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SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

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CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Publications/The Handbook on Plumeria/New And Dwarf Varieties.htm
  Tiilie Hughes Dean Conklin Daisy Wilcox Dwarf Deciduous Dwarf Deciduous Japanese Lantern   Tomlinson Aztec Gold  Mary Mora,   Page - 48 NEW AND DWARF VARIETIES   NEW VARIETIES   As we travel to different areas of the tropics each year we continually collect and evaluate new plumerias. Through our plant exchanges we have been fortunate in acquiring rare hybrids that are now under cultivation and study. One of t
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Publications/The Handbook on Plumeria/Plumerias in The Landscape.htm
Mela  Matson  Peachglow Shell   Espinda Carmen Hausten White  Grove Farm Loretta King Kalakaua   Page - 84 PLUMERIAS IN THE LANDSCAPE   DESIGNING WITH PLUMERIAS   One of our most memorable experiences of plumerias in the landscape occurred while visiting the Singapore Botanical Garden. We were walking along the rise of a small hill when suddenly below us were the tops of plumeria trees, a visual symphony of co
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Publications/The Handbook on Plumeria/Preface.htm
PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION   Since the publication of the third edition of The Handbook on Plumeria Culture, we've seen a meteoric rise in the popularity of plumerias. Plumerias are now available at specialty nurseries in many parts of the country and even more sources are found through mail order catalogs. The year 2000 has arrived, the dawn of a new millennium, one of unprecedented challenge and possibility. We wish to take this opportunity to thank all of our plumeria friends who have kept in touch these many years, telling us of their wonderful experiences with plumerias and oleanders (our second book). We remember them with deep affection. Among t
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Publications/The Handbook on Plumeria/Historical Data.htm
  Slaughter Pink Unnamed cultivar — Matrimandir Gardens Paul Weissich  Penang Peach lolani  Courtade Madame Poni  Pauahi Alii HISTORICAL DATA   DISTRIBUTION AND CL:IMATIC RANGE   Plumerias are indigenous to the New World Tropics, from southern Mexico to northern South America, especially the islands of the Caribbean. Due to their popularity and ease of culture, plumerias have been introduced into all tropical are
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Publications/The Handbook on Plumeria/precontent.htm
DEDICATION To our colleagues and friends, fellow travellers and seekers; To all who aspire for a " world of peace and harmony and for whom the language of the flowers and their spiritual message is the uplifting hand of beauty guiding us on the path to realization.
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Publications/The Handbook on Plumeria/Major Cultivars.htm
Puu Kahea  Kimi Moragne  Dwarf Singapore Kaneohe Sunburst  Kimo Lurline   Cindy Moragne  Cerise  Sally Moragne   Page - 30 MAJOR CULTIVARS   The following list describes nearly 60 named cultivars presently in cultivation. Of the thousands of plumeria hybrids throughout the world, these have been selected for a number of reasons. Firstly, almost all are recognized varieties, documented in various publica
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Publications/The Handbook on Plumeria/Nomenclature.htm
Plumeria obtusa var. Matrimandir Gardens, Auroville, India Plumeria obtusa Singapore Plumeria obtusa var. Matrimandir Gardens, Auroville, India — note pink bud Plumeria caracasana Wild collected in the Dominican Republic — Matrimandir Gardens, Auroville, India Plumeria (Cacaloxochiti) found in the Badianus Manscript, dated 1552, depicting partially opened flowers Plumeria stenopetala (P. stenophylla) Developing buds show- ing color
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Publications/The Handbook on Plumeria/Forward.htm
FORWARD   WITH ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS   For many the love of plumerias has blossomed with a visit to a tropical climate, especially Hawaii or the Caribbean. A first glance at these extraordinary tropical trees and shrubs, bedecked with hundreds of scented blooms in a rainbow of colors, has inspired thousands to attempt to transplant this magical, exotic experience to the home garden. Who would not wish to have the beauty and fragrance of Frangipani flowers for arrangements, to wear in the hair or to admire in the landscape even as they fall and carpet the earth. Thus, for many, begins a lifelong fascination and ambition, not merely to propagate and grow plumerias, often in cl
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Publications/The Handbook on Plumeria/Interestinhg Accounts.htm
AINTERESTING ACCOUNTS AND OBSERVATIONS   Plumerias are known for unusual habits that often go against the norm .... We have a mature plant that produced an inflorescence, and instead of falling off, it began to produce vegetative growth on top, sprouting new leaves as if it were a branch! At the Matrimandir gardens we named one plant 'Hexiad' because of its ability to consistently produce six-petalled flowers. Since vegetative reproduction assures us that a new plant will be identical to the plant from which it was taken, how is it that a cutting of a red cultivar will bloom pink or yellow the next year? Although we have not experienced this phenomena, close fri
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Publications/The Handbook on Plumeria/Glossary.htm
GLOSSARY   Acuminate. Tapering with somewhat concave sides to a protracted, acute point. Aestivation. The arrangement of the perianth or its parts in the bud. Anther. The pollen-bearing part of the stamen. Callus. In cuttings or on injuries, the thick new tissue that develops and covers the injury. Cambium. A layer of formative cells between the wood and bark in woody plants: the cells increase by division and differentiate to form new wood and bark. Cochleate. Coiled like a snail shell. Comose. Bearing a tuft of soft hairs. Corolla. The inner circle or second whorl of floral envelopes. (The outer whorl is the calyx.) Cultivar. A horticultural variety