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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/-06-07_Bande Mataram/Bande Mataram 10-9-06.htm
Bande Mataram
{ CALCUTTA, September 10th, 1906 }
The Pro-Petition Plot
It is impossible, we think, to condemn too strongly the attempt that is being made, by means of confidential circulars from
Calcutta, to get up a fresh memorial to the Secretary of State for India, for the revocation or modification of the Partition of
Bengal. We are strongly opposed, it is well known, to sending any fresh memorial on this subject, but this general objection
apart, the methods that have been adopted to get up this new memorial are open to very serious objection, and it is to these
that we desire to call public attention today. A telegraphic m
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/-06-07_Bande Mataram/Bande Mataram 11-9-06.htm
Bande Mataram
{ CALCUTTA, September 11th, 1906 }
A Savage Sentence
We hope that an appeal will be preferred against the barbarous sentence passed on one Bipin Behari Modak for throwing acid,— so it is alleged,— in the face of an unpopular non-striker in the Howrah Office. To us the evidence on the defence side seems
to be exceedingly strong nor can we discover any motive for the attack on the part of a man who had no connection of any
kind with the strike. But then it was a strike case, and strike, in magisterial eyes, means Swadeshi and Swadeshi means sedition.
So by a strict chain of judicial logic the accused is not only c
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/-06-07_Bande Mataram/Bande Mataram 8-6-07.htm
{ CALCUTTA, June 8th, 1907 }
The Strength of the Idea
The mistake which despots,
benevolent or malevolent, have been making ever since organised states came into
existence and which, it seems, they will go on making to the end of the chapter,
is that they overestimate their coercive power, which is physical and material
and therefore palpable, and underestimate the power and vitality of ideas and
sentiments. A feeling or a thought, Nationalism, Democracy, the aspiration
towards liberty, cannot be estimated in the terms of concrete power, in so many
fighting men, so many armed police, so many guns, so many prisons, suc
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/-06-07_Bande Mataram/Note on the Texts.htm
Note on the Texts
1890 1908
includes all of Sri Aurobindo's surviving political writings and speeches
from the years before his arrest in May 1908. Political writings and speeches from the period after his imprisonment are published in
Karmayogin: Political Writings and Speeches 1909 1910, volume 8 of THE
The bulk of the present volumes consists of articles published in the newspaper
Bande Mataram in 1906, 1907
and 1908. They
also include writings and a resolution from before the Bande Mataram period, speeches delivered during that period, writings from tha
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/-06-07_Bande Mataram/Bande Mataram 25-4-07.htm
Bande Mataram
CALCUTTA, April 25th, 1907 }
Bureaucracy at Jamalpur
The most recent accounts of the Jamalpur outrage emphasise the sinister nature of the occurrence and the defects in our own
organisation which we must labour to remove. The most disgraceful feature of the riots has been the conduct of the British
local official who seems to have deceived and betrayed the Hindus into the hands of the Mahomedan
goondas. The nature
of the attack, its suddenness and completeness, show beyond doubt that it had been carefully planned beforehand and was
no casual outbreak either of fanaticism or rowdyism. It is impossible to believe that t
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/-06-07_Bande Mataram/Bande Mataram 17-8-07.htm
Bande Mataram
CALCUTTA, August 17th, 1907 }
To Organise Boycott
That boycott is the central question of Indian politics is now a generally recognised fact, recognised openly or tacitly by its
supporters and its opponents alike. The Anglo-Indian papers are busy trying to make out that it is a chimera and a failure:
the executive are straining every nerve to crush it by magisterial interference, by police
zulum, by prosecution of newspapers and
all the familiar machinery of repressive despotism: the friends of the alien among ourselves are reiterating that the movement
is a foolish affair and that no nation ever was made by boycot
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/-06-07_Bande Mataram/Bande Mataram 31-12-06.htm
Bande Mataram
{ CALCUTTA, December 31st, 1906 }
The Results of the Congress
The great Calcutta Congress, the centre of so many hopes and fears, is over. Of the various antagonistic or contending forces
which are now being hurled together into that Medea's cauldron of confused and ever fiercer struggle out of which a free and
regenerated India is to arise, each one had its own acute fears and fervent hopes for the results of this year's Congress.
Anglo-India and Tory England feared that the Extremists might capture the assembly; they hoped that a split would be created, and, as a
result, the Congress either come to an end and lan
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/-06-07_Bande Mataram/Bande Mataram 4-4-08.htm
Bande Mataram
CALCUTTA, April 4th, 1908 }
Convention and Conference
When the leaders of the Moderate party meet at Allahabad, they will be on their trial before India and all the world. They have
done much in the past for the country. Whatever we may think of the views they hold or the methods dear to them, they are the
survivors of a generation which woke the nation from political apathy and helped to break the spell which British success had
thrown upon the hearts of the people. They turned a critical eye on things which had been taken for granted, British peace,
British justice, British freedom. Even while they lauded, they critici
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/-06-07_Bande Mataram/Bande Mataram 28-5-07.htm
Sri Aurobindo at the Surat
Congress, December 1907
In the upper photograph, Sri Aurobindo is seated next to Bal Gangadhar Tilak. In
the lower photograph, Sri Aurobindo (seated at the table) is presiding over a
Nationalist Party meeting. Tilak (standing) is speaking.
Part Four
Bande Mataram
under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo
28 May 22 December 1907
On 2 June 1907
the first issue of the weekly edition of Bande Mataram
was published. Issued every Sunday, the weekly edition was intended for
circulation both in Bengal and in other provinces. It consisted mo
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/-06-07_Bande Mataram/Bande Mataram 14-9-07.htm
Bande Mataram
CALCUTTA, September
14th, 1907 }
Sacrifice and Redemption
The abiding attributes of humanity, those that have endured through time's changes and have redeemed man's nature from
the mortality of the flesh, have behind them a tradition of sacrifice. There is not a single ideal in the world that has been
able to secure permanence in human thought without striking root in a soil manured with the martyr's blood and growing in
its initial stages through an atmosphere charged with human sorrow and suffering. Mankind has been mercilessly exacting of
those unto whom it has rendered its worship and unquestioning obedi