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SABCL - Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library

CWSA - Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

CWM - Collected Works of The Mother

Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 1/Respecting Savitri.htm
Respecting Savitri Sri Aurobindo considered Savitri as his "main work"1 and out of his precious time allotted every day two and a half hours for its composition. This was in the late forties when the tempo of work had speeded up considerably. In fact he was otherwise engaged with it almost for fifty years though with some long gaps in between. Today we have a poem written in pentametric blank verse form running almost to twenty-four thousand lines. Divided into twelve Books as is the tradition for an epic, it has forty-eight Cantos and an Epilogue. Part I consisting of the first twenty-four Cantos was published about twelve weeks before Sri Aurobindo's passing awa
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 1/The Rhythm of Savitri.htm
PART IV The Rhythm of Savitri -l- The rhythms of Savitri are the footsteps heard in the corridors of the soul. The themes of Savitri are each one's deepest secret, one's most private dealings with the Universal and the Transcendent. One has no right to interfere, to come in between, to put words and thoughts where insights and visions are the transforming agents. One needs an excuse to write on Savitri, to break the silence which underlies every word and line. There may be no excuse, but there sure is the joy of working with, and on, Savitri and of sharing discoveries of beauty and rhythm. Sri Aurobindo explained an
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 1/Savitri and Paradise Lost-A Comparative Study in Method and Style.htm
Savitri and Paradise Lost A Comparative Study in Method and Style Milton marks an august and robust departure from the past in poeticcai form, expression and diction. He marks a new era in poetical style, method, the use of the language with a new synthetical approach. All this is due to his genius, his masterful personality and his extraordinary control over the languages both English and continental. Whatever did not agree with his views, his method, he rejected. Whatever advanced his concepts, ran along his egoistic lines, expressed his vital personality that he accepted freely. Thus his style is closely li
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 1/Appendices.htm
APPENDICES Page-551 Decended into earth's imperfect mould And wept not fallen to mortality, But looked on all with large and tranquil eyes. One had returned from the transcendent planes And bore anew the load of mortal breath, Who had striven of old with our darkness and our pain; She took again her divine unfinished task: Survivor of death and the aeonic years, Once more with her fathomless heart she fronted Time. Again there was renewed, again revealed The ancient closeness by earth-vision veiled, The secret contact broken off in Time, A consanguinity of earth and heaven, Between the human portion toiling he
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 1/The Drama of Integral Self-Realisation.htm
The Drama of Integral Self-Realisation The Spiritual Message of Sri Aurobindo's Savitri Sri Aurobindo's Savitri is an epic poem of high spiritual challenge in the Yoga or Divine Union or Goal of Self-Realization it presents. Its spiritual conception is so all-encompassing, so integral that it gives birth to a power which transforms life on earth to a life of divine activity rather than leading to an escape from life. The epic is the mantric expression of this great seer-sage's inner findings and conquests, leading to his vision of an age of truth-consciousness and immortality. It portrays in living drama the daring climb within of a k
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 1/Pativrata-Mahatmya.htm
PART VI Pativrata-Mahatmya (Woman's Love) True to their word the sons of Pandu went with Draupadi into exile, and passed twelve years in the wilderness; and many were the incidents which checkered their forest life. Krishna, who had stood by Yudhishthir in his prosperity, now came to visit him in his adversity: he consoled Draupati in her distress, and gave good advice to the brothers. Draupadi with a woman's pride and anger still thought of her wrongs and insults and urged Yudhishthir to disregard the conditions of exile and recover his kingdom. Bhima too was of the same mind, but Yudhishthir would not be moved from his plighted word.
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 1/Savitri —- A Factual Account of its Composition.htm
-007_Savitri —- A Factual Account of its Composition.htm Savitri —- A Factual Account of its Composition Savitri is the supreme revelation of Sri Aurobindo's vision* It is my task to give here factual account of the long process that led to Savitri in its final form. As the grand epic has captured many hearts all over the world by its supernal beauty, I thought that they would be much interested in the history of its growth, development and final emergence — the birth of the Golden Child. But I own that it is a formidable task. Though I had the unique good fortune to see Sri Aurobindo working on the epic in its entire revised version, and had some small share in being its scribe, to tr
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 1/Savitri — The Word of Sri Aurobindo.htm
-005_Savitri — The Word of Sri Aurobindo.htm PART II Savitri — The Word of Sri Aurobindo -l- Savitri, the poem, the word of Sri Aurobindo is the cosmic Answer to the cosmic Question. And Savitri, the person, the Godhead, the Divine Woman is the Divine's response to the human aspiration. The world is a great question mark. It is a riddle, eternal and ever-recurring. Man has faced the riddle and sought to arrive at a solution since he has been given a mind to seek and interrogate. What is this universe? From where has it come? Whither is it going? What is the purpose of it all? Why is man here? What is the object of his existence? Such is the mode of human
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 1/Savitri as an Epic.htm
Savitri as an Epic This is the age of what is called 'modernist' poetry and the possibility of an epic being written in modem times is strongly discounted. It is supposed that an epic requires a certain primitive atmosphere for its birth and growth, and the modem age is not suitable for it. Although in some of their latest tendencies in painting, sculpture and poetry the modernists are trying hard to reproduce primitivism, it is considered a practical impossibility to attempt a great epic, and succeed, because reason dominates and materialism is a living force today. But Sri Aurobindo has made the impossible possible. He has written an epic of the New Age.
Resource name: /E-Library/Disciples/Deshpande, R. Y./English/Perspectives of Savitri Part 1/An Approach to Sri Aurobindo^s Savitri.htm
-020_An Approach to Sri Aurobindo^s Savitri.htm An Approach to Sri Aurobindo's Savitri 1. A Legend and a Symbol The great epic, the epic of epics, one of the four pillars of the stupendous structure of supramental work, may from a point of view be regarded and studied as an epitome of the unimaginable labour of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. This they undertook for hewing out the path of supramental realisation, for divinising man and heavenising the earth. In particular it epitomises the holocaust of the Mother in her gigantic work of breaking the rocks of the inconscient world, for laying the foundation of physical immortality. The day will come when poets, philosophers, and