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Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/Heroism-and-Bravery.htm
and Bravery
Heroism is
to be able to stand for the Truth in all circumstances, to declare it
amidst opposition and to fight for it whenever necessary.
And to act
always from one's highest consciousness.
1) To do
always what is most beautiful and most noble.
2) To act
always from the height of one's consciousness.
action fights for the beautiful and the true without fear of obstacles and
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/Will-and-Preservance.htm
Will and
Will: power of
consciousness turned towards effectuation.
A persevering will
surmounts all obstacles.
One must have an
unvarying will to acquire what one does not have in one's nature, to know what
one does not yet know, to be able to do what one cannot yet do.
One must progress
constantly in the light and the peace which come from the absence of personal
If one has a strong will, he has only to
orient it properly; if he has no will, he has first of all to build one for
himself, which always takes long and is sometimes difficult.
22 March 1934
the most beautiful thoughts w
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/Peace-and-Silence-Peace.htm
Truly peace is badly
needed ― without peace the simplest thing makes at once a big fuss.
Nowhere will you be able
to find peace unless you have peace in your heart.
If you ask from within
for peace, it will come.
16 April 1935
When the heart and the
mind are at peace, the rest naturally follows.
26 July 1936
There is no greater
peace than that of a pure mind.
Solace in the mind: a
silent peace.
― 146
The vast peace and the
calm are there, ready for you to open to them and receive them.
11 September 1937
Let the vast peace of
the Divine penetrate you entirely and initiate all your m
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/Gratitude-and-Faithfullness.htm
Gratitude and Faithfulness
Gratitude: it is you who
open all the closed doors and let the Grace which saves penetrate deeply.
A loving recognition of
the Grace received from the Divine.
A humble recognition of
all that the Divine has done and is doing for you.
The spontaneous feeling
of obligation to the Divine, which makes you do your best to become less
unworthy of what the Divine is doing for you.
Detailed gratitude: the
gratitude that awakens in us all the details of the Divine Grace.
Integral gratitude: the
whole being offers itself to the Lord in absolute trust.
Mental gratitude: the
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/Yogic-Action.htm
From the standpoint of
Yoga it is not so much what you do but how you do it that matters most.
It is not so much the
act that matters, but the consciousness in which it is done. So all is well and
do not torment yourself. My love is always with you.
24 March
From the point of view
of a spiritual life, it is not what you do that
matters most, but the way in which it is done and the consciousness you put
into it. Remember always the Divine and all you do will be an expression of the
Divine Presence.
all your actions are consecrated to the Divine, there will be no longer
activities that are superior and activities that are infe
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/Ascetic-Practice.htm
The true attitude is
neither to be an ascetic nor to indulge in desire. The true attitude is to take
in all simplicity what I give, to be perfectly satisfied with it and neither to
ask for more nor to refuse what is given. This is the true example to give, the
one that can help the others towards a better understanding of their duties as sadhaks.
Remain my child, simple,
quiet and content, and all will be all right.
5 October
A sannyasi
who makes demands is not sincere. To be sincere a sannyasi
must be perfectly satisfied with what is given to him and ask for nothing more.
In all that happens to him, he must see the Divine's Grace an
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/Meditation.htm
When you sit in
meditation you must be as candid and simple as a child, not interfering by your
external mind, expecting nothing, insisting on nothing. Once this condition is
there, all the rest depends upon the aspiration deep within you. And if you
call upon Divinity, then too you will have the answer.
26 January 1935
Each meditation ought to
be a new revelation, for in each meditation something new happens.
Even if you are not
apparently successful in your meditation, it is better to persist and to be
more obstinate than the opposition of your lower nature.
I would like to know from you if it is good for
me to devote more
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/precontent.htm
The Mother
- 1960
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/Trust-in-Divine Grace-and-Help.htm
The divine Grace
alone shall be our support.
The Grace is infinite
for him who sincerely trusts the Grace.
15 March 1935
The Divine Grace is
always with you and by your trust you allow its action to be effective.
It is in proportion to
our trust in the Divine that the Divine Grace can act for us and help.
Integral trust in the
Divine: the trust that gives the true support to life.
Our trust in the Divine
must not depend upon outward circumstances.
Very few are those who
can stand firm on the rock of their faith and trust in the Divine.
Resource name: /E-Library/Works of The Mother/English/CWMCE/Words of The Mother_Volume-14/Work-as-an-Offering-to-Divine.htm
Work as an Offering to the Divine
Let us offer our work to the Divine; this is the sure means of
Consciousness develops best through work done as an offering to the
Indolence and inaction end in tamas: that is a fall into unconsciousness; it is contrary
to all progress and light.
To overcome one's ego, to live only in the service of the Divine −
that is the ideal and the shortest way towards acquiring the true
You must do the work as an offering to the Divine and take it as part of
your Sadhana. In that spirit the nature of the work
is of little importance and you