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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/On Education_Volume-12/Teaching-French-to-Indian-Teachers.htm
quite suitable for a young
woman's mind. But it would have been easy to make these cuts, and the rest is
very good.
(The French teacher continued her search for texts
and suggested La France
d'aujourd'hui by Marc Blanc-
I have just been looking at the book, with interest. This time, it
is very good.
Finding a Programme of Work
(The French
teacher outlined a study course on the
of civilisation for one of her students, a young
teacher, and submitted the project to Mother.)
Yes, this work would be of interest, but only if it is based on
Sri Aurobindo's The Human Cycle (it
Sweet Mother, You have said that I do not think
well. How can one develop one's thought?
You must read with great attention and concentration, not novels
or dramas, but books that make you think. You must meditate on what you have
read, reflect on a thought until you have understood it. Talk little, remain
quiet and concentrated and speak only when it is indispensable.
31 May 1960
I am reading a book on motor-cars, but I read it
hastily; I skip the descriptions of complicated mecha-
If you don't want to learn a thing thoroughly, conscientiously and
in all its details, it is better not to take it up at all. It is a great
mistake t
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/On Education_Volume-12/Messages-for-Competitions.htm
Messages for Competitions
Athletics Competition
Behind the appearances that the physical eyes can see, there is a
reality much more concrete and lasting. It is in this reality that I am with
you today and will be during all the athletic season. The force, the power, the
light and the consciousness will be in your midst constantly to give to each
one, according to his receptivity, the success in his endeavour and the
progress which is the crowning result of all sincere effort.
19 July 1959
Gymnastics Competition 1959
What I told you at the opening of the athletics stands good for
the Gymnastic Competition; I will be with you all th
To unite East and West, to give the best of one to the other and
make a true synthesis, a university will be established for all kinds of
studies. Our school will form a nucleus of that university.
In our school I have put French as the medium of instruction. One
of the reasons is that French is the cultural language of the world. The
children can learn the Indian languages at a later stage. If more stress is
laid upon Indian languages at present, then the natural tendency of the Indian
mind will be to fall back upon the ancient literature, culture and religion.
You know very well that we realise the value of ancient Indian things, but we
are here to create something
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/On Education_Volume-12/11-November-1967.htm
11 November 19671
A: The reply you gave to B's recent letter2 has been
interpreted in two different ways.
Some lay emphasis on the first sentence
says, “It would be infinitely
preferable that the division
should disappear immediately,” and think
that we
should try to do away with this
division at once, right
down to the practical level, by
adopting a single orga-
nisation for the whole school, that is,
either a general-
isation of the existing free-progress
classes or a com-
The others think that we should first clear
up the
psychological differences and spread
the spirit of free
progress. On the basis o
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/On Education_Volume-12/Concentration.htm
Concentration and Dispersion
In sporting activities those who want to be
successful choose a certain line or subject which appeals more to the and suits their nature; they concentrate on
their choice and take great care not to disperse their energies in different
directions. As in life a man chooses his career and concentrates all his
attention upon it, so the sportsman chooses a special activity and concentrates
all his efforts to achieve as much perfection as he can in this line. This
perfection comes usually by a building up of spontaneous reflex which is the
result of constant repetition of the same movements. But this spontaneous
reflex can be, with advantage, replaced by
What a Child Should Always Remember
The necessity of an absolute sincerity.
The certitude of Truth's final victory.
The possibility of constant progress with the will to achieve.
An Ideal Child
is good-tempered
He does not become angry when things seem to go against him or
decisions are not in his favour.
is game
Whatever he does he does it to the best of his capacity and keeps
on doing in the face of almost certain failure. He always thinks straight and
acts straight.
is truthful
He never fears to say the truth whatever may be the consequences.
is patient
He does not get disheartened if he has to
Why are we here in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram?
There is an ascending evolution in nature which goes from the
stone to the plant, from the plant to the animal, from the animal to man.
Because man is, for the moment, the last rung at the summit of the ascending
evolution, he considers himself as the final stage in this ascension and
believes there can be nothing on earth superior to him. In that he is mistaken.
In his physical nature he is yet almost wholly an animal, a thinking and
speaking animal, but still an animal in his material habits and instincts.
Undoubtedly, nature cannot be satisfied with such an imperfect result; she
endeavours to bring out a being who will be t
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/On Education_Volume-12/An-Integral-Education.htm
University Centre
The conditions in which men live on earth
are the result of their state of consciousness. To seek to change these
conditions without changing the consciousness is a vain chimera. Those who have
been able to perceive what could and ought to be done to improve the situation
in the various domains of human life economic, political, social, financial,
educational and sanitary are individuals who have, to a greater or lesser
extent, developed their consciousness in an exceptional way and put themselves
in contact with higher planes of consciousness. But their ideas have remained
more or less theoretical or, if an attempt has been m
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/On Education_Volume-12/The-Problem-of-Women.htm
The Problem
of Woman
I wish
to speak to you about the problem of woman, a problem as old as mankind in
appearance, but infinitely older in origin. For if we want to find the law that
governs and solves it, we must go back to the origin of the universe, even
beyond the creation.
Some of the most ancient traditions, perhaps even the most
ancient, ascribed the cause of the creation of the universe to the will of a
Supreme Absolute to manifest by his own self-objectification; and the first act
of this objectification was said to be the emanation of the creative
Consciousness. Now, these ancient traditions usually speak of the Absolute in
the masculine gender and of the C