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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/Sri Aurobindo- A dream-dialogue with children/Sri Aurobindo.htm
her little ones at the Mother's feet, as if asking
for her blessings. Two of them grew up to become Big Boy and Kiki, and Kiki was
the one who used to attend your meditations. She even had visions and
experiences so that her whole body would begin to quiver. But Big Boy was not
very impressed by all that and would often fight with her and beat her.
"And the cats were so well looked after, it was as
if they were royalty! There was always milk as well as fish for them, and.
sometimes you would feed them with your own hand. Nolinida said that the Mother
had made a pact of friendship with the King of the Cats. In fact, all kinds of
beings and spirits of the anima
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/Sri Aurobindo- A dream-dialogue with children/Sri Aurobindo.htm
was going to visit his friend Diderot who was in
prison. He had in his pocket a journal in which a question had been set for
discussion. Taking it out, he glanced at the question with a view to writing an
essay on it. Suddenly he felt innumerable ideas pouring down into his head in a
golden shower. Unable to bear the weight of this descent he lay down under a
tree and was lost in a swoon. When he came to he noticed that tears had coursed
down his cheeks uninterruptedly so that the front of his vest was soaked
through. But the article he wrote after this incident, though it reverberated
throughout the land and won him renown and rewards, did not contain even one
hundredth par
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/Sri Aurobindo- A dream-dialogue with children/Sri Aurobindo-A dream dialogue with children.htm
A dream-dialogue with children
One day after Sri Aurobindo's passing, I had a dream. I
saw that quite a number of children of our Ashram from
various age-groups had crowded into Sri Aurobindo's
room and were looking around with curious eyes. I
wondered how they had trespassed on Sri Aurobindo's
privacy. Who could have given them permission? But
the children took no notice of my presence and felt quite
at ease. This spectacle of innocence and ligh
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/Sri Aurobindo- A dream-dialogue with children/Sri Aurobndo.htm
and colleges, we started boycott - a word
which we were the first to use in India - and passive resistance, as well as
nonacceptance of British justice and of British goods. In short, it was, in
Gandhi's words, 'non-violent non-cooperation'. Simultaneously, in the
Yugantar were published articles on the need for a revolution. Thus, we
began a conflict on two fronts: with the government as well as with the
Moderates and their loyalty to the British. For these reasons, both the paper
and the National Party became very influential, all over the country. In the
history of Indian journalism I believe no other paper has ever equalled the
dramatic impact that the Bande Mataram had o
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/Sri Aurobindo- A dream-dialogue with children/Sri Aurobindo.htm
He greatly admired French culture and
wished to make it possible for the students from Baroda to pursue their higher
studies in France. But, unlike you, those boys did not seem keen about French.
Of course, you have the great privilege of studying French with the Mother
"You also taught French to Nolinida and
Amritada, didn't you?"
"Who told you that?"
"Everybody knows about it. Not only that,
the first books that they read were the works of Racine and Molière!"
Sri Aurobindo replied, "They were already
so learned that I could hardly start by teaching them the conjugations of verbs.
I believed that once they had learned to love the beauty and swe
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/Sri Aurobindo- A dream-dialogue with children/Sri Aurobindo.htm
"You think it was wrong to tell an untruth?
Perhaps... but can't you imagine what would have happened if I had revealed my
identity? The doctor would have informed the police right away and, amid general
rejoicing, the police commissioner would have clapped me in irons and led me
back to jail. The next day's papers would have carried dramatic headlines, such
as 'Midnight arrest of Aurobindo Ghose while trying to escape!' Isn't that so?
"Tell me, does it strike you as very strange that a
Yogi should have taken recourse to falsehood? You see, there is such a thing as
spiritual discernment, which is far above strict moral codes. And it is that
which indicates
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/Sri Aurobindo- A dream-dialogue with children/Sri Aurobindo.htm
helped me beyond all expectations. Earlier it had
been Mr. Drewett who had taught me personally, now it was the headmaster of St.
Paul's who took me in hand. This, I have noticed, is one of the finer traits in
the English character. If an Englishman grows fond of you or is impressed by
you, he will go to any length to help you."
"Didn't you feel lost and lonely among so many
English boys?" asked Aurobindoprasad.
"Why lonely? You mean because I was an Indian? But
at that age one is not supposed to have all those notions about racial
distinctions! Or perhaps I believed I was English myself, since I spoke like
them, dressed like them, in every way I was like them - whe
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Nirodbaran/English/Sri Aurobindo- A dream-dialogue with children/Sri Aurobindo.htm
several occasions some fun and enjoyment in the
company of my 'boys'. Do you want to hear about my arrest?"
Cries of 'Yes, yes,' rang out from all sides, while
Sri Aurobindo sat smiling.
"Listen, then. I have told you already, haven't
I, how well I was sleeping that early morning after a long night's
work, when suddenly the police barged in."
"Did they handcuff you?"
"Yes, and also tied a rope round my waist with
which they pulled me behind them. But that was later removed at the insistence
of the Moderate leader, Bhupen Basu."
"Why don't you start the story from the beginning?
Why did the police suddenly decide to arrest you?"
"It was not sudden at
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