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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-09/Publisher^s Note.htm
-00_Publisher^s Note.htm
Publisher's Note
This volume contains the talks given by Mother to
the students,
teachers and sadhaks of the Ashram in her "Wednesday
from the beginning of
to the end of November
were the last of the talks given at the Playground.
Mother generally
began by reading from one of her French translations
of Sri
Aurobindo's works. From January to April
the text was
Thoughts and Glimpses,
from April to October
The Supramental
Manifestation Upon Earth
and from October
to November
the last six chapters of
The Life Divine.
After the reading,
Mother commented on the text or answered questions.
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-09/03 April 1957.htm
3 April 1957
“All would change if man could once consent to be
spiritualised; but his nature, mental and
vital and phy-
sical, is rebellious to the higher law. He loves
“The Spirit is the truth of our being;
mind and life
and body in their imperfection are its masks, but in
perfection should be its moulds. To be spiritual
only is not enough; that
prepares a number of souls
for heaven, but leaves the earth very much where it
was. Neither is a compromise the way of salvation.
“The world knows three kinds of
revolution. The
material has strong results, the moral and
are infinitely larger in
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-09/02 October 1957.htm
2 October 1957
essential character of Supermind is a Truth-
Consciousness which knows by its
own inherent right
of nature, by its own light: it has not to arrive at
knowledge but possesses it. It may indeed, especially
in its evolutionary
action, keep knowledge behind its
apparent consciousness and bring it forward
as if from
behind the veil; but even then this veil is only an
appearance and
does not really exist: the knowledge
was always there, the consciousness its
possessor and
present revealer.…In the Mind of Light
when it be-
comes full-orbed this character of the Truth reveals
itself though in
a garb that is transparent even whe
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-09/03 September 1958.htm
3 September
Sweet Mother, the other day you told
me that it was
necessary to learn how to discipline
the imagination.
is it done?
Imagination is something very
complex and manifold – what is vaguely called “imagination”.
It can be
the capacity for seeing and recording, noting the forms in some mental or other
domain. There are artistic, literary, poetic domains, domains of action,
scientific domains, all belonging to the mind – not a very high and abstract
mind, a mind above the physical mind which, without our knowing it, pours out
constantly through the individual and collective mind to manifest in action.
people, thro
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-09/04 June 1958.htm
June 1958
“At first
this truth of the spirit and of spirituality is
not self-evident to the mind;
man becomes mentally
aware of his soul as something other than his body,
superior to his normal mind and life, but he has no
clear sense of it, only a
feeling of some of its effects
on his nature. As these effects take a mental
form or
a life-form, the difference is not firmly and trenchantly
drawn, the
soul-perception does not acquire a distinct
and assured independence. Very
commonly indeed, a
complex of half-effects of the psychic pressure on the
mental and vital parts, a formation mixed with men-
tal aspiration and vital
desires, is mi
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-09/23 October 1957.htm
October 1957
Mother begins the reading of the last six chap-
ters of
The Life Divine.
“A spiritual
evolution, an evolution of consciousness
in Matter in a constant developing
self-formation till
the form can reveal the indwelling Spirit, is then the
the central significant motive of the terres-
trial existence. This significance
is concealed at the
outset by the involution of the Spirit, the Divine Real-
in a dense material Inconscience; a veil of Incon-
science, a veil of
insensibility of Matter hides the uni-
versal Consciousness-Force which works
within it, so
that the Energy, which is the first form the Force of
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-09/23 January 1957.htm
23 January 1957
“The meeting of man and God must always mean a
penetration and entry of the Divine into
the human
and a self-immergence of man in the
“But that immergence is not in the nature
of an
annihilation. Extinction is not the
fulfilment of all this
search and passion, suffering and
rapture. The game
would never have been begun if that were
to be its
“Delight is the secret. Learn of pure
delight and
thou shalt learn of God”.
“What then was the commencement of the
matter? Existence that multiplied
itself for sheer de-
light of being and plunged into numberless
trillions of
forms so that it m
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-09/precontent.htm
The Mother - 1958
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-09/05 November 1958.htm
5 November 1958
truth is a truth of the spirit, not a truth of
intellect, not a mathematical theorem or a logical
It is a truth of the Infinite, one in an infi-
diversity, and it can assume an infinite variety of
and formations: in the spiritual evolution it is
that there should be a many-sided passage
and reaching
to the one Truth, a many-sided seizing
of it;
this many-sidedness is the sign of the approach
of the soul
to a living reality, not to an abstraction or
a constructed
figure of things that can be petrified into
a dead
or stony formula. The hard logical and intel-
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-09/06 March 1957.htm
March 1957
My eye won’t allow me to read today. ¹ But I have been asked a
question on what I read to you last week. I am going to reply to it this
evening. Pavitra, will you read, please?
(Pavitra reads) What does this paragraph mean?: “Free-
dom is the law of being in its illimitable unity, secret
master of all Nature: servitude is the law of love in
the being voluntarily giving itself to serve the play of
its other selves in the multiplicity.”
Thoughts and Glimpses, Cent. Vol. 16, p.
At a superficial glance these two things appear absolutely contradictory
and incompatible. Outwardly one cannot conceive how one can be at once in