it that this or the other hook is alone the eternal Word of God and all others
are either impostures or at best imperfectly inspired, that this or that
philosophy is the last word of the reasoning intellect and other systems are
either errors or saved only by such partial truth in them as links them to the
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Essays on the Gita_1950 Edn/The Core of the Teaching.htm
KNOW the divine Teacher, we see the human disciple; it remains to form a clear conception of the doctrine. A clear conception
fastening upon the essential idea, the central heart of the teaching is
especially necessary here because the Gita with its rich and manysided thought, its synthetical grasp of different aspects of the spiritual
life and the fluent winding motion of its argument lends itself, even
more than other scriptures, to one-sided misrepresentations born
of a partisan intellectuality. The unconscious or half-conscious wresting of fact and word and idea to suit a preconceived notion or the
doctrine or
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Essays on the Gita_1950 Edn/The Theory of Vibhuti.htm
of this chapter of the Gita is very much greater
than appears at first view or to an eye of prepossession which is looking into the text only for the creed of the last transcendence and the
detached turning of the human soul away from the world to a distant
Absolute. The message of the Gita is the gospel of the Divinity in
man who by force of an increasing union unfolds himself out of the
veil of the lower Nature, reveals to the human soul his cosmic spirit,
reveals his absolute transcendences, reveals himself in man and in
all beings. The potential outcome here of this union, this divine
Yoga, man grow
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Essays on the Gita_1950 Edn/The Secret of Secrets.htm
ALL THE truth that has developed itself at this length step by step,
each bringing forward a fresh aspect of the integral knowledge and
founding on it some result of spiritual state and action, has now to
take a turn of immense importance. The Teacher therefore takes care
first to draw attention to the decisive character of what he is about to
say, so that the mind of Arjuna may be awakened and attentive. For
he is going to open his mind to the knowledge and sight of the integral
Divinity and lead up to the vision of the eleventh book, by which the
warrior of Kurukshetra becomes conscious of the author and upholder
of hi
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Essays on the Gita_1950 Edn/The Core of the Gita's Meaning.htm
-47_the core of the gita's meaning.htm
WHAT THEN is the message of the Gita and what its working value,
its spiritual utility to the human mind of the present day after the long
ages that have elapsed since it was written and the great subsequent
transformations of thought and experience? The human mind moves
always forward, alters its viewpoint and enlarges its thought substance, and the effect of these changes is to render past systems of
thinking obsolete or, when they are preserved, to extend, to modify
and subtly or visibly to alter their value. The vitality of an ancient
doctrine consists in the extent to which it naturally lends
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/Essays on the Gita_1950 Edn/The Way and the Bhakta.htm
IN THE eleventh chapter of the Gita the original object of the teaching has been achieved and brought up to a certain completeness.
The command to divine action done for the sake of the world and
in union with the Spirit who dwells in it and in all its creatures and
in whom all its working takes place, has been given and accepted by
the Vibhuti. The disciple has been led away from the old poise of the
normal man and the standards, motives, outlook, egoistic consciousness of his ignorance, away from all that had finally failed him in
the hour of his spiritual crisis. The very action which on that standing he had rejec