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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/Memorable Contacts with The Mother/The Last Ray.htm
Our meeting with the Mother proceeded in this manner, T
and K together, and myself alone, reading our respective
matters on alternate days. She had no further comments to
make on my Talks. Probably at the end of March 1973, she
fell ill and all our meetings stopped. When she had
recovered, some interviews were gradually resumed. I
think it was at this time I had my last darshan. As usual, I
was waiting outside for my turn though I was almost
certain that I would not be called since she had just come
out of her illness. Still I had to go and wait, for none could
predict the Mother's ways. And this was precisely what
happened. I was called in. She was lying
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/Memorable Contacts with The Mother/The Mother^s Ways of Action.htm
-09_The Mother^s Ways of Action.htm
The Mother gave me some apparently simple and trivial
work whether as a test or with a deeper intention, I cannot
say. But this we knew that she had almost always an occult
or hidden purpose behind her movements. Sometimes she
would disclose it. At any rate we were supposed to take it
as a matter of discipline. I am afraid, my nature was not so
obedient and thus I failed to cooperate with her at times.
She asked me, for example, to give instructions in anatomy
and physiology to a young girl who had come from
outside. I could not understand why a girl who intended
probably to stay here, and would never take up a medical
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/Memorable Contacts with The Mother/Revelation.htm
For days in succession, the Mother was unusually sweet
with me during the morning Pranam. She would hold my
hands, look intently into my eyes smiling all the while so
bewitchingly that it would be difficult for me to turn away
my gaze. As the other people around were watching with
keen interest this mysteriously ecstatic communion, I used
to feel embarrassed, but the Mother paid no attention and
was absorbed in what she was doing. I felt as if she were
looking into my very soul and suffusing my whole being
with light. But what was the reason for it all, I could not
tell. My friends, very much intrigued, would ask me
afterwards for a clue. I had to disappoin
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/Memorable Contacts with The Mother/Loss of Personal Contacts.htm
FROM 1963 -
In the year 1962, probably after April, a long period of
personal contact with the Mother came to an end and was
resumed in 1966. For she fell seriously ill. As a result all
the interviews had to be suspended. When she recovered
she stopped coming down altogether. The personal contacts were re-established only with those who were in
charge of the departments. Interviews were granted to
people on their birthdays and they used to take place in
the Music Room on the second floor.
On the first of February, 1963, the month of her birth, I
had a strange experience during my morning meditation.
It lasted about an ho
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/Memorable Contacts with The Mother/The Great Moment.htm
Memorable Contacts with The Mother
Om Namo Bhagavaté
Sketches by the Mother:
Self-portrait - Sri Aurobindo
It was in the first week of January 1930.
At about 3 p.m., I reached Dilip K, Roy's place. "Oh,
you have come! Let us go," he said, and cutting a rose
from his terrace-garden he added, "Offer this to the
Mother." When we arrived at the Ashram he left me at the
present Reading Room saying, "Wait here." My heart was
beating nervously as if I were going to face an examination. A stately chair in the middle of the room attracted
momentarily my attention. In a short wh
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/Memorable Contacts with The Mother/Short Ascension.htm
The year 1966 is a memorable year for me: I had the
opportunity of renewing my contact with the Mother after
a long interval and it was one of the closest and happiest,
as if some old barrier had broken down. It came about in
an unexpected manner. Champaklal had fallen ill during
the last months of the year. Dr. Sanyal was treating him. I
was one of the attendants. When after recovery he went to
the Mother I accompanied him till he reached the door of
her room. Then he asked me to come inside with him.
Though I had a strong impulse, I hesitated to go without
previous permission, but he insisted and told the Mother
what he had done. She did
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/Memorable Contacts with The Mother/1960 Onwards.htm
I have said that from the year 1953 onward the Mother
spent the night in her room on the second floor. She used
to come down in the morning and go back, finishing all
her work, at night. Then a change took place: coming
down in the morning she would finish her work starting
with the Balcony darshan and ending with seeing a
particular group of people. It would last till noon, even a
little later. Then she went up for lunch. After a couple of
hours she came down, had her bath and began another
round of seeing the departmental heads and other people.
Near about 6 or 6.30 p.m. she would go up and retire for
the night. She had stopped going to the Tennis-groun
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/Memorable Contacts with The Mother/Medical Sadhana.htm
The story of my reversion to the medical job in spite of my
professed dislike for it is quite revealing. With no less
dislike had I been compelled in the first place to take up
the study of medicine. I must have been born under a
medical star whose influence ceased only after it had led
me to serve Sri Aurobindo in my capacity as a doctor.
Could I not then affirm that to be a medical gent was my
But the course it followed was a sinuous one. Let me
recount what led to my being transferred to the Dispensary in an unexpected manner. One day when I was doing
well in my timber-job, I wrote in an unguarded moment to
Sri Aurobindo that my medica
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/Memorable Contacts with The Mother/After 1950-New Relation.htm
1938-1950 was a long gap during which the story of my
relation with the Mother has been told in Twelve Years
with Sri Aurobindo. I need not repeat it here.
I could not sever my connection, however, with the
Dispensary all at once. When Sri Aurobindo's condition
had taken a settled turn and our respective duties had
been fixed, I began to attend to the patients during my off-
duty hours. I used to give a verbal report to the Mother
and Sri Aurobindo whenever there was any need for it.
Fortunately after a few years Dr. Nripendra came up and
took charge of the Dispensary. I was then relieved of the
burden of running up and down
I arrived a few days before the February Darshan and was
lodged in what was formerly called Boudé House near the
Ashram Press. A little far but otherwise a nice quiet place
on the seaside, ft was meant to be a halting station for the
newcomers or even a jumping-board for prospective
sadhaks. I had brought a silk dhoti for Sri Aurobindo
and a well-known Bengal perfume for the Mother. The
choice was made instinctively, or unthinkingly, if you like.
My niece was much amused to see my present for the
Mother and said with a laugh, "Do you imagine that the
Mother uses such ordinary perfumes?" I looked very
foolish. All the same, when an interview with her was
arranged, I took