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SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

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CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/The Human Cycle_1950 Edn/The End of the Curve of Reason.htm
CHAPTER XX THE END OF THE CURVE OF REASON   THE rational collectivist idea of society has at first sight a powerful attraction. There is behind it a great truth, that every society represents a collective being and in it and by it the individual lives and he owes to it all that he can give it. More, it is only by a certain relation to the society, a certain harmony with this greater collective self that he can find the complete use for his many developed or developing powers and activities. Since it is a collective being, it must, one would naturally suppose, have a discoverable collective reason and will which should find more and more its right expression and right working if
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/The Human Cycle_1950 Edn/Publishers.htm
The chapters constituting this book were written under the title THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT from month to month in the philosophical monthly, ARYA, from August 15, 1916 to July 15, 1918 and used recent and contemporary events as well as illustrations from the history of the past in explanation of the theory of social evolution put forward in these pages. The reader has therefore to go back in his mind to the events of that period in order to follow the line of thought and the atmosphere in which it developed. At one time there suggested itself the necessity of bringing this part up to date, especially by some reference to later developments in Nazi Germany and the development of
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/The Human Cycle_1950 Edn/Reason and Religion.htm
CHAPTER XIII  REASON AND RELIGIO CHAPTER XIII REASON AND RELIGION   IT WOULD seem then that reason is an insufficient, often an inefficient, even a stumbling and at its best a very partially enlightened guide for humanity in that great endeavour which is the real heart of human progress and the inner justification of our existence as souls, minds and bodies upon the earth. For that endeavour is not only the effort to survive and make a place for ourselves on the earth as the animals do, not only having made to keep it and develop its best vital and egoistic or communal use for the efficiency and enjoyment of the individual, family or the collective ego, substantially as is done by
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/The Human Cycle_1950 Edn/The coming of the Subjective Age.htm
CHAPTER III THE COMING OF THE SUBJECTIVE AGE   THE inherent aim and effort and justification, the psychological seed-cause, the whole tendency of development of an individualistic age of mankind, all go back to the one dominant need of rediscovering the substantial truths of life, thought and action which have been overlaid by the falsehood of conventional standards no longer alive to the truth of the ideas from which their conventions started. It would seem at first that the shortest way would be to return to the original ideas themselves for light, to rescue the kernel of their truth from the shell of convention in which it has become encrusted. But to this course th
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/The Human Cycle_1950 Edn/The Necessity of the Spiritual Transformation.htm
CHAPTER XXII THE NECESSITY OF THE SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION   OUR normal conduct of life, whether the individual or the social, is actually governed by the balance between two complementary powers,—first, an implicit will central to the life and inherent in the main power of its action and, secondly, whatever modifying will can come in from the Idea in mind—for man is a mental being—and operate through our as yet imperfect mental instruments to give this life—force a conscious orientation and a conscious method. Life normally finds its own centre in our vital and physical being, in its cravings and its needs, in its demand for persistence, growth, expansion, enjoyment,
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/The Human Cycle_1950 Edn/The Discovery of the Nation-Soul.htm
CHAPTER IV THE DISCOVERY OF THE NATION-SOUL   THE primal law and purpose of the individual life is to seek its own self-development. Consciously or halt-consciously or with an obscure unconscious groping it strives always and rightly strives at self-formulation,—to find itself, to discover within itself the law and power of its own being and to fulfil it. This aim in it is fundamental, right, inevitable because, even after all qualifications have been made and caveats entered, the individual is not merely the ephemeral physical creature, a form of mind and body that aggregates and dissolves, but a being, a living power of the eternal Truth, a self-manifesting spirit. In t
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/The Human Cycle_1950 Edn/The Curve of the Rational Age.htm
CHAPTER XIX THE CURVE OF THE RATIONAL AGE   THE present age of mankind may be characterised from this point of view of a graded psychological evolution of the race as a more and more rapidly accelerated attempt to discover and work out the right principle and secure foundations of a rational system of society. It has been an age of progress; but progress is of two kinds, adaptive, with a secure basis in an unalterable social principle and constant change only in the circumstances and machinery of its application to suit fresh ideas and fresh needs, or else radical, with no long-secure basis, but instead a constant root questioning of the practical foundations and even the ce
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/The Human Cycle_1950 Edn/The condition for the coming of a Spiritual Age.htm
CHAPTER XXIII THE CONDITIONS FOR THE COMING OF A SPIRITUAL AGE   A CHANGE of this kind, the change from the mental and vital to the spiritual order of life, must necessarily be accomplished in the individual and in a great number of individuals before it can lay any effective hold upon the community. The Spirit in humanity discovers, develops, builds into form in the individual man; it is through the progressive and formative individual that it offers the discovery and the chance of a new self- creation to the mind of the race. For the communal mind holds things sub-consciently at first or, if consciously, then in a confused chaotic manner: it is only through the indivi
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/The Human Cycle_1950 Edn/The Ideal law of Social Development.htm
CHAPTER VII THE IDEAL LAW OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT   THE true law of our development and the entire object of our social existence can only become clear to us when we have discovered not only, like modern Science, what man has been in his past physical and vital evolution, but his future mental and spiritual destiny and his place in the cycles of Nature. This is the reason why the subjective periods of human development must always be immeasurably the most fruitful and creative. In the others he either seizes on some face, image, type of the inner reality Nature in him is labouring to manifest or else he follows a mechanical impulse or shapes himself in the mould of her exte
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/Other Editions/The Human Cycle_1950 Edn/The Suprarational Ultimate of Life.htm
CHAPTER XVI THE SUPRARATIONAL ULTIMATE OF LIFE   IN ALL the higher powers of his life man may be said to be seeking, blindly enough, for God. To get at the Divine and eternal in himself and the world and to harmonise them, to put his being and his life in tune with the Infinite reveals itself in these parts of his nature as his concealed aim and his destiny. He sets out to arrive at his highest and largest and most perfect self, and the moment he at all touches upon it, this self in him appears to be one with some great Soul and Self of Truth and Good and Beauty in the world to which we give the name of God. To get at this as a spiritual presence is the aim of religion, to gr