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Resource name: /E-Library/Compilations/English/Sri Aurobindo^s Messages/The Old Yoga and the New Goal.htm
Section II: On Yoga
The Old Yoga and the New Goal
(An excerpt from a personal letter
of Sri Aurobindo to his brother, Barin. Original in Bengali, written around
What I started with, what Lele gave me,
what I did in jail — all that was a searching for the path, a circling around
looking here and there, touching, taking up, handling, testing this and that of
all the old partial yogas, getting a more or less complete experience of one and
then going off in pursuit of another. Afterwards, when I came to Pondicherry,
this unsteady condition ceased. The indwelling Guru of the world indicated my
path to me completely, its full theory...
The Miracle of Birth
I saw my soul a traveller through Time;
From life to life the cosmic ways it trod,
Obscure in the
depths and on the heights sublime,
Evolving from the worm into the god.
A spark of the eternal Fire, it came
To build a house in Matter for the Unborn.
The inconscient sunless Night received the
In the
brute seed of things dumb and forlorn
Life stirred and Thought outlined a
gleaming shape
Till on the
stark inanimate earth could move,
Born to somnambulist Nature in her sleep,
A thinking creature who can hope and love.
Still by slow steps the miracle goes on,
The Immortal's gra
Resource name: /E-Library/Compilations/English/Sri Aurobindo^s Messages/Arise, Transcend thyself, Become Thyself.htm
Arise, Transcend thyself, Become
This is thy work and the aim of thy being
and that for which thou art here, to become the divine superman and a perfect
vessel of the Godhead. All else that thou hast to do, is only a making thyself
ready or a joy by the way or a fall from thy purpose. But the goal is this and
the purpose is this and not in power of the way and the joy by the way but in
the joy of the goal is the greatness and the delight of thy being. The joy of
the way is because that which is drawing thee is also with thee on thy path and
the power to climb was given thee that thou mightest mount to thy own summits.
If thou h
Resource name: /E-Library/Compilations/English/Sri Aurobindo^s Messages/Key-word of the Earth^s Riddle.htm
-04_Key-word of the Earth^s Riddle.htm
Key-word of the Earth's Riddle
The involution of a superconscient Spirit
in inconscient Matter is the secret cause of this visible and apparent world.
The key-word of the earth's riddle is the gradual evolution of a hidden
illimitable consciousness and power out of the seemingly inert yet furiously
driven force of insensible Nature. Earth-life is one self-chosen habitation of a
great Divinity and his aeonic will is to change it from a blind prison into his
splendid mansion and high heaven-reaching temple.
Evolution is nothing but the progressive
unfolding of Spirit out of the density of material consciousness and the gradual
Resource name: /E-Library/Compilations/English/Sri Aurobindo^s Messages/Sri Aurobindo on Religion.htm
Section III: (On Sociology)
Sri Aurobindo on Religion
The spiritual life (adhyātma-jīvana),
the religious life {dharma-jīvana) and the ordinary human life of which
morality is a part are three quite different things and one must know which one
desires and not confuse the three together. The ordinary life is that of the
average human consciousness separated from its own true self and from the Divine
and led by the common habits of the mind, life and body which are the laws of
the Ignorance. The religious life is a movement of the same ignorant human
consciousness, turning or trying to turn away from the earth towards the Divine,
but as yet without knowle
The Integral Yoga
What is the integral Yoga?
It is the way of a complete God-realisation,
a complete Self-realisation, a complete fulfilment of our being and
consciousness, a complete transformation of our nature — and this implies a
complete perfection of life here and not only a return to an eternal perfection
This is the object, but in the method also
there is the same integrality, for the entirety of the object cannot be
accomplished without an entirety in the method, a complete turning, opening,
self-giving of our being and nature in all its parts, ways, movements to that
which we realise.
Our mind, will, heart, life, body, our
Words of the Mother:
There is an ascending evolution in nature
which goes from the stone to the plant, from the plant to the animal, from the
animal to man. Because man is, for the moment, the last rung at the summit of
the ascending evolution, he considers himself as the final stage in this
ascension and believes there can be nothing on earth superior to him. In that he
is mistaken. In his physical nature he is yet almost wholly an animal, a
thinking and speaking animal, but still an animal in his material habits and
instincts. Undoubtedly, nature cannot be satisfied with such an imperfect
result; she endeavours to bring out
Aurobindo's Message
Matter shall reveal the Spirit's face.
— Sri Aurobindo
Words of Sri
Section I (On
Existence is not an illusion
The Miracle of Birth
Key-word of the
Earth's Riddle
Next Approaching Step
of the Earth's Evolution
Destiny of Our
Troubled Human Existence
Arise, Transcend
thyself, Become Thyself
Section II (On
The Old Yoga and the
New Goal
The I
Resource name: /E-Library/Compilations/English/Sri Aurobindo^s Messages/How Society Should Regard the Individual.htm
How Society Should Regard the
The true and full spiritual aim in society
will regard man not as a mind, a life and a body, but as a soul incarnated for a
divine fulfilment upon earth, not only in heavens beyond, which after all it
need not have left if it had no divine business here in the world of physical,
vital and mental nature. It will therefore regard the life, mind and body
neither as ends in themselves, sufficient for their own satisfaction, nor as
mortal members full of disease which have only to be dropped off for the rescued
spirit to flee away into its own pure regions, but as first instruments of the
soul, the yet im