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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Secret of Veda/Hymns to Mitra-Varuna V - 62 - 72 - Hymn Sixth.htm
The Sixth Hymn to Mitra-Varuna
[Mitra and Varuna perfect the vastness of the superconscient being which is the object of sacrifice; they possess the full abundance of its force. When they reach that luminous origin and home, they give men, labourers in the sacrificial work, its peace
and bliss; on the way to it they protect the mortal from his spiritual enemies who would stand in the way of his immortality;
for they keep firm to their higher workings and to the seats of the higher consciousness to which those workings belong and
to which man rises in his ascent; universal and all-knowing they de
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Secret of Veda/Hymns to the Dawn V-79 - 80 - Hymn First.htm
The First Hymn to the Dawn
[The Rishi prays for the full epiphany of the Dawn of the light of
Truth in all its lavish splendour, with all the bountiful companies of its gods and seers, the shining herds of its thought, the rushing
steeds of its force, the luminous impulsions with which it comes —companioned, as they are, by the burning rays of the Sun of
gnosis. Let the Dawn arrive and the work will no longer be long and tardy.]
1. O Dawn, come with all thy splendours of heaven, awaken us today to the great felicity, even as once thou awakenedst
us, —in the sonhood of the birth of knowledge, in the inspired hearing o
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Secret of Veda/Hymns to Agni - V 1- 28 - Hymn Tenth.htm
The Tenth Hymn to Agni
[The Rishi prays to the divine Flame to work in him by the triple force of Power, Knowledge and Delight. He speaks of
the splendid souls of knowledge in our humanity who attain to the Truth and Vastness; they are the burning and overpowering
flame-rays of this transcendent Conscious-Force of the Divine that is at work in us to climb to divine mastery. Some have
become such souls, others are still hampered but growing. He desires the increasing affirmation of Agni so that all may advance
to a rich and all-comprehending universality.]
1. O Flame,
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Secret of Veda/Hymns of Atris - The Doctrine of the Mystics.htm
The Doctrine of the Mystics
THE VEDA possesses the high spiritual substance of the Upanishads, but lacks their phraseology; it is an inspired
knowledge as yet insufficiently equipped with intellectual and philosophical terms. We find a language of poets and
illuminates to whom all experience is real, vivid, sensible, even concrete, not yet of thinkers and systematisers to whom the
realities of the mind and soul have become abstractions. Yet a system, a doctrine there is; but its structure is supple, its terms
are concrete, the cast of its thought is practical and experimental, but in the accomplished type of an old and sure experience, not
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Secret of Veda/Hymns to Agni - V 1- 28 - Hymn Twenty-First.htm
The Twenty-First Hymn to Agni
[The Rishi invokes the divine Flame to burn as the divine Man in humanity and to raise us to our perfection in the seats of the
Truth and the Bliss.]
1. As the human1 we set thee within us, as the human we
kindle thee; O Flame, O Seer-Puissance, as the human offer sacrifice to the gods for the seeker of the godheads.
2. O Flame, thou burnest in the human creature when thou art satisfied with his offerings; his ladles go to thee unceasingly,
O perfect in thy birth, O presser out of the running richness.
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Secret of Veda/The Guardians of the Light - Contd.htm
The result of the procession of the shining dawns, of the divine returns of Surya, of the increasings of Pushan and his leading on
the Path is summed up in the creation of Savitri the luminous Creator. It is the god Savitri who sets us there where the ancient
doers of the Work have preceded us; that is the desirable flame and splendour of the divine Creator on which the seer has to
meditate and towards which this god impels our thoughts, that the bliss of the creative godhead on the forms of which our
soul must meditate as it journeys towards it. It is the supreme creation in which the goddess undivided and infinite speaks out
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Secret of Veda/Hymns to Agni - V 1- 28 - Hymn Seventh.htm
The Seventh Hymn to Agni
[Agni is hymned as the divine Force that brings the bliss and the
ray of the truth into the human being and light into the night of our darkness. He leads men in their labour to his own infinite
levels; he enjoys and tears up the objects of earthly enjoyment, but all his multitude of desires are for the building of a universality, an all-embracing enjoyment in the divine home of the human being. He is the animal moving as the enjoyer by the progressive
movement of Nature, as with an axe through the forest, to th
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Secret of Veda/Chapter IV The Foundations of the Psychological Theory.htm
Part One
Chapter IV
The Foundations of the
Psychological Theory
A HYPOTHESIS of the sense of
Veda must always proceed, to be sure and sound, from a basis that
clearly emerges in the language of the Veda itself. Even if the bulk
of its substance be an arrangement of symbols and figures, the sense
of which has to be discovered, yet there should be clear indications
in the explicit language of the hymns which will guide us to that
sense. Otherwise, the symbols being themselves ambiguous, we shall
be in danger of manufacturing a system out of our own imaginations
and preferences instead of dis
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Secret of Veda/Chapter X The Image of the Oceans and the Rivers.htm
Chapter X
The Image of the
Oceans and the Rivers
THE three Riks of
the third hymn of Madhuchchhandas in which Saraswati has been
invoked, run as follows, in the Sanskrit:
Pāvakā naḥ sarasvatī vājebhir
yajñam vaṣtu dhiyāvasuḥ.
Codayitrī sūnṛtānām, cetantī
yajñam dadhe sarasvatī.
Maho arṇaḥ
sarasvatī, pra cetayati ketunā;
dhiyo viśvā vi rājati.
The sense of the first two verses is clear enough when we know
Saraswati to be that power of the Truth which we call inspiration.
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Secret of Veda/Hymns to Mitra-Varuna V - 62 - 72 - Hymn Fourth.htm
The Fourth Hymn to Mitra-Varuna
[The Rishi invokes the two great increasers of the truth in our being to lead us in our journey to the plenitudes, to the vastness
of our true existence which they conquer for us out of the narrow limits of our present ignorant and imperfect mentality.]
1. He who has awakened to the knowledge, becomes perfect in will; let him speak for us among the gods: Varuna of the
vision and Mitra take delight in his words.
2. They are the Kings most glorious in light and most far in
their hearing;1 they are the masters of b