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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Future Poetry/The Character of English Poetry 2.htm
Chapter VIII
The Character of English Poetry 2
WHAT KIND or quality of poetry should we naturally expect from a national mind so constituted? The Anglo-Saxon strain is dominant and in that circumstance there lay just a hazardous possibility that there might have been no poetical literature at all. The Teutonic nations
have in this field been conspicuous by their silence or the rarity of their speech. After the old rude epics, saga or Nibelungenlied,
we have to wait till quite recent times for poetic utterance, nor, when it came, was it rich or abundant. In Germany, so rich
in music, in philosophy, in science, the great poetic word h
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Future Poetry/Chapter VIII Conclusion.htm
'The Future Poetry' by Sri Aurobindo - Page 1 of 10
Chapter VIII
THE POETRY of the future has to solve, if the suggestions
I have made are sound, a problem new to the art of poetic speech, an utterance of the deepest soul of man
and of the universal spirit in things, not only with another and a more complete vision, but in the very inmost language of the
self-experience of the soul and the sight of the spiritual mind. The attempt to speak in poetry the inmost things of the spirit
or to use a psychical and spiritual seeing other than that of the more outward imagination and intelligence has indeed been
made before, but for the most part and excep
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Future Poetry/Recent English Poetry 4.htm
Chapter XXIII
Recent English Poetry 4
THE INSPIRING spirit and shaping substance of this new
poetry, that which gives it its peculiar turn, raises the power of its style to the intuitive closeness or directness
and presses on it to bring in another law of its movement, has been indicated to some extent in the core of its meaning, but it is
necessary to dwell on it more perusingly, that we may get a closer glimpse of the things towards which we are moving. The change
that is coming or at least striving to come, might be described on the surface as a great and subtle deepening and enlarging
of the thought-mind in the race and a new prof
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Future Poetry/On Quantitative Metre The Reason of Past Failures.htm
On Quantitative Metre
The Reason of Past Failures
The measures of this prose rhythm find their units of order in word-groups and not as in poetry in metrical lines; the syllabic combinations which we call feet do not follow here any fixed sequence. In colloquial speech the sequence is arranged by
impulse of Nature or by the automatic play of the subconscious mind, in prose either by the instinctive or by the conscious action
of an inner ear, by a secret and subtle hearing in our subliminal parts. There is not an arrangement of feet previously set by the
mind and fixedly recurrent as in metre. But still the measures
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Future Poetry/The Breath of Greater Life.htm
Chapter III
The Breath of Greater Life
THE TURN of poetry in the age which we have now left
behind, was, as was inevitable in a reign of dominant intellectuality, a preoccupation with reflective thought and
therefore with truth, but it was not at its core and in its essence a poetic thought and truth and its expression, however artistically
dressed with image and turn or enforced by strong or dexterous phrase, however frequently searching, apt or picturesque, had
not often, except in one or two exceptional voices, the most moving and intimate tones of poetry. The poets of the middle nineteenth century in England and America philosophised, mo
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Future Poetry/Recent English Poetry 1.htm
Chapter XX
Recent English Poetry 1
THE MOVEMENT away from the Victorian type in recent and contemporary English poetry cannot be said to have yet determined its final orientation. But we may
distinguish in its uncertain fluctuations, its attempts in this or that direction certain notes, certain strong tones, certain original
indications which may help us to disengage the final whither of its seekings. In the mass it appears as a broadening of the English
poetic mind into a full oneness with the great stream of modern thought and tendency, an opening up out of the narrower
Victorian insularity to admit a greater strength, subtlety and many-s
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Future Poetry/Recent English Poetry 3.htm
Chapter XXII
Recent English Poetry 3
THE RHYTHMIC change which distinguishes the new
poetry, may not be easy to seize at the first hearing, for it is a subtle thing in its spirit more than in its body,
commencing only and obscured by the outward adherence to the apparent turn-out and method of older forms; but there
is a change too, more readily tangible, in the language of this poetry, in that fusion of a concentrated substance of the idea
and a transmuting essence of the speech which we mean by poetic style. But here too, if we would understand in its issues
the evolution of poetic speech in a language, it is on the subtler things of t
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Future Poetry/Note on the Texts.htm
'The Future Poetry' by Sri Aurobindo - Page 1 of 5
Note on the Texts
THE FUTURE POETRY was first published serially in the monthly
review Arya between December 1917 and July 1920 in thirty-two instalments. The starting-point for these chapters was a book by James
H. Cousins, New Ways in English Literature (Ganesh & Co., Madras, preface dated November 1917). A copy of this book was sent to Sri
Aurobindo shortly after its publication for review in the Arya. He began a review (see Appendix I) but soon abandoned it in favour of
a larger work drawn, as he wrote later, from his "own ideas and his already conceived view of art and life".
Revision of
The Future Po
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Future Poetry/The Form and the Spirit.htm
Chapter VI
The Form and the Spirit
A CHANGE in the spirit of poetry must necessarily bring
with it a change of its forms, and this departure may be less or greater to the eye, more inward or more outward,
but always there must be at least some subtle and profound alteration which, whatever the apparent fidelity to old moulds,
is certain to amount in fact to a transmutation, since even the outward character and effect become other than they were and
the soul of substance and movement a new thing. The opening of the creative mind into an intuitive and revelatory poetry need
not of itself compel a revolution and total breaking up of the old for
The Future Poetry
Part I
Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry