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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Future Poetry/Style and Substance.htm
Chapter IV
Style and Substance
RHYTHM is the premier necessity of poetical expression
because it is the sound-movement which carries on its wave the thought-movement in the word; and it is the
musical sound-image which most helps to fill in, to extend, subtilise and deepen the thought impression or the emotional
or vital impression and to carry the sense beyond itself into an expression of the intellectually inexpressible,
— always the
peculiar power of music. This truth was better understood on the whole or at least more consistently felt by the ancients than
by the modern mind and ear, perhaps because they were more in the habit of sing
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Future Poetry/The Sun of Poetic Truth.htm
Chapter II
The Sun of Poetic Truth
WHAT IS the kind of Truth which we can demand from
the spirit of poetry, from the lips of the inspired singer, or what do we mean when we speak of Truth as one
of the high powers and godheads of his work and of its light as a diviner sunlight in which he must see and shape from
its burning rays within and around him the flame-stuff of his creation? We have all our own notions of the Truth and that
gives an ambiguous character to the word and brings in often a narrow and limited sense of it into our idea of poetry. But first
there is the primary objection, plausible enough if we look only at the glowing robe
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Future Poetry/The Poets of the Dawn 1.htm
Chapter XVI
The Poets of the Dawn 1
THE SUPERIORITY of the English poets who lead the way
into the modern age is that sudden almost unaccountable spiritual impulse, insistent but vague in some, strong but
limited in one or two, splendid and supreme in its rare moments of vision and clarity, which breaks out from their normal poetic mentality and strives constantly to lift their thought and imagination to its own heights, a spirit or Daemon who does
not seem to trouble at all with his voice or his oestrus the contemporary poets of continental Europe. But they have no
clearly seen or no firmly based constant idea of the greater work which
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Future Poetry/Poems in Quantitative Metres.htm
in Quantitative Metres
Ocean Oneness1
Silence is round me, wideness ineffable;
White birds on the ocean diving and wandering;
A soundless sea on a voiceless heaven,
Azure on azure, is mutely gazing.
Identified with silence and boundlessness
My spirit widens clasping the universe
Till all that seemed becomes the Real,
One in a mighty and single vastness.
Someone broods there nameless and bodiless,
Conscious and lonely, deathless and infinite,
And, sole in a still eternal rapture,
Gathers all t
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Future Poetry/The Course of English Poetry 1.htm
Chapter IX
The Course of English Poetry 1
Chaucer and the Poetry of External Life
THE SPIRIT and temper that have stood behind the creative force and come to the front in a literature are the
one essential thing that we must discern, for it is these that predestine the course the poetry of a people will take and
the turn it gives to its forms. For if the field which poetry covers is common ground and its large general lines the same
everywhere, yet each nation has its own characteristic spirit and creative quality which determine the province in which it will
best succeed, the turn or angle of its vision and the shape of its
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Future Poetry/The Victorian Poets.htm
Chapter XIX
The Victorian Poets
THE EPOCH associated in England with the name of Victoria was in poetry, like that of Pope and Dryden, an age of dominant intellectualism; but, unlike that hard and
sterile period, it has been an imaginative, artistic intellectualism, touched with the greater and freer breath of modern thought
and its wide interest and fullness of matter, not brass-bound in furbished and narrow bands of social ease and polite refinement,
but alive, astir, capable of personal energy and inspiration, aesthetical in its refinements, above all not entirely satisfied with
itself, but opened up to some mountain-top prospects, str
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Future Poetry/New Birth or Decadence.htm
Chapter XXIV
New Birth or Decadence?
AT THIS point we stand in the evolution of English poetry. Its course, we can see, is only one line of a common evolution, and I have singled it out to follow because, for
two reasons, it seems to me the most complete and suggestive. It follows most faithfully the natural ascending curve of the human
spirit in this kind of rhythmic imaginative self-expression and, again, because of all the modern European languages it has the
largest freest poetic energy and natural power, it responds on the whole most directly of all of them
— in spite of certain serious
limitations of the English mind — to the foun
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Future Poetry/ Appendixes to The Future Poetry.htm
to The Future Poetry
The three fragmentary pieces that follow, all written at different times, are each connected in some way with the text of The Future Poetry. Appendix I is an incomplete review of James
Cousins' book New Ways in English Literature. Written in November 1917, the review was abandoned when Sri Aurobindo decided to make his consideration of Cousins' book the starting-point for a presentation of his own ideas on poetry.
The two paragraphs of the review were rewritten as the first two paragraphs of the first chapter of
Future Poetry,
Appendix II consists of a fragment found in a notebook used by Sri Au
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/The Future Poetry/The Poets of the Dawn 2.htm
Chapter XVII
The Poets of the Dawn 2
Byron and Wordsworth
A POETRY whose task is to render truth of the Spirit by passing behind the appearances of the sense and the intellect to their spiritual reality, is in fact attempting a work for which no characteristic power of language has been
discovered, — except the symbolic, but the old once established symbols will no longer entirely serve, and the method itself is not
now sufficient for the need, — no traditional form of presentation native to the substance, no recognised method of treatment
or approach, or none at once sufficiently wide and subtle, personal and universal f
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of Sri Aurobindo/English/CWSA/Kena And Other Upanishads/The Aitereya Upanishad.htm
The Aitereya Upanishad
Chapter I
1. In the beginning the Spirit was One and all this (universe)
was the Spirit; there was nought else that saw. The Spirit thought, "Lo, I will make me worlds from out my being."
2. These were the worlds he made; Ambhah, of the ethereal waters, Marichih of light, Mara, of death and mortal things,
Apah, of the lower waters. Beyond the shining firmament are the ethereal waters and the firmament is their base and
resting-place; Space is the world of light; the earth is the world mortal; and below the earth are the lower waters.
3. The Spirit