
Acronyms used in the website

SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Narad/Disciples and Devotees/Mira Nakashima/Jon Yarnell and Mira Nakashima.jpg
Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Narad/Disciples and Devotees/Chamanlal Gupta/Chamanlal and Narad.jpg
Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Narad/Disciples and Devotees/Linda Schertzer/Linda and Vimal.jpg
Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Narad/Disciples and Devotees/Linda Schertzer/Linda.jpg
Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Narad/Disciples and Devotees/Daniel Wilms/Daniel Wilms at Nong Nooch Gardens in Thailand - surrounded by masses of Bougainvillea.jpg
Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Narad/Disciples and Devotees/Daniel Wilms/Daniel Wilms and August Timmermans in Thailand.jpg
Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Narad/Disciples and Devotees/Daniel/Daniel , lucie.jpg
Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Narad/Disciples and Devotees/Stephen Altman/Stephen Altman.jpg
Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Narad/Disciples and Devotees/Sampadananda Mishra, Dr./Sampadananda Mishra, Erika Toen, Sraddhalu, Geeta and H.P.jpg
Resource name: /Photo Gallery/Disciples/Narad/Disciples and Devotees/Sampadananda Mishra, Dr./Sampadananda02.jpg