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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Narads Diary/2007, July 11 (Kelly from Syracuse).htm
Kelly from Syracuse
July 11, 2007
My dear friend, Kelly Cutrone told me she would be with me in spirit when I had my surgery on June 12, 2007 to remove my gall bladder. Kelly is from Syracuse, New York. Vishnu, who was staying with me for two days before my operation and three days after is also from Syracuse. I thought this most interesting that two disciples who are so close to me are both from a small city in upstate New York.
When I was prepped for my surgery the nurse was very kind, compassionate, and gentle, making me as comfortable as possible. When I was wheeled out of the operating theatre
Vishnu said, “You were not in your body!” As I came
John Kelly
APRIL 17, 1966
We spent
last evening with John Kelly. Michel came but could only stay for a short
while. It was one of those vast evenings so difficult to describe. John
spoke of many of his experiences and his meetings with Mother and Sri
Aurobindo. I recorded the entire evening on
tape. Anne and I had heard these stories many times before but the inner
indication was to tape them this evening prior to John’s departure to India
this coming Monday. Anne and I later remarked that his description of these
events never varies. The meetings have been indelibly etched in his
consciousness and he repeats them word for word
In Gratitude
Nov 9, 2007
What could I ask for in this life that has not already been given? And that in far greater measure than one could conceive.
I have met the Mother, spoken with Her, knelt at her feet, received Her touch upon my head, Her initiation into the Integral Yoga with the opening of the heart when She put the fire in me, the fire that burns without heat. Her guidance, Her love, her blessings have been with me all these years.
I have met Sri Aurobindo in his home in the subtle physical on a number of occasions. He spoke to me, He touched me and in silence put the radiant power of His light and force into me to work things out in this life. He ha
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Narads Diary/2004, February 29, (Prayer, Golden Day).htm
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Narads Diary/2004 - To Mother on Returning to the United States.htm
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Narads Diary/1998, September 28 (Surgery Day) 05.htm
Surgery Day- Sept. 28, 1998-5
10:40 a.m.
And so, my love, the doctor has spoken and now we know the
end of this cycle of our life is near. You know, probably clearer than I,
being so pure and close to Them at this moment. My all too human prayers
would ask that you be at peace and relieved of pain for however much time
remains. But I know that the Grace abides in us and in thy name I will
aspire to be a more faithful and deserving servant of the Lord. I pray for
10:50 a.m.
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Narads Diary/1998, September 28 (Surgery Day) 06.htm
Surgery Day- Sept. 28, 1998-6
11:04 a.m.
Some hours ago I placed
your wedding ring over the tip of my small finger, forcing it down to
barely cover the nail so that it would seat firmly, perhaps throb a little
so that my lips, in synchronicity to my pulse's rhythm might repeat the
japa of Mother's name. How
shall I measure the magnitude of my love for thee?
Sun and stars are but footsteps away when I compare the vastness
of my love for thee. In
thy state of Gra
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Narads Diary/2005, (Tehmi and Plants and Animals).htm
Tehmi and Plants
and Animals
On this day in 1961 I arrived in
Pondicherry for the first time and was welcomed taken in by Dayabhai at the old Parc a
Charbon guest house. On the morning of the 24th I had my first darshan of the
I have spent
the last two hours with Tehmiben, reading Savitri and speaking of our lives in
the Ashram. She told me all about her childhood in Bhopal, her father who was a
fair tennis player and the chief surgeon of the area, in charge of a large
hospital for many years, and of her mother who never left her children alone and
would often tell them the same. She spoke of her years in school in Bombay and
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Narads Diary/2002, December 14 (Ashram and Gratitude).htm
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Narad/English/Narads Diary/2002, January 30 (Prayer to the Lord).htm
to the Lord
Jan 30, 2002
We pray, not to the One who is far from us, because He is
ever close and seated
behind the heart, but because we
aspire to keep present in the outer consciousness the unity and
that is fully alive within. In
prayer we build the bridge between our secret self, ever awake, and the
conscious mind and life-force.
Opening slowly and late to the radiant Presence within, around, above,
beneath and within, we are given glimpses of a Sun of Truth too powerful
to be