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SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Child, Teacher and Teacher Education/Learning Teaching Process.htm
LEARNING-TEACHING PROCESS We are passing through a great transition. The old is becoming obsolete and the new is still in the process of emergence. The olds ways of learning and teaching are found to be too rigid and too outmoded. A greater application of psychological principles is being increasingly demanded. It has been urged that the training of the young requires on the part of the teacher a deep psychological knowledge. According to some thinkers, the present educational system is a huge factory of mis-education. According to them, the spontaneity of the child is smothered at an early stage by our mechanical methods which are prevalent in our educ
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Child, Teacher and Teacher Education/Notes on Value-Oriented Education.htm
NOTES ON RELATING TO VALUE-ORIENTED EDUCATION I Education is intrinsically and by definition value-oriented. To speak, therefore, of Value-Oriented education is, in a sense, tautologous. In fact, education is a subset of a larger setting of culture, and culture consists of cultivation of faculties and powers pertaining to reason, ethics and aesthetics in the light of the pursuit of Values of Truth, Beauty and Goodness (satyam, sivam, sundaram). Culture also consists of infusing the influences of this pursuit into physical and vital impulses, So as to refine them and sublimate them to the highest possible degrees, and to transmit
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Child, Teacher and Teacher Education/Preface.htm
PREFACE The children of today are different in the sense that they are: future-oriented; they tend to be more and more comprehensive, global and universal. they attach a great value to the virtues of friendship and commitment to the relations that are rooted in impartiality, team spirit and freedom from rigidities of conventions, dogmas and all the conflicts of ideologies that prevent free inquiry leading up to discoveries and inventions that will sub-serve the ideals of mutuality and harmony; their boundaries tend to be crossed by travels and fresh experiences, and they insist on integrality between profession and practices;
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Child, Teacher and Teacher Education/Philosophy of Spiritual Education 3.htm
PHILOSOPHY OF SPIRITUAL EDUCATION III (Rationale and Relationship with Integral Education) Why do we need Spiritual Education? What does it really mean? Is it practicable? And what reforms could we propose in our educational system so as to have the right place for spiritual education in it? All these are important and difficult questions, and within the short space here, we can only touch upon them very briefly and inadequately. We need spiritual education, firstly, because we want a true national system of education. Education, in order to be national, must reflect that basic urge, which is distinctive of our natio
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Child, Teacher and Teacher Education/precontent.htm
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Child, Teacher and Teacher Education/New Roles for the Teacher and Relevant Methods.htm
NEW ROLES FOR THE TEACHER AND METHODS RELEVANT TO TEACHER EDUCATION It is noteworthy that the role of the teacher is sought to be determined during the recent decades not only in the context of providing the dimension of values in our system of education but also in the context of providing more effective methods of education. These two contexts are not mutually exclusive, and they tend to lead to conclusions that converge upon the important point, namely, that the role of the teacher is not merely that of a lecturer. According to one extreme view, the method of lecturing should be eliminated altogether from our educ
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Child, Teacher and Teacher Education/Can Values Be Taught.htm
CAN VALUES BE TAUGHT? There is a profound Indian view about teaching which declares that the first principle of teaching is that nothing can be taught. This paradoxical statement may seem at first sight incomprehensible. But when we look closely into it, we find that it contains a significant guideline regarding the methodology of teaching. It does not prohibit teaching, since it is stated to be the first principle of teaching. It does, however, suggest that the methods of teaching should be such that the learner is enabled to discover by means of his own growth and development all that is intended to be learnt. It points out, in other words, that the role of
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Child, Teacher and Teacher Education/Philosophy of Spiritual Education 1.htm
PHILOSOPHY OF SPIRITUAL EDUCATION -1 There has been in the U.K. during the last two decades, a good deal of discussion on the theme of spiritual education. Apart from brilliant papers by Mac Laughlin and several others, the paper by David Carr another by Michael Hand are not only instructive but provide us with analyses of the issues and also of the phrase 'spiritual education' which can be utilized properly in developing relevant and suitable pedagogy. David Carr examines three important conceptions of spirituality and spiritual education, the 'reductionist' or residual conceptions, "process" conceptions, and 'content' based conceptions.
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Child, Teacher and Teacher Education/Notes Relating to Spiritual Education.htm
NOTES RELATING TO SPIRITUAL EDUCATION There are three respects in which spiritual education will differ from religious education, and as a consequence, will render it free from the objection that it is inadmissible or controversial as far its relevance to common schools is concerned. * * * First of all, spiritual education will build itself on strong foundations of physical, vital and mental education, without which the sources of spiritual education will remain dry and infertile. * * * Secondly, spiritual education will combat dogmatism in regard to any theory or doctrine, — scientific, philosophical, theological, religiou
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Kireet Joshi/English/Child, Teacher and Teacher Education/Programme of Studies Related to Indian and Indian Values.htm
A PROGRAMME OF STUDIES RELATED TO INDIA AND INDIAN VALUES The chronology of events of Indian history is very complex, and our history books often present this chronology in such a way as to render a synoptic view of Indian history extremely difficult. In any case, our textbooks fail to present to our students a connected story of the development of essential ideas and movements which are directly related to the values which need to be underlined. A study of Indian history should be encouraged among all teacher-trainees, as one of the central aims of education is to provide to every student irrespective of