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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-15/Religion and Occultism .htm
Religion and Occultism
God gives Himself to His whole creation; no one religion holds the
monopoly of His Grace.
Instead of excluding each other, religions ought to complete each other.
The spiritual spirit is not contrary to a religious feeling of
adoration, devotion and consecration. But what is wrong in the religions is the
fixity of the mind clinging to one formula as an exclusive truth. One must
always remember that formulas are only a mental expression of the truth and
that this truth can always be expressed in many other ways.
6 December 1964
You express your faith in Sri Aurobindo with certain words
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-15/Doctors and Medicines.htm
is supreme harmony and supreme delight.
disorder, all suffering is falsehood.
Thus it can be said that illnesses
are falsehoods of the body and, consequently, doctors are soldiers of the great
and noble army fighting in the world for the conquest of Truth.
If we take the human body as a
tabernacle of the Lord, then medical science becomes the ritual of worship and
doctors the priests who officiate in the temple.
considered, the medical career is priesthood and should be treated as such.
A broad mind, a generous heart, an
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-15/The Supramental.htm
and all its
movements if the goal is at all to be attained.
18 April 1932
No quarrels: a very important
condition to fulfil in order to facilitate the advent
of the Supramental.
A consciousness luminous without
obscurity, turned towards the supramental light and
full of a supramentalised plasticity are the
conditions for the manifestation of the supramental
light upon earth.
We must never forget that our goal
is to manifest the Supramental Reality.
25 May 1954
The Force is there waiting to be manifested,
we must discover the new forms through which It can manifest.
12 June 1954
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-15/3 April 1962 .htm
April 1962
After several
weeks of grave illness which
threatened the Mother’s life.
Just between 11:00 and 12:00 last night, I had an experience by which
I discovered that there is a group of people − purposely their identity
was not revealed to me − who want to create a kind of religion based on
the revelation of Sri Aurobindo. But they have taken only the side of power and
force, a certain kind of knowledge and all that could be utilised by Asuric
forces. There is a big Asuric being that has succeeded in taking the appearance
of Sri Aurobindo. There is only an appearance. This appearance of Sri Aurobindo
has declared to me that the work I am doing is not his. I
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-15/4 November 1958 .htm
4 November 1958
Do the gods of the Puranas and the gods of
and Egyptian mythology have any real
Between the gods
of the Puranas and the gods of Greek and Egyptian mythology, all kinds of
similarities are found; it could be an interesting subject for study. To the
modern Western world, all these divinities − the Greek gods and other
“pagan” gods, as they call them − are simply a product of human
imagination and correspond to nothing real in the universe. But this is a gross
To understand the mechanism of universal
life, even that of terrestrial life, one has indeed to know that all these are
real and living beings, each in its own
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-15/22 November 1958 .htm
November 1958
This sort of fatality that one sometimes
feels weighing heavy on one’s life, which is called Karma in India, is the result of past lives; indeed, it
is something that has to be exhausted, something that weighs on one’s
This is how things happen: the psychic
being passes from one life to another, each life on earth being the occasion
and means for a further progress, for a further growth. But it can happen that
the psychic takes birth with the intention of going through a certain
experience, of learning a certain thing, of developing a certain faculty
through a definite experience. Then, in that life, in the life in w
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-15/Cooking and Eating.htm
is removed, the
cooking will be as regularly good as it was before.
24 December 1937
I have heard so many
contradictory reports on the effects of food, spices, etc. that logically I
have come to the conclusion that it must be − like all the rest − a
personal affair and consequently no general rule can be made and, still less,
enforced. This is the cause of my leniency.
Nothing was told to me about the aluminum
vessels of which I do not approve because aluminium
is not good for cooking. I am
speaking of my own experience.
You know that I am not enthusiastic about
servants handling the food − but many people seem to like it, throug
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-15/Will to Conquer Illness.htm
Wake up in yourself a will to
conquer. Not a mere will in the mind but a will in the very cells of your body.
Without that you can’t do anything; you may take a hundred medicines but they
won’t cure you unless you have a will to overcome the physical illness.
I may destroy the adverse force that
has possessed you. I may repeat the action a thousand times. But each time that
a vacuum is created it will be filled up by one of the many forces that try to
rush in. That is why I say, wake up the will to conquer.
20 October 1957
Do not love your ill health and the
ill health will leave you.
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-15/The World Today.htm
It is true that “we” are passing through a difficult
period (“we” means the world) but those who remain steady will get out of much stronger than before.
We are definitely not living at a
time when men have been left to their own means.
The Divine has sent down His
consciousness to enlighten them.
All who are able to do so, should
profit by this.
Truth will conquer in spite of the
Even within the confusion, there is
the seed of the Divine order.
Inwardly things seem to be improving;
outwardly a
sort of disintegration seems to be at the
door. Where
do we stand?
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-15/Birthday Messages.htm
My dear
child, my love and blessings are and will be with you throughout the year. Let
them help you to make one more progress on the way towards the divine goal.
Let this
year be a year of progress and transformation − one more step on the way
leading to the Divine Realisation.
2 February
Let this
year be for you the year of a complete opening and of the breaking of all
2 February
Let this
year bring you the true faith − a faith that no darkness can obscure.
2 February
Let this
day of your birth be for you an occasion to give yourself a little mo