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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-03/Knowledge of the Scientist.htm
Knowledge of the Scientist and the Yogi
The climax of the ordinary consciousness is Science. For Science, what
is upon the earth is true, simply because it is there. What it calls Nature is
for it the final reality, and its aim is to build up a theory to explain the
workings of it. So it climbs as high as the physical mind can go and tries to
find out the causes of what it assumes to be the true, the real world. But in
fact it adapts “causes” to “effects”, for it has already taken that which is
for the true, the real, and seeks only to explain it mentally. For the yogic
consciousness, however, this world is not the final reality. Rising above the
mind into th
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-03/Rusurrection.htm
means, for us, the falling off of the old consciousness; but it is not only a
rebirth, a sudden change which completely breaks with the past. There is a
certain continuity in it between dying to your old self, your low exterior
nature and starting quite anew. In the experience of resurrection the movement
of discarding the old being is closely connected with that of the rising up
from it of the new consciousness and the new strength, so that from what is
thrown off the best can unite in a new creation with what has succeeded. The
true significance of resurrection is that the Divine Consciousness awakes from
the unconsciousness into which it has gone
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-03/Difficulties in Yoga.htm
in Yoga
The nature of
your difficulty indicates the nature of the victory you will gain, the victory
you will exemplify in Yoga. Thus, if there is persistent selfishness, it points
to a realisation of universality as your most prominent achievement in the
future. And, when selfishness is there, you have also the power to reverse this
very difficulty into its opposite, a victory of utter wideness.
When you have something to realise, you will have in you just the
characteristic which is the contradiction of that something. Face to face with
the defect, the difficulty, you say, “Oh, I am like that! How awful it is!” But
you ought to see the truth of th
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-03/Conjugate Verses 2.htm
Conjugate Verses
But first of all it is not so easy to distinguish what is true
from what is not, then to recognise, that is to say, to admit that a certain
thing is true; and above all it is more difficult still perhaps to recognise
that a certain thing is false.
In reality, in order to discern exactly
what is false requires such sincerity in the aspiration, such resolution in the
will to be true that even this little phrase “to know the true to be true and
the false to be false” means a very considerable realisation. And the
conclusion, “they attain the supreme goal” is a great promise.
There are teachings which say that one
must have no desire at all; they ar
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-03/Happiness.htm
those who hate, happy are we to live without
hatred. Among men who hate, let us
live free from
those who suffer, happy are we to live with-
out suffering. Among men who suffer,
let us live free
from suffering.
those who are full of greed, happy are we to
live without greed. Among the
greedy, let us live free
from greed.
indeed are we who own nothing. We shall feed
upon delight like the radiant
engenders enmity, and one who is vanquished
lives in distress. The man of peace
lives in gladness,
disdaining both victory and defeat.
is no gre
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-03/Publisher^s Note.htm
-00_Publisher^s Note.htm
Publisher's Note
In 1929,
on Sundays, the Mother met a
small group of disciples at
the home of one of them. After a period of meditation she answered
any .questions
raised by the disciples.
Portions of fifteen of these weekly talks, which were given in English, were noted down
in shorthand by one of those present ; the transcript was elaborated by
participant, and finally revised by Sri Aurobindo for publication.
The talks, entitled Conversations of the Mother, were first
published for private circulation towards the end of
were made available to
public as the mai
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-03/The Bhikkhu.htm
control the eye is good; to control the ear is good;
to control the nose and
the tongue is good.
It is
good to control one's actions, words, mind. Con-
trol in all things is good. The Bhikkhu who controls
himself entirely is delivered from all suffering.
man who is master over his hands, his feet and
his tongue, who controls himself
wholly, who delights
in meditation, who is calm and leads a solitary life,
be called a Bhikkhu.
Bhikkhu who is master over his tongue and is
moderate in speech, who is modest,
who luminously
interprets the Doctrine, in truth his words are as sweet
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-03/28 July 1929.htm
28 July
Is it
possible for a Yogi to become an artist or can
an artist be a Yogi? What is the
relation of Art to
The two are not so antagonistic as you seem to think. There is
nothing to prevent a Yogi from being an artist or an artist from being a Yogi.
But when you are in Yoga, there is a profound change in the values of things,
of Art as of everything else; you begin to look at Art from a very different
standpoint. It is no longer the one supreme all-engrossing thing for you, no
longer an end in itself. Art is a means, not an end; it is a means of
expression. And the artist then ceases too to believe that the whole world
turns round what he is
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-03/Reincarnaation.htm
Reincarnation – Memory of Past Lives
To understand
rightly the problem of what is popularly called reincarnation, you must
perceive that there are two factors in it which require consideration. First,
there is the line of divine consciousness which seeks to manifest from above
and upholds a certain series of formations, peculiar to itself, in the universe
which is its field of manifestation. Secondly, there is the psychic
consciousness which climbs up from below, the seed of the Divine developing through
time till it meets the Force from above and takes the impress of the
supramental Truth. This psychic consciousness is the inner being of a man, the
material from which
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Questions and Answers_Volume-03/Rununciation.htm
There is in
books a lot of talk about renunciation that you must renounce possessions,
renounce attachments, renounce desires. But I have come to the conclusion that
so long as you have to renounce anything you are not on this path; for, so long
as you are not thoroughly disgusted with things as they are, and have to make
an effort to reject them, you are not ready for the supramental realisation. If
the constructions of the Overmind – the world which it has built and the
existing order which it supports – still satisfy you, you cannot hope to
partake of that realisation. Only when you find such a world disgusting,
unbearable and unacceptable, are you fit for the ch