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For my uncle Nolinaksha-babu's wedding, Kazi Nazrul
Islam came to our house. He was my uncle's friend. He also the friend of my eldest
uncle, Fenu Bhattacharya Calcutta, Kaka had a music-school and I believe his friendship with Nazrul was linked to this.
A Muslim being invited to a Brahmin's wedding? What
he be a poet? Some members of the family had raised the i and some had even
objected to it. Obviously none from family raised any objection; on the
contrary, everyone delighted that Nazrul had accepted the invitation.
Nazrul came to know about this probably through run
and so he composed a song on the day of the wedding it And set it at once to
music. He sang
those times. This huge house occupies a very large area. Obviously it was the residence of the first governor-general of British Asia. And this is what is called divine irony.
In the beginning Hastings was an ordinary clerk at the English head-office at Kasimbazaar. When Nawab Sirajuddala
attacked Calcutta he ordered all the Englishmen in
Kasimbazaar to be killed. Hastings in order to save himself
sought refuge at Kantomudi's whose actual name was Krishnakant Nandi. He was of the 'tili' caste. Everybody called
him 'Kantomudi'. Ignoring danger to his own life this
Kantomudi then offered refuge to Hastings by keeping him
hidden in a secure place for a few days. Hastings survived
Part - II
Note from the Publisher
Dada (Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya) is present in his
office every morning from 8.30 to 11.45. During this time boys, girls and
growing-ups from the Ashram come to see him. He also receives visitors. They all
have something to ask him and he answers their questions. The visitor goes back
happy. All those who are present in his office also enjoy his replies as well as
all the stories and humorous incidents he recounts. Time is happily spent.
Amalesh Bhattacharya who has transcribed these
conversations sits in a corner of the office and quietly notes everything down.
The present selection of these jottings is the seco
"But you give me money for my pocket-expenses. If,
I don't buy anything then what will I do with the money? I don't lack anything,
I replied."
From the savings I made of the money given
to me Mother I bought a watch for my own mother, a small watch made in
Switzerland. It was as small as a ting My mother showed this to the Divine
Mother and to that I had gifted it to her.
The Mother asked me later: 'You gave your
mother a watch? How much did you spend?'
"Just sixty rupees. Mother. It was from the
saving! from your money."
The Mother didn't say anything more.
While Dada was talking to us a lady came and
wished him for his coming birthday. She ask
The Mother and Sri Aurobindo want us to transform all
the impurities of our lower nature and raise them to conscious Truth. To transform human life into God-life, into divine life.
We cannot give it up and become indifferent. We have to get
down into this life and purify it. Like descending into hell and
converting it into heaven. The Mother said that Sri Aurobindo was of the line of Shiva. Shiva is the Lord of transformation.
Sri Aurobindo's yoga too is in that line.
Someone asked: 'Dada, it has been said that Sri Aurobindo
used to appreciate your physical build and grace very much.'
This reference to his being praised made Dada a little hesitant. But seeing ou
My dear Pranab,
I thank you for your characteristically generous
response to my letter. Agreeing with you that we have to wait in patience, I
wanted to let matters lie there. But of late there is a feeling that I must amplify
my thinking.
First let me assure you that there is no question
of diluting the tradition of the Guru. It is understood that for all time to come Sri
Aurobindo and the Mother will continue to be the Gurus for every one taking to the
path of Integral Yoga. There cannot be a successor to the Mother. When Dakshinapada
asked Her (unwisely) in the early fifties: 'Sri Aurobindo has left us, one day you
also will leave us. Then who is to l
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