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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Essays Divine and Human/Hinduism and the Mission of India.htm
Hinduism and the Mission of India
[.....] [That] which is permanent in the Hindu religion, must
form the basis on which the world will increasingly take its stand in dealing with spiritual experience and religious truth.
Hinduism, in my sense of the word, is not modern Brahmanism. Modern Brahmanism developed into existence at a definite period in history. It is now developing out of existence; its mission is done, its capacities exhausted, the Truth which, like other
religions, it defended, honoured, preserved, cherished, misused and disfigured, is about to take to itself new forms and dispense
with all other screen
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Essays Divine and Human/The Voices of the Poets.htm
The Voices of the Poets
Out of the infinite silence of the past, peopled only to the eye
of history or the ear of the Yogin, a few voices arise which speak for it, express it and are the very utterance and soul of
those unknown generations, of that vanished and now silent humanity. These are the voices of the poets. We whose souls
are drying up in this hard and parched age of utilitarian and scientific thought when men value little beyond what gives them
exact and useful knowledge or leads them to some outward increase of power & pleasure, we who are beginning to neglect
& ignore poetry and can no longer write it greatly &
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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Essays Divine and Human/Parabrahman, Mukti and Human Thought-Systems.htm
Parabrahman, Mukti
& Human Thought-Systems
Parabrahman is the Absolute, & because It is the Absolute, it
cannot be reduced into terms of knowledge. You can know the Infinite in a way, but you cannot know the Absolute.
All things in existence or non-existence are symbols of the Absolute created in self-consciousness (Chid-Atman); by Its symbols the Absolute can be known so far as the symbols reveal or hint at it, but even the knowledge of the whole sum of symbols
does not amount to real knowledge of the Absolute. You can become Parabrahman; you cannot know Parabrahman. Becoming
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Essays Divine and Human/The Way of Yoga.htm
Change of Consciousness and Transformation of Nature
The Way of Yoga
Change of Consciousness: The Meaning of Yoga
Yoga is a means by which one arrives at union with the Truth
behind things through an inner discipline which leads us from the consciousness of the outward and apparent to the consciousness of the inner and real. Yoga consciousness does not exclude the knowledge of the outer apparent world but it sees it with the
eyes of an
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Essays Divine and Human/The Beginning and the End.htm
Section Four
1914 1919
The Beginning and the End
Who knows the beginning of things or what mind has ever
embraced their end? When we have said a beginning, do we not behold spreading out beyond it all the eternity of Time when
that which has begun was not? So also when we imagine an end our vision becomes wise of endless Space stretching out beyond
the terminus we have fixed. Do even forms begin and end? Or does eternal Form only disappear from one of its canvases?
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Essays Divine and Human/Science and Religion in Theosophy.htm
Science & Religion in Theosophy
I have said that I wish to write of Theosophy in no strain of
unreasoning hostility or spirit of vulgar ridicule; yet these essays will be found to be much occupied with criticisms and often
unsparing criticisms of the spirit and methods of Theosophists. There is, however, this difference between my criticisms and
much that I have seen written in dispraise of the movement, that I censure not as an enemy but as an impartial critic, not as
a hostile and incredulous outsider but as an earnest and careful inquirer and practical experimentalist in those fields which
Theosophy seeks to make her
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Essays Divine and Human/Poetic Genius.htm
Poetic Genius
The greatest poets are usually those who arise either out of a
large simple and puissant environment or out of a movement of mind that is grandiose, forceful & elemental. When man
becomes excessively refined in intellect, curious in aesthetic sensibility or minute & exact in intellectual reasoning, it becomes
more & more difficult to write great and powerful poetry. Ages of accomplished intellectuality & scholarship or of strong scientific rationality are not favourable to the birth of great poets or, if they are born, not favourable to the free & untrammelled
action of their gifts. They remain great, but their greatness bends under a
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Essays Divine and Human/A Misunderstanding of Continents.htm
The East and the West
A Misunderstanding of Continents
The peculiar and striking opposition of thought, temperament,
culture and manners between Asia and Europe has been a commonplace of observation and criticism since the times when
Herodotus noted in his history the objection of both men and women to be seen naked as a curious and amusing trait of Asiatic barbarism. Much water has flown under the bridges since Herodotus wrote and in this respect Asia seems not only to have
infected Europe with this "barbaric" trait of
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Essays Divine and Human/The Problem of Consciousness.htm
The Science of Consciousness
The Problem of Consciousness
The Triple Enigma
Existence, consciousness and the significance of our conscious
being,—a triple enigma confronts us when we look at them to discover their origin, foundations, nature, their innermost secret.
We begin with a riddle, we end with a mystery.
Existence itself is the first riddle. What it is we do not know,
we are ignorant how it came to be at all, we cannot say whether it is an eternal
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Essays Divine and Human/Beyond Good and Evil.htm
Beyond Good and Evil
God is beyond good and evil; man moving Godwards must
become of one nature with him. He must transcend good and evil.
God is beyond good and evil, not below them, not existing and limited by them, not even above them, but in a more absolute
sense excedent and transcendent of the ideas of good and evil. He exceeds them in his universality; they exist in him, but the
values of good and evil which we give to things is not their divine or universal value, they are only their practical value
created by us in our psychological and dynamic dealings with life. God recognises them and seems to deal with