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Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man/A Deeper Question.htm
A Deeper Question
Henri Bergson
There is still a deeper question. Why do variations
occur? Whether they are small or great, gradual or abrupt, we cannot trace them
to the influence of the environment. For types without variations seem to be
just as well adapted as those with them. Darwin's view of chance variations is
virtually a confession of his inability to explain the source of variations.
Modifications and variations do not come singly but in complexes, involving many
minor and consequential modifications and variations. Each single small
variation is not independently selected. In other words, the organisms seem to
'vary' as a whole.
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man/An Experiment in Evolution.htm
An Experiment in Evolution
A distinctive feature of Sri Aurobindo's philosophy of
evolution is that it is not speculative; its premises and
conclusions are tested on the anvil of experimentation.
'The animal is a living laboratory in which Nature has,
it is said, worked out man. Man himself may well be a
thinking and living laboratory in whom and with whose
conscious cooperation she wills to work out the
superman, the god. Or shall we not say, rather, to
manifest God?' Indeed, Sri Aurobindo made an
experiment upon his entire integral being, using it as
an evolutionary laboratory, so as to evolve and
manifest higher and higher grades of consciousness
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man/precontent.htm
Some of the illustrations, photographs and pictures which appear in this
book were used as a part of an exhibition sponsored by the Ministry of
Education & Culture, Government of India, and organized by Indian
Council of Philosophical Research in November 1983. Dr. T. K. Sarkar, who
was at that time Director of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research,
was in charge of organizing this exhibition. We are indebted to the Ministry
of Education for their help and wish to put on record our gratitude to
A number of designs and photographs which have been reproduced in this
book have been selected fr
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man/Our Evolutionary Task.htm
Our Evolutionary Task
In the light of the foregoing, man can be conceived as
a laboratory of evolution in which Nature is
experimenting to bring about his mutation. But man is
a conscious being with a conscious will and
instrumentation of deliberate action. The evolutionary
force of Nature and man's will can therefore act and
react upon each other, and the entire human drama
can be seen as an enactment of this action and
reaction. If the consciousness of man can be widened,
intensified and heightened, it can learn the laws and
processes of evolution and master the art of
engineering the evolutionary movement, and it can, by
voluntary co-operation with the evolutionary wil
-06_What is the Secret of Nature^s Movement.htm
What is the Secret of Nature's Movement?
In the earliest stages of the movement of Nature, we
are met by the dumb secrecy of her inconscience.
There is no revelation of any significance or purpose in
her works, no hint of anything other than her
immediate preoccupation, which also seems to be for
ever her only business. Matter alone appears to be the
sole, dumb and stark cosmic reality.
If we were present there, conscious but uninstructed,
we would only have seen appearing out of a vast abyss
of an apparent non-existence an Energy busy with the
creation of Matter, a material world and material
objects, organizing the infinity of the inconscient int
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man/Marvel of the Mental Being.htm
Marvel of the Mental Being
If we were to go back to the stage when life had just emerged on the earth,
it could not have seemed possible to us that in this
little life, a mental being would emerge and create all
manner of utensils, erect cities, houses, temples,
theatres, laboratories, factories, chisel from it statues
and carve cave-cathedrals, invent architecture,
sculpture, painting, poetry and a hundred arts and
crafts, discover the mathematics and physics of the
universe, and live for the sake of knowledge, develop
into the thinker, the philosopher and scientist and
become even the hunter after the invisible, the mystic
and the spiritual seeker.
But i
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man/Evolutionary Crisis of Mankind.htm
Evolutionary Crisis of Mankind
At a deeper level, we may find that the discontent of the
contemporary man is a manifestation of the crisis that
mankind is undergoing today. That the present situation
of mankind is critical is admitted widely. In gross terms,
the threat of thermonuclear weapons to the very survival
of mankind and to the ecological condition of the earth is
directing leaders of the world, not only in the political
field, but in practically every important field, to themes
relevant to deeper levels of consciousness, even ethical
and spiritual. It is clearly recognized that science alone
cannot save the world or give to it the happiness and
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man/The Process of Evolution.htm
The Process of Evolution
Charles Darwin (1809-82)
The process of evolution was detected in ancient
times. Both in India and in Greece, there were
important ideas of evolution. In modern times, the
theory of evolution is mainly the work of Linnaeus
(1707-78), Buffon (1707-88), Erasmus Darwin
(1731-1802), Lamarck (1744-1829), Charles Darwin
(1809-82) and his followers.
On the Origin of Species written by Charles Darwin
(1859) gave details and demonstrations of his scientific
theory of evolution, according to which, life on the
earth evolved by a gradual and yet continuous process
from the earliest forms of living organs to the latest
product, man. Natur
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man/Man is a Transitional Being.htm
Man is a Transitional Being
Many questions arise.
It may be contended that the only statement of which we
are certain is that there are events, but there is no
warrant to admit that events have any internal or causal
connections among themselves or any plan or design
behind them. There is, in other words, no teleology. It is,
therefore, argued that every event is a 'chance event',
and that the quest of man to seek any meaning or
purpose or any teleological or evolutionary goal may
have some emotional significance but none in terms of
objective truth. But if we examine this view, we find that it
leaves us with some dissatisfying paradoxes. If
everything were a
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man/Discontent of the Contemporary Man.htm
Discontent of the Contemporary Man
The contemporary man, who has attempted to go beyond
superficialities in order to think, live and act at deeper
and higher levels, finds himself in a state of discontent.
He has witnessed the triumphs of science and
technology; he feels satiated but not satisfied. As for his
internal world, he asks if it is his goal to suppress the
limits to the expansion of his ego or to allow a free field
to the unlimited desires of the force of his egocentric vital
being; he seems to be wanting neither. A number of
mental ideas and ideals are competing with each other
for their full realization and fulfilment; for a time, he
chooses one i
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