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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/Tapasya.htm
A discipline imposed by
the will for any spiritual end is tapasya.
Tapasya: a discipline aiming at the realisation
of the Divine.
Mental tapasya: the process leading to the goal.
Vital tapasya: the vital undergoes a rigorous discipline in order
to transform itself.
Integral tapasya: the whole being lives only to know and serve the
tapasya: that which will reach its goal.
― 45
No life can be
successful without self-discipline.
To be a man, discipline
is indispensable.
Without discipline one
is only an animal.
One begins to be a man
only when one aspires to a higher and truer
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/Harmony-and-Goodwill.htm
and Goodwill
Harmony: let us strive
that the day may come when this will be the means and the end.
Harmony is my aim and
all that leads to harmony makes me happy.
Integral harmony:
harmony between things, harmony between people, harmony of circumstances and
above all harmony of all aspiration directed towards the Supreme Truth.
A harmonious collective
aspiration can change the course of circumstances.
Collective harmony is
the work undertaken by the Divine Consciousness; It alone has the power to realise it.
There is a deep and true
consciousness in which all can meet in love and harmony.
― 197
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/Work-Silently.htm
Work Silently
For the sake of sadhana and for the sake of
work, it is always better to work
When there is some work to do, the less one speaks of it the better it
Talk as little as possible.
Work as much as you can.
X has a very bad habit of coming and talking to people while they are
working. If he does not work himself, he should at least allow others to work
So if he comes again to talk while you are working, you had better tell
him – ”No, not now, we can talk when I have finished my work.”
7 January 1933
It seems to me that the proof of sincerity
is in work
and not in planning.
This is exactly wh
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/Purity-and-Humility.htm
Purity and
Purity is the best of
This is purity, to
accept no other influence but only the influence of the Divine.
On earth, true purity is
to think as the Divine thinks, to will as the Divine wills, to feel as the Divine
24 September 1945
If one lives only for
the Divine and by the Divine, there follows a perfect purity.
Purity is perfect
sincerity and one cannot have it unless the being is entirely consecrated to
the Divine.
Mother, tell me how I can keep Your service holy
and free from the slightest stain of human impurity.
By wanting it and always aspiring for it.
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/Love-and-Sexual-Desire.htm
Page - 132
I do
not like that the word love should be polluted to speak of sexual desire, the
human inheritance of the animal.
You are making a great
confusion between maternal sentiment which is, in the physical, an expression
of the force of the universal Mother, and the physical act of procreation which
is something wholly animal, most often even bestial, and which is only a means
that Nature has found to perpetuate the different species.
6 October
Sexual relations belong
to the past, when man was closer to the animal than to the Divine. All depends
on what you expect from life, but if you sincerely want to do the Yoga, you
must ab
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/Happyness-and-Joy.htm
and Joy
Cheerfulness: a joyous
smile of Nature.
Cheerful endeavour: the joy that one finds in the effort towards the
Mental cheerfulness: it
knows how to take delight in everything.
Keep a cheerful mind and
a peaceful heart. Let nothing disturb your equanimity and make every day the
necessary progress to advance with me steadily towards the goal.
29 October 1934
Happy heart: smiling,
peaceful, wide open, without a shadow.
Page — 192
You must never forget
that you are much more helpful when you are quietly happy than when you become
5 October 1932
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/Material.htm
Do not expect any satisfaction from
physical life and you will no more be tied to it.
For our passage in the material world,
what is indispensable to our life and action is put at our disposal according
to the place we should occupy there.
The more we are
consciously in contact with our inner being, the more exact are the means we
are given.
3 June 1970
What is truly needed
will surely come.
must be asked for only when truly needed.
is bad is slavery. Slavery to abstinence as well as slavery to needs. What
comes we take but always ready to let it go, if it goes...
for anything co
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/Quarrels.htm
You cannot expect
the whole world to be at your service and everything to happen
as you fancy it to be more convenient for you.
You must stop quarrelling with everybody and about everything; otherwise
how can you expect to make any progress in yoga?
23 September
Keep this attitude − never side with anybody nor take up any
personal quarrel − think only of the Divine Peace, Harmony, Light and
Happiness and become more and more their purified and quiet instrument.
18 September
You must never forget that I disapprove of quarrels and always consider
that both sides are equally wrong. To surmount one's feelings, preferences,
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/The-Vital.htm
It came to my realisation that Life-Force and
Force to create movements in the body is seated deep
within behind the upper abdomen.
Yes, there
is a seat of creative vital force there.
15 December 1933
vital is the seat of our power, energy, enthusiasm, effective dynamism. It
needs a systematic education.
Vital centre: passionate and strong, it asks for
is the vital that gives enthusiasm, but the vital by nature is unsteady and
always wants new things. Unless it is converted and becomes a docile servant of
the Divine, things are always fluctuating.
of vital expression is useful only when the vital is con
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/The-Sences.htm
The Senses
senses are liars − they do not convey to us the truth of things but only
an incomplete and even falsified appearance of things.
is extremely ignorant to think that the eyes and ears never deceive us. Every
psychologist knows that they do; it is a fact known to all that one cannot rely
on human evidence based on the eyes and ears and that human deductions founded
on them can lead to gross errors. The same incident reported by ten different
persons elicits ten different versions.
perception: a perception which does not deform the Truth.
senses can be obtained only by a total surrender to the Truth.