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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Early Cultural Writings/Bankim - His Literary History.htm
His Literary History
literary activity began for any serious purpose at Khulna, but he had already trifled with poetry in his
student days. At that time the poet Iswara Chandra Gupta was publishing two papers, the Sangbad Prabhakar and the Sadhuranjan, which Dwarkanath Mitra and Dinbandhu Mitra were helping with clever
school-boy imitation of Iswara Chandra's style. Bankim also entered these fields, but his
striking originality at once distinguished him from the mere cleverness of his competitors, and the fine critical taste of Iswara Chandra easily discovered in this obscure student a great and splendid
genius. Like Madhu Sudan Dutt Bankim began by an
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Early Cultural Writings/On Poetry - Originality in National Literatures.htm
Originality in National Literatures
It is a singular and as yet unexplained phenomenon in the
psychology of mankind that out of so many magnificent civilisations, so many powerful, cultured & vigorous nations & empires
whose names and deeds crowd the pages of history, only a select few have been able to develop a thoroughly original and
self-revealing literature. Still fewer have succeeded in maintaining these characteristics from beginning to end of their literary development. There have been instances in which a nation at some period of especial energy and stress of life has for a moment
arrived at a perfect self-expression, but with the effort the
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Early Cultural Writings/Kalidasa -The Historical Method.htm
The Historical Method
Of Kalidasa, the man who thus represents one of the greatest
periods in our civilisation and typifies so many sides and facets of it in his writing, we know if possible even less than of Valmekie and Vyasa. It is probable but not certain that he was a native of Malwa born not in the capital Ujjaini, but in one of those villages of which he speaks in the Cloud-Messenger and that he
afterwards resorted to the capital and wrote under the patronage of the great Vicramaditya
who founded the era of the Malavas in the middle of the first century before
Christ. Of his attainments, his creed, his character we may gather something from
his poet
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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Early Cultural Writings/Bankim - His Versatility.htm
WHENEVER a literary man gives proof of a high capacity in action people always talk about it as if a miracle had happened. The vulgar theory is that worldly abilities are inconsistent with the poetic genius. Like
most vulgar theories it is a conclusion made at a jump from a few superficial appearances. The inference to be drawn from a
sympathetic study of the lives of great thinkers and great writers is that except in certain rare cases versatility is one condition of genius. Indeed the literary ability may be said to contain all the others, and the more so when it takes the form of criticism or of any art, such as the novelist's, which proc
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Early Cultural Writings/Bankim-Tilak-Dayanand - Bal Gangadhar Tilak.htm
Bal Gangadhar Tilak
NEITHER Mr. Tilak nor his speeches really require any presentation or foreword. His speeches are, like the featureless Brahman, self-luminous. Straightforward, lucid, never turning aside from the point which they mean to hammer in or wrapping it up in ornamental verbiage, they read like a series of self-evident propositions. And Mr. Tilak himself, his career, his place in Indian politics are also a self-evident proposition, a hard fact baffling and dismaying in the last degree to those to whom his name has been anathema and his increasing pre-eminence figured as a portent of evil. The condition of things in India being given, the one possible a
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Early Cultural Writings/On Education -The Human Mind.htm
A System of National Education
Some Preliminary Ideas
Publisher's Note
to the 1924 Edition
These essays were first published in the Karmayogin in the year 1910. They are, however, incomplete, and the subject of national education proper has not been touched except in certain allusions. It was not the author's intention to have them reprinted in their present form, but circumstances have made necessary the bringing out of an authorised edition. As it at present stands the book consists of a number of introductory essays insisting on certain
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Early Cultural Writings/Appendix-II - Premises of Astrology.htm
Appendix Two
Premises of Astrology
Sri Aurobindo wrote these notes around 1910. They were not intended for publication.
Chapter I
Astrology depends on three things, the position of the planets in the heavens and with regard to each other, the condition of the planets at the natal hour or at the moment of enquiry, and the general character or tout ensemble of the horoscope. Any error or deficiency with regard to any of these three elements
separately or with regard to their mutual relations will affect the work of the
astrologer and vitiate its correctness or its completeness. To cast a ho
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Early Cultural Writings/Kalidasa - The Malavas.htm
The Malavas
Once in the long history of poetry the great powers who are
ever working the finest energies of nature into the warp of our human evolution, met together and resolved to unite in creating
a poetical intellect & imagination that, endowed with the most noble & various poetical gifts, capable in all the great forms used
by creative genius, should express once & for all in a supreme manner the whole sensuous plane of our life, its heat & light,
its joy, colour & sweetness. And since to all quality there must be a corresponding defect, they not only gifted this genius with
rich powers and a remarkable temperament but drew round it the necessary line of limitations.
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Early Cultural Writings/On Art - Indian Art and an Old Classic.htm
Indian Art and an Old Classic
us a new edition of Krittibas's Ramayan, edited and published by
that indefatigable literary and patriotic worker, Sj. Ramānanda
Chatterji. Ramānanda Babu is well known to the Bengali public as a clear-minded, sober and fearless political speaker and
writer; as editor of the Modern Review
and the Prabasi he has
raised the status and quality of Indian periodical literature to an
extraordinary extent, and has recently been doing a yet more
valuable and lasting service to his country by introducing the
masterpieces of the new school of Art to his readers. His pr
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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Early Cultural Writings/On Education -The Training of the Logical Faculties.htm
The Training of the Logical Faculty
THE TRAINING of the logical reason must necessarily follow the training of the faculties which collect the material on which the logical reason must work. Not only so but the mind must have some development of the faculty of dealing with words before it can deal successfully with ideas. The question is, once this preliminary work is done, what is the best way of teaching the boy to think correctly from premises. For the logical reason cannot proceed without premises. It either infers from facts to a conclusion, or from previously formed conclusions to a fresh one, or fr