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Thirthieth Day's Proceedings
Mr. Norton continuing his
address said that amongst other things there was found a notebook
containing some items of expenditure under the heading of "marriage
expenditure" Counsel submitted that "marriage expenditure" referred to
bomb making.
The Chief Justice: I think
this is the book as to which criticism was made that it was not
discovered until the third search ?
Mr. Norton: My explanation
is this. The object which the police had in their mind was to discover
materials in connection with the bombs, arms and ammunitions and so on.
It did not occur to them that these boo
Second Day's Hearing
His Lordship resumed the
further hearing of the Alipore bomb case reference when Babu Bejoy
Krishna Bose continued his argument on behalf of Sailendra Nath Bose and
Krishnajibon Sanyal.
The Vakil observed that the
Muraripukar garden was used as a monastery for imparting religious and
political training, and the Goabagan house was used for making bombs in
November and December. This was evident from the confessions of Ullaskar
Dutt and Rishikesh Kanjilal. The appellants were found in the garden in
the garb of Sanyasis. It was also in evidence and that was the case for
the prosecution that new recr
-33_Fourteenth Day^s Proceedings.htm
Mr. Das continuing his
address said that on the previous day. he was dealing with the case of
Upendra Nath Banerjee and the "monkey" letter. Counsel had already
submitted that this was a suspicious letter the address whereof seemed
to be torn of and the postscript seemed to be in another ink. It was the
postscript which established the connection between the garden and
Seal’s Lodge. There was no evidence as to who wrote that letter. The
Sessions Judge compared the handwriting with that of another letter,
with which Counsel would deal in connection with the case of Sudhir.
The next document was
exhibit 776 which was a
-26_Seventh Day^s Proceedings.htm
Mr. Das continuing his
speech said that on Saturday he was dealing with the evidence of
Narendra Nath Mullick and their Lordships would remember that with
reference to the cross-examination of the garden watch witnesses he
mentioned three dates, namely, 17th , 24th and 25th
. With regard to the first two days he stated that Sarat Chandra Palit
was with him in Dooni Lal Seal’s garden, but Sarat Chandra Palit did not
support him. On the 25th , Narendra said, Chandi Charan was
with him, but the latter did not mention anything about it. With regard
to No. 4, Harrison Road counsel had pointed out to their lordships that
Narendra was n
Resource name: /E-Library/Compilations/English/Alipore Bomb Case/Reference-Eleventh Day^s Proceedings.htm
-80_Reference-Eleventh Day^s Proceedings.htm
His Lordship resumed the
further hearing of the reference in the Alipore Bomb case. The Advocate
General continuing his argument in the case against Birendra Chunder Sen,
one of the Sen brothers of Sylhet, referred to the various exhibits
against this accused. The book of explosive compound and the powder
found at Sylhet incriminated this accused. Besides those there was the
statement which Biren made before Mr. Kemp, District Superintendent of
Police, to the effect that he had borrowed Rs. 8 from Barindra Kumar
Ghose. This could not be concocted by the police for it was amply
corroborated by the postal money order rece
-70_Reference-First Day^s Hearing.htm
Justice Sir Richard Harrington, Bart.
Babu Bejoy Krishna Bose in
opening the case said that the case for the prosecution was that the
appellants were members of a gang whose object was to wage war against
the King- Emperor and several places were mentioned by the prosecution
as the haunt of the conspiracy. In pursuance of that conspiracy five
overt acts were committed. Of those five two were futile attempts upon
the train carrying Sir Andrew Fraser, late Lieutenant Governor of
Bengal, near Chandernagar on the East-Indian Railway. The police had no
information of these two attempts and they came to know of them when
Defence Exhibits.
A—Duplicate copy of search
list marked Ex. 29/1-3
B —Envelope with "On Her
Majesty's Service".
C —Deposition of S. I.
Satis Banerjea, P. W. 185, Lower Court.
D — Do. Abdul Noor, P. W.
18, Do.
E—Application of P. C. Biswas to Chief Presidency Magistrate, dated 5th May 1908.
F—Police chalan, dated 10th
June 1908
G —A pencil plan, dated
2Ist November 1908.
H.—Deposition of
Superintendent Cregan, P. W. 2, (1st batch).
H / 1, — Do. do. (2nd
I.—Search warrant, dated
1st May :908.
J.—Search warrant, dated
1st May 1908.
J/a.— Do. dated 2nd May
J.—Deposition of
Superintendent Merriman, P.
Twenty - Third Day's Proceedings
Mr. Das continuing his
argument referred to the "Mukti Kon Pathe" and said that on the 1st
July the proof sheets of this book were found and seized by the police
in the "Yugantar" office. No action was taken by the police for several
months and thinking that there was nothing wrong Abinash published the
book. Counsel was proceeding on the assumption that Abinash did publish
this book. If his story was true, as he said, it was no evidence of
Carnduf J : Which story ?
Mr. Das : What I am stating
Carnduff, J : Assuming he
did publish
Resource name: /E-Library/Compilations/English/Alipore Bomb Case/Thirty Nineth Day^s Proceedings.htm
-58_Thirty Nineth Day^s Proceedings.htm
Mr. Norton continuing his
argument on behalf of the Crown said that on Friday evening when the
court rose he was dealing with the case of the two Sen brothers. Mr.
Norton after reading the evidence of the search witnesses went on
dealing with the exhibits, that were found in the house of the two
Counsel next dealt with the
case against Susil. Exhibit 475 was Biren’s diary containing writings of
Susil. " I am going to the lap of one, who is the mother of thirty
crores of sons "was the expression written there by Susil. The case for
the prosecution was that Susil contemplated about going to the garden.
Resource name: /E-Library/Compilations/English/Alipore Bomb Case/Twenty Seventh Day's Proceedings.htm
Twenty Seventh Day's Proceedings
Mr. Norton continuing his
address said that on Tuesday he dealt finally with regard to “Yugantar". Counsel had placed extracts from all the issues available to
the Crown for the purpose of enabling their Lordships to see the general
tenor of those articles and he had shown to their Lordships that the
objects of those who ran the "Yugantar" was really to stir up revolution
and to stir it up in the guise of appeal to patriotism which was based
upon absolutely untrue representations about the financial draining of
the country, violation of female modesty and temples, etc.
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