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SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 2/An Early Appreciation of Savitri.htm
PART V An Early Appreciation of Savitri A Few months ago waiting in the antechamber of the lecture hall of the Ramkrishna Institute of Culture, with Professor Spiegelberg of the Stanford University, as he was about to deliver his lecture, when he told me that after reading The Life Divine he had obtained the solution of many questions which had troubled him for the last ten years, I asked him what he thought of Sri Aurobindo's poetry. His only reply was: "Isn't it entirely Greek?" I was rather taken aback and asked him if he had read the two volumes of the Collected Poems, to which he replied that he had. I read a note of disappointment in his vo
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 2/Perspectives of Savitri I (A Review).htm
-030_Perspectives of Savitri I (A Review).htm Perspectives of Savitri I A Review "All the rest, these are preparations, but Savitri, it is the message," the Mother is reported to have said about Savitri. She is also quoted as having said, "To read Savitri is indeed to practice Yoga, spiritual concentration; one can find there all that is needed to realise the Divine." Little wonder then that such a varied enterprise seems to be developing around this single work—a Center of study and display devoted to Savitri, a web-site not tardy in populating cyberspace with its growing exegetical and exhibitionary paraphernalia, several known and unknown aspirants to the identity of presenters o
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 2/My Savitri Work with the Mother.htm
PART I My Savitri Work with the Mother tat savitur varam rūpam jyotiḥ parasya dhìmahi, yannaḥ satyena dipayet Savitri is Sri Aurobindo's mantric epic. He says in one of his letters: Savitri is the record of a seeing, of an experience which is not of the common kind and it is often very far from what the general human mind sees and experiences. The work of illustrating the whole of Savitri through paintings was given to me by the Divine Mother on 6th October 1961. It was so great, so beyond the capacity of little instrument she had summoned, that only her Grace working in Sri Aurobindo's Lig
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 2/precontent.htm
Perspectives of Savitri The New Millennium Series Sri Aurobindo and the New Millennium R Y Deshpande Perspectives of Savitri in Ed: R Y Deshpande All Life In Yoga A Brief Biography of Sri Aurobindo R Y Deshpande Further volumes planned on Savitri, Vedic Studies, Spiritual, Literary, Cultural reviews and prospects. Sponsoroed and published by Aurobharati Trust, Pondicherry. Perspectives of Savitri Volume Two Editor R Y Deshpande Aurobharati Trust Pondicherry R Y Deshpande Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondich
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 2/Savitri-Some Aspects of its Style.htm
Savitri: Some Aspects of its Style 1 The end-stopped line beginning the story is a marked departure from the traditional invocation. The opening is also a little too long, much longer than the 26 line invocation of Paradise Lost, which gives a clear clue to Milton's theme. Sri Aurobindo takes time to state the gist of the theme, which may be gathered from the following lines: Her self and all she was she had lent to men, Hoping her greater being to implant That heaven might native grow on mortal soil.1 This is just a hint. The full significance of the story may only be known reaching the end of the poem. Milton
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 2/The Book of Beginnings- Savitri as a Path of Initiation.htm
PART II The Book of Beginnings: Savitri as a Path of Initiation Our journey starts in the morning, the hour of the "symbol dawn". Turn the first page of Savitri and a door opens within. On this threshold pause, while Sri Aurobindo's vision unfolds to the inner eye. Around us the star-field stretches to infinity, but now look down to where, far below, a dark planet moves ponderously in its orbit around the sun. Sri Aurobindo is showing us our earth "abandoned in the hollow gulfs". He calls upon all the resources of the English language as if to counterbalance with the weight of his words the sullen inertia of the circling g
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 2/The Ballad of Savitri.htm
The Ballad of Savitri PART I Savitri was the only child Of Madra's wise and mighty king; Stem warriors, when they saw her, smiled, As mountains smile to see the spring. Fair as a lotus when the moon Kisses its opening petals red, After sweet showers in sultry June! With happier heart, and lighter tread, Chance strangers, having met her, past, And often would they turn the head A lingering second look to cast, And bless the vision ere it fled. What was her own peculiar charm? The soft black eyes, the raven hair, The curving neck, the rounded arm, All these are common every
Title:          View All Highlighted Matches
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 2/The Call of Saraswati- Savitri Relation to Sanskrit Poetry.htm
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 2/Some Reflections on Savitri.htm
Some Reflections on Savitri 1: Guidance from the Mother on Savitri In February 1967 an exhibition of Huta's paintings of Savitri was held at the Ashram. After seeing it I wrote to the Mother: "The Savitri exhibition is full of images of Savitri, the ascent of the being, the descent of divinity and the divine play, from which radiates a light, as beautiful as powerful, similar to that which I see near You. Is this my imagination or is it true?" The Mother answered: "It is quite true and I am glad that you saw it." Later, in 1968 and 1969, on occasions, I referred some lines from Savitri to her and got her comments. Sri Aurobindo has wri
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 2/Apropos of Savitri.htm
Apropos of Savitri Part One Introducing Savitri tat savitur varam rūpam jyotiḥ parasya dhìmahi ! yannah satyena dipayet ! Let us meditate on the most auspicious form of Savitṛ, the Light of the Supreme which shall illumine us with the Truth.1 This is Sri Aurobindo's Gayatri Mantra. The meditation is on the auspicious form of the Sun, the Sun of Divine Light. The Mantra affirms that the Light shall illumine us with the Truth. It shall illumine all the parts of our being, even the very physical. In it shall be our true progress. The threefold reality of Sat-Chit-Ananda shall express itself in this creation. Even the physical shall