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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Human Cycle/The Advent and Progress of the Spiritual Age.htm
Chapter XXIV
The Advent and Progress
of the Spiritual Age
IF A subjective age, the last sector of a social cycle, is to find its outlet and fruition in a spiritualised society and the
emergence of mankind on a higher evolutionary level, it is not enough that certain ideas favourable to that turn of human
life should take hold of the general mind of the race, permeate the ordinary motives of its thought, art, ethics, political ideals,
social effort, or even get well into its inner way of thinking and feeling. It is not enough even that the idea of the kingdom of
God on earth, a reign of spirituality, freedom and unity, a real and inner
Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry
A page of the Arya with changes made in the 1930s
The Human Cycle
Publisher's Note to the First Edition
The chapters constituting this book were written under the title
"The Psychology of Social Development" from month to month in the philosophical monthly, "Arya", from August 1
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Human Cycle/Religion as the Law of Life.htm
Chapter XVII
Religion as the Law of Life
SINCE the infinite, the absolute and transcendent, the universal, the One is the secret summit of existence and to
reach the spiritual consciousness and the Divine the ultimate goal and aim of our being and therefore of the whole development of the individual and the collectivity in all its parts
and all its activities, reason cannot be the last and highest guide; culture, as it is understood ordinarily, cannot be the directing
light or find out the regulating and harmonising principle of all our life and action. For reason stops short of the Divine and
only compromises with the problems of life
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Human Cycle/War and the Need of Economic Unity.htm
Chapter XXV
War and the Need of
Economic Unity
THE MILITARY necessity, the pressure of war between nations and the need for prevention of war by the assumption of force and authority in the hands of an international body, World-State or Federation or League of Peace,
is that which will most directly drive humanity in the end towards some sort of international union. But there is behind it
another necessity which is much more powerful in its action on the modern mind, the commercial and industrial, the necessity born of economic interdependence. Commercialism is a modern sociological phenomenon; one might almost say that
is the
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Human Cycle/The Need of Administrative Unity.htm
Chapter XXVI
The Need of Administrative Unity
IN ALMOST all current ideas of the first step towards international organisation, it is taken for granted that the nations
will continue to enjoy their separate existence and liberties
and will only leave to international action the prevention of war, the regulation of dangerous disputes, the power of settling great
international questions which they cannot settle by ordinary means. It is impossible that the development should stop there;
this first step would necessarily lead to others which could travel only in one direction. Whatever authority were established, if it
is to be a true authority i
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Human Cycle/The Need of Military Unification.htm
Chapter XXIV
The Need of Military Unification
IN THE process of centralisation by which all the powers of an organised community come to be centred in one
sovereign governing body, — the process which has been the
most prominent characteristic of national formations, — military necessity has played at the beginning the largest overt part.
This necessity was both external and internal, — external for the defence of the nation against disruption or subjection from without, internal for its defence against civil disruption and disorder. If a common administrative authority is essential in order to bind
together the constituent parts of
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Human Cycle/Forms of Government.htm
Chapter XXIII
Forms of Government
THE IDEA of a world-union of free nations and empires, loose at first, but growing closer-knit with time and experience, seems at first sight the most practicable form
of political unity; it is the only form indeed which would be immediately practicable, supposing the will to unity to become
rapidly effective in the mind of the race. On the other hand, it is the State idea which is now dominant. The State has been
the most successful and efficient means of unification and has been best able to meet the various needs which the progressive
aggregate life of societies has created for itself and is still
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Human Cycle/The Spiritual Aim and Life.htm
Chapter XXI
The Spiritual Aim and Life
A SOCIETY founded upon spirituality will differ in two essential points from the normal human society which
begins from and ends with the lower nature. The normal human society starts from the gregarious instinct modified by a diversity and possible antagonism of interests, from an
association and clash of egos, from a meeting, combination, conflict of ideas, tendencies and principles; it tries first to patch
up an accommodation of converging interests and a treaty of peace between discords, founded on a series of implied contracts,
natural or necessary adjustments which become customs of the aggr
'The Human Cycle„The Ideal of Human Unity„War and Self-Determination' by Sri Aurobindo - Page 1 of 50
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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Human Cycle/The Cycle of Society.htm
'The Human Cycle„The Ideal of Human Unity„War and Self-Determination' by Sri Aurobindo - Page 1 of 50
The Human Cycle
Chapter I
The Cycle of Society
MODERN Science, obsessed with the greatness of its physical discoveries and the idea of the sole existence
of Matter, has long attempted to base upon physical
data even its study of Soul and Mind and of those workings of Nature in man and animal in which a knowledge of psychology
is as important as any of the physical sciences. Its very
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Human Cycle/The Coming of the Subjective Age.htm
Chapter III
The Coming of the Subjective Age
THE INHERENT aim and effort and justification, the
psychological seed-cause, the whole tendency of development of an individualistic age of mankind, all go back
to the one dominant need of rediscovering the substantial truths of life, thought and action which have been overlaid by the
falsehood of conventional standards no longer alive to the truth of the ideas from which their conventions started. It would seem
at first that the shortest way would be to return to the original ideas themselves for light, to rescue the kernel of their truth from
the shell of convention in which it has become incrus