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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/Comments on Some Examples of Western Poetry (up to 1900).htm
Comments on Some Examples
of W
Comments on Some Examples
of Western Poetry
(up to 1900)
Quaenam te mala mens, miselle Ravide,
agit praecipitem in meos iambos?
quis deus tibi non bene advocatus
vecordem parat excitare rixam?
an ut pervenias in ora vulgi?
quid vis? qualubet esse notus optas?
eris, quandoquidem meos amores
cum longa voluisti amare poena.
Unless meos amores is purposely vague, at least two objects of Catullus's affections must be in question? Would you say
that this piece is in a vein of good-humoured banter?
I do not think meos amores
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/English Metres.htm
English Metres
Octosyllabic Metre
The regular octosyllabic metre is at once the easiest to write and the most difficult to justify by a strong and original rhythmic
treatment; it may be that it is only by filling it with very original thought-substance and image and the deeper tones and sound
significances which these would bring that it could be saved from its besetting obviousness. On the other hand, the melody to
which it lends itself, if raised to a certain intensity, can be fraught with a rescuing charm that makes us forget the obviousness of
the metre.
4 February 1932
Iambic Pentameter
An inspirat
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/Examples of Grades of Perfection in Poetic Style.htm
Examples of Grades of Perfectio
Examples of Grades of Perfection in Poetic Style
Examples from Classical and Mediaeval Writers
Would you please tell me where in Homer the "descent of
Apollo" occurs?1
It is in the first fifty or a hundred lines of the first book of the
I don't suppose Chapman or Pope have rendered it adequately.
Of course not ―nobody could translate that ―they have surely made a mess of it.
Homer's passage translated into English would sound perfectly ordinary. He gets the best part of his effect from his
rhythm. Translated it would run merely like this, "And he descended from the peaks of
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/Painting, Music, Dance and Yoga.htm
Painting, Music, Dance and Yoga
Yoga and the Arts
In the new creation would there not be great musicians, painters, poets, athletes etc. created from the Ashram?
All kinds that are needed for the work or the manifestation would, I suppose, come.
24 May 1933
Painting and Sadhana
Painting also is sadhana; so it is perfectly possible to make them one. It is a matter of dedicating the painting and feeling the force
that makes you paint as the Mother's force.
4 September 1935
Of course everybody is here for Yoga and not for painting.
Painting or any other activity has to be m
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/Substance, Style, Diction.htm
Substance, Style, Diction
Form and Substance
On the general question [of rhythm vs. substance] the truth seems to me to be very simple. It may be quite true that fine
or telling rhythms without substance (substance of idea, suggestion, feeling) are hardly poetry at all, even if they make good
verse. But that is no ground for belittling beauty or excellence of form or ignoring its supreme importance for poetic perfection.
Poetry is after all an art and a poet ought to be an artist of word and rhythm, even though, necessarily, like other artists,
he must also be something more than that, even much more. I hold therefore that harshness and roughne
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/Note on the Texts.htm
Note on the Texts
Note on the Texts
includes most of the letters on
poetry, literature, art and aesthetics that Sri Aurobindo wrote between 1929 and 1950. During these years he was living in retirement in his
ashram in Pondicherry and had no direct contact with others, but he carried on an enormous correspondence with the members of his
ashram as well as outsiders. Most of the letters he wrote at this time were concerned with the recipients' practice of yoga and day-to-day
life. But a significant number were about literary and artistic matters. The most important of such letters are publish
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/Comments on Some Remarks by a Critic.htm
Comments on
Some Remarks by a Critic
You have asked me to comment on your friend Mendonca's
comments on my poetry and especially on Savitri. But, first of all, it is not usual for a poet to criticise the criticisms of his
critics though a few perhaps have done so; the poet writes for his own satisfaction, his own delight in poetical creation or to
express himself and he leaves his work for the world, and rather for posterity than for the contemporary world, to recognise or
to ignore, to judge and value according to its perception or its pleasure. As for the contemporary world he might be said rather
to throw his poem in its face and leave it to res
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/Inspiration, Effort, Development.htm
Part Two
On His Own and Others' Poetry
Section One
On His Poetry and Poetic Method
Inspiration, Effort, Development
Writing and Rewriting
It will be valuable knowledge to learn how Six Poems were written and the three recent sonnets and how
Savitri is being
led forward to its consummation.
There is no invariable how ―except that I receive from above
my head and receive changes and corrections from above without any initiation by myself or labour of the brain. Even if I
change a hundred times, the mind does not work at that, it only receives. Formerly it used n
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/Literature and Yoga.htm
Section Four
Literature, Art, Music
and the Practice of Yoga
Literature and Yoga
Poetry and Sadhana
Can one gain as much profit (I mean spiritually) from writing poems, etc. as from devoting one's time to sadhana
―meditation, etc. In other words, can literary activity be taken as part of one's sadhana?
Any activity can be taken as part of the sadhana if it is offered to the Divine or done with the consciousness or faith that it is
done by the Divine Power. That is the important point.
29 March 1934
It is obvious that poetry cannot be a
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Letters on Poetry And Art/Guidance in Writing Poetry.htm
Section Three
Section Three
Practical Guidance
for Aspiring Writers
Guidance in Writing Poetry
Three Essentials for Writing Poetry
I have gone through your poems. For poetry three things are necessary. First, there must be emotional sincerity and poetical
feeling and this your poems show that you possess. Next, a mastery over language and a faculty of rhythm perfected by a
knowledge of the technique of poetic and rhythmic expression; here the technique is imperfect, some faculty is there but in the
rough and there is not yet an original and native style. Finally, there must be the power of inspiratio