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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-06/23 June.htm
23 June 1954
This talk is based upon Sri Aurobindo's
of Yoga, Chapter 13, “Sex – Food – Sleep”.
“Q: Is taking very little food helpful in controlling the
“A: No, it simply exasperates them – to take a
moderate amount is best. People who fast easily
exalted and may lose their balance.
“Q: If one takes only vegetarian food, does it help
in controlling the sees?
“A: It avoids some of the difficulties which the
meat-eaters have, but it is not sufficient by itself.”
Any questions?
What happen if one eats meat?
Do you want me to tell you a story? I knew
a lady, a young Swedish woman, who was doing sadhana; and sh
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-06/22 September.htm
22 September 1954
This talk is based
upon Sri Aurobindo's Bases of
Chapter 1, “Calm – Peace –
“Calm, even if it seems at first only a negative thing,
is so difficult to attain, that to have it at all must be
regarded as a great step in advance.
“In reality, calm is not a negative thing, it is the
very nature of the Sat-Purusha and the positive foun-
dation of the divine
consciousness. Whatever else is
aspired for and gained, this must be kept. Even
ledge, Power, Ananda, if they come and do not find
this foundation, are
unable to remain and have to
withdraw until the divine purity and peace of the
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-06/04 August.htm
August 1954
This talk is based upon Chapter 5 of The
by Sri Aurobindo.
Sweet Mother, what is the difference between a serv-
ant and a worker?
I don't think there is much difference; it
is almost the same thing. Perhaps the attitude is not quite the same, but there
is not much of a difference. In “servant” there seems to be something more: it
is the joy of serving. The worker – he has only the joy of the work. But the
work that is done as a service brings still greater joy.
What does “self-love” mean?
I think self-love is a pleasant word for
vanity. Self-love means that one loves oneself more than anything else; and
what he implies by this, yo
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-06/21 April.htm
21 April 1954
On this date
Mother began the reading of Elements of Yoga by Sri Aurobindo.
The book contains his answers to elementary
questions about Yoga which were
during the years 1933 to 1936.
The following talk is based upon Chapter 1,
1“The Call and Fitness” and Chapter 2, “The Foundation”.
You have asked some questions. Now you are
going to put questions on your questions. Yes?
Mother, here it is written: “In our Yoga our aim is to
be united [with
the Divine] in the physical conscious-
ness and on the supramental plane”; then,
when the
physical consciousness is united with the Divine, does
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-06/Publisher^s Note.htm
-00_Publisher^s Note.htm
Publisher's Note
This volume contains the talks given by the Mother to the students,
teachers and sadhaks of the Ashram in her "Wednesday Classes"
of 1954. The classes generally began with a reading from one of
her writings or her French translations of Sri Aurobindo's works.
She then commented or answered questions on the texts or on
other subjects. The talks from January 2 to April 14 are based
upon her essays on education and self-development (now published
in On Education,
Volume Twelve of the
Collected Works), the
others upon Sri Aurobindo's
Elements of Yoga, The
Mother and
Bases of Yoga.
The talks, given in French, were tape-rec
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-06/17 November.htm
November 1954
This talk is based upon Sri Aurobindo's Bases
of Yoga,
Chapter 2, “Faith – Aspiration – Surrender”.
Sweet Mother, here it is written: “The Truth for you
is to feel the Divine in you, open to the Mother and
work for the Divine till you are aware of her in all
your activities.” Why has he said “the Divine” once
and another time “the Mother”?
Probably he considers these the two
aspects of the problem. The truth is that there are people who can more easily
get into contact with an impersonal Divine than with a personal Divine. For
them, for certain minds, certain types of intelligence, it is easier; they
understand better or think they
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-06/02 June.htm
2 June 1954
This talk is based upon Sri Aurobindo's
of Yoga, Chapter 9, “Experiences and Visions”
and Chapter 10, “Work”.
No questions?... I was going to propose a
What are the causes for not being able to meditate?
Because one has not learnt to do it.
Why, suddenly you take a fancy: today I am
going to meditate. You have never done so before. You sit down and imagine you
are going to begin meditating. But it is something to learn as one learn
mathematics or the piano. It is not learnt just like that! It is not enough to
sit with crossed arms and crossed legs in order to meditate. You must learn how
to meditate. Everywhere all kind
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-06/16 June.htm
June 1954
This talk is based upon Sri Aurobindo's
of Yoga, Chapter
12,”Difficulties and Progress”.
“Q: Do our thoughts (good and bad) about others af-
fect them in any way?
“A: Yes, there is an influence.
“Q: Is it possible that the desires, doubts, etc. of
one person can pass on to another?
“A: Anything can pass from one to another. It is
happening all the time throughout the world.”
Who has a questions?
Sweet Mother, why doesn't one receive the Divine as
one receives other things?
What do you understand by “other things”?
The questions has not been put very well.
Do you mean... Here what is spoken about
are the i
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-06/17 March.htm
17 March 1954
This talk is based upon Mother's essay
“The Four
Austerities and the Four Liberations”,
Part I.
Here you have said: “The avowed purpose of such
[ascetic] practices is
to abolish all sensation so that the
body may no longer stand in the way of
one's flight
towards the Spirit.”
In the old spiritual doctrines, the body
was always considered incapable of being transformed and only as something
inert and useless obstructing the path – the spirit had to be made to go out of
its body so that, free, it could have all possible experiences. And so they
ill-treated the body as much as they could to take away from it its vitality
and strength, to
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-06/12 May.htm
12 May 1954
This talk is based upon Sri Aurobindo's
of Yoga, Chapter 6,
“Q: If the Purusha does not consent to the action of
the Mother's Grace,
does it prevent the other beings
from receiving or feeling the Mother's Grace
for trans-
“A: No. The Purusha often holds back and lets
other beings consent or feel in his place.”
What does he exactly understand by Purusha?... The ego?
(Nolini) No, it is the conscious being. There is the
being and the
becoming. The conscious being is Puru-
sha, the becoming is Prakriti.
But then each inner being has its Purusha?
Or is there one Purusha in